The boys on the dock heard the gunshots in the cabin. Have you seen Dasha coming out now?

I knew in my heart what was happening in the cabin.

One of Dasha's cronies pulled Du Yuesheng and asked,"Ah Sheng, where's Dasha, were they killed by them?"

They only heard the sound of gunshots, so they naturally thought it was Lin Huizu who had done it.

Du Yuesheng looked at Chen Hua. As long as he got rid of him, he would be the only one in Saigon Pier from now on.

There was a hint of viciousness in his eyes, and he said slowly:"Brother Hua, he was the one who killed Brother Silly, but he has a gun in his hand now. We are not his opponent, but I have found out his address. We will call him in the evening." Brother Shang killed him secretly and avenged Brother Silly."

Chen Hua nodded:"Okay, Ah Sheng, I believe you!"

Tony saw Du Yuesheng and Chen Hua secretly discussing something aside.

Lin Huizu went to Lin Huizu's side and whispered:"Brother Zu, I don't know what the second or fifth boy is whispering about. Do you want to kill him before leaving?"

Lin Huizu naturally saw Du Yuesheng's actions, but He believed that Du Yuesheng would not be stupid enough to join forces with Chen Hua to kill him.

He will not let go of his position as Saigon talker and foolishly share the territory with Chen Hua.

"Don't worry about him, he's a smart guy and knows what to do and what not to do"

"I will ask Louis to ship the red wine later. Since you are going to sea anyway, why not bring a shipment of goods there, open up the sales first, and see the market effect."

"Okay, Brother Zu."

Lin Huizu was about to leave, accompanied by Du Yuesheng.

Suddenly a familiar and beautiful figure blocked his way.

Seeing the person clearly, Lin Huizu couldn't help but laugh.

"Officer Meiko, long time no see. Aren’t you from the major crime team? Why were you transferred to the traffic team?"

Meazi, who was dressed as a traffic police officer, got angry when she saw Lin Huizu.

If it weren't for this bastard, she wouldn't have been transferred from the serious crime team and came here to direct traffic!

Meazi said expressionlessly,

"Get out of the car. I now suspect you are carrying a gun and want to conduct a full body search on you."

"You, a traffic policeman, don't seem to have the right to search me, right? Lin

Huizu said with a smile

"The traffic police are also police. Get off the car immediately, otherwise I will take coercive measures against you."

Lin Huizu finally got out of the car reluctantly and was pushed on the hood by Meazi.

This action made the two of them somewhat familiar. Last time at the police station, Meiko faced Lin Huizu in this posture..

But now the positions of the two have been reversed, with Lin Huizu in front and Yaozi in the back.

Yaozi pinched Lin Huizu hard during the body search in retaliation.

Fortunately, he had thrown away the gun just now, otherwise It's hard to explain after being searched by this little girl.

Meiko was also a little confused:"I heard gunfire just now, why can't I find it?""

"Open the car. I want to check inside your car now."

Lin Huizu opened the car, and Yazi searched for a long time.

He only found a box of condoms and a pair of lace panties that Fang Ting left in the car that night.

Yazi frowned when he saw it:"What's going on in your car? A woman's personal belongings"

"Sir, it's just a personal hobby. It's not illegal to collect underwear, right?"

"Not only a bastard, but a pervert! Yazi said with disgust, and then walked to the pier, trying to find some clues.

Seeing the policeman coming, the boys on the pier were also very nervous. After all, they just saw Lin Huizu shoot a boy in public.

What if the policeman came over? I know that someone died here, and those of them here have nothing to do with it, and they will all be taken back for investigation.

And since they are hanging around outside, their hands are more or less stained with blood, and they are very likely to be involved in the past.

Ya. I saw the blood on the ground and wiped it with the sole of my shoe. The blood was not dry yet and could be wiped off.

"What's going on? Why is there fresh blood on the ground?"

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Du Yuesheng responded quickly.

He quickly said:"Sir, we are at a dock here, and we often bring fresh seafood to eat. The blood stains on the ground are from the fish we just killed."

Chen Hua also followed Du Yuesheng's words and said:"Yes, Sir, our boss eats a grouper every morning, and he likes to eat freshly killed fish. If you don't believe it, you can take a look over there. There is half a piece of leftover grouper on it."

Meazi walked to the table over there and took a look.

There was indeed a leftover grouper.

"Your boss is so stupid, why can't he be seen?"

"Silly Brother left after eating. He didn't have to do errands on the dock like us coolies."

Du Yuesheng's words were impeccable. Yazi checked around and found nothing unusual.

"What do you think, Officer Meiko, do you want to take me to the police station again and torture me?"

Lin Huizu said with a wink, specifically emphasizing the word torture.

How could Meazi not understand the meaning of Lin Huizu's words, get on a motorcycle and leave angrily?

"Go quickly, don't let me meet you again next time!"

Lin Huizu smiled faintly. This girl is a bit interesting.

After getting rid of the Saigon Dasha, he returned to Bar Street. His subordinates have already investigated clearly. Jennifer is indeed a graduate of the Law Department of the University of Hong Kong.

He is on Red Circle Street. The law firm has also been open for half a year. It is indeed not deliberately arranged by others.

"It seems that I am overthinking it. Lin

Huizu said as he lit a cigarette.

With so many things happening recently, he will inevitably be more cautious.

Luo Tianhong took people to find the five wine suppliers last night. Except for one person who was not on Hong Kong Island, the other four They were all arrested

"How about it, have you found out who is behind this?"

"They didn't say anything at first, but they didn't open their mouths until I used a knife to dissect a person in front of them."

"It's made of Big B in Causeway Bay and Snakeskin in North Point. They joined forces and gave each of them one million to stop our goods."

"Big B is this piece of shit again. Some time ago, I had to deal with Crow and Lian Sheng's people, so I didn't have time to deal with him. Now he has jumped out again, and there is also Snake Skin, a loser who takes advantage of others. I thought Jiang Tiansheng was standing up for him. Him, don’t I dare to touch him?"

Lin Huizu's eyes were full of violence.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

Luo Tianhong knew that Lin Huizu had murderous intentions.

"Brother Zu, do you want me to get rid of them?"

"Letting Big B die like this is an advantage for him. Now find a few skilled brothers to keep an eye on Big B's wife and children, figure out their movement routes, and kidnap them all when the time comes."

"What about Snake Skin?"

"Snakeskin is a loser. If I hadn't killed Bucky, he wouldn't know which bar he would be guarding. Since he wants to die, I will personally send him to see his dead brother."

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