Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 281 279 The man who fell into the devil's path! Emiya Shirou!

Chapter 281 279. The man who fell into the devil's path! Emiya Shirou!

"By command spell! Come to me! Saber!"

There were only two Command Seals on the back of his hand, but Gold didn't care about wasting them now.

If you don't find a way to get out of here now, you will definitely not end up well.

The crimson light flickered on his back, and Gold's heart skipped a beat, but then the extinguished light made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.


Looking at the unactivated command spell in disbelief, he was momentarily stunned.

"Could it be?!"

But looking at the square controller in Danik's hand, he immediately reacted.

"Do you think that in order to find the Masters, I would not consider the situation of the Servants?"

"From the moment you step into this room, Saber (Siegfried) is destined to be unable to save you."

"Let alone using command spells, I can't even communicate internally."

Holding the controller in his hand, Danik sneered disdainfully.

"who are you?!"

"You're not that guy from Darnik!"

Realizing that he was doomed, Gold spoke angrily.

There is no need for the real Danik to attack himself.

And the device in his hand must have been made by Caster (Bulma).

(Did Caster and Roger betray too?!)

Thinking of a terrible possibility, he wanted to convey the news to Fiore and Corless.



Light began to envelope him, and he sat down on the ground. He struggled hard and reached his hand into his trouser pocket.


But when he touched something in his pocket, the crushing sound revealed his abnormal behavior.


Standing up from the ground as if nothing had happened, Gold had a look of surprise on his face, changing his previous panic and fear.

"Sa, the next step is just to capture Fiore and Coles. Leave Roger alone for now. If there is anything unusual about him, Caster (Bulma) will notice it soon."

"Hey, it's easy just by talking about those siblings."

"This world belongs to us!"

After hearing Danik's words, Gold's dark expression was completely different.

"Act as soon as possible before the followers notice anything unusual."

Throwing the device in his hand, Darnik ordered it.


After taking the controller, Gold immediately responded with respect and then exited the room.

Glancing at Gold who left the room, Darnik then withdrew the power of light.

The use of the command spell blocked the jammer created by Caster (Bulma).

The inner dialogue with the Servant is isolated in the unique space of Dark Game.

The combination of the two allows Gold to get into the trap without any struggle.


The blueprint that Luo Xie was asked to rush to Caster (Bulma) was the Command Spell Disruptor.

At first he just had a try mentality.

But unexpectedly, that person developed this jammer without even needing knowledge books related to the command spell system.

Such R\u0026D capabilities are simply terrifying. Maybe the other party has already thought of making something similar.

If possible, Darnic wants to assimilate and control Caster (Bulma) in the first step.

That way there must be a lot of things that can be easily solved.

But we can't just "burn the boat" like this.

Once he dares to be so aggressive, Archer (Genos) will definitely be able to notice it quickly, and then he will not sit idly by. The subsequent series of reactions will be enough to collapse his subsequent plans.

Even Luo Xie, the master, he couldn't move.

Therefore, we can only take a step back and control Gold, Fiore, and Corless first.

As for those followers?

When the time comes to go out and fight with Red and White, he will have the final say in the house.

"Is the problem with Rider (Uchiha Madara)?"

Looking at the command spell on the back of his hand, Darnic fell into deep thought.

If possible, he would like to directly use the command spell to make him commit suicide.

This undoubtedly saves a big trouble. He has not used his three command spells even once. Even if the opponent is very strong, two consecutive command spells will surely make him commit suicide.

But this is not currently possible.

Red and White still need Rider's power to solve them.

"Well, it's up to you to do whatever you want for now."

"Dance to your heart's content, then be drained of all its value and die with regrets."


(Bang bang bang!!)

(Stop! Stop!!)

(Kill him! Kill him!!)

(Don’t let him get close!)

What a tragedy is that?

What caught Sakura's eyes was the scene of a man named "Shirou" trapped in hell.

(Why. Could it be you.?)

The scene of being blocked by a "close relative" with a gun aimed at her was a great shock to Sakura.

She couldn't imagine what kind of determination it would take to make a strong and gentle person like her predecessor ignore obstacles and move forward.

In the end, the man "killed" the so-called female leader, but the huge price was paid to countless innocent believers.

Then his heart collapsed and he fell into the devil's path, and even his memory was destroyed.

The man's name is

Emiya Shirou!


It flowed out, showing compassion for the suffering and sorrow he encountered.


Hearing faint calls, Sakura woke up from her sleep and opened her eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

"Are you feeling well? If you don't feel well, don't go tonight."

Pointing at the tears flowing from the corners of Sakura's eyes, Tohsaka Rin became a little anxious.

This was the first time she saw Sakura behave like this.

"It's okay, sister."

"It was just a very distressing dream."

Wiping her tears, Sakura knew what the dream was about.

It is an experience of connection between the Servant and the Master.

Just like ten years ago with Berserker

This time she dreamed about Archer's past again.

No wonder.

Thinking back to her own personnel, Sakura gradually came to a realization.

Why did she use that book to summon not the previous Berserker, but an "unknown" Servant?

Maybe it's because of some very important factors?

She probably understands Black A's current situation.

Must go.


Because there would be some action tonight, Sakura deliberately rested for a while in advance.

But the look just now really made Tohsaka Rin a little anxious.

Tilting his head to confirm that Sakura was really fine, Tohsaka Rin was confused.

After putting on my coat, I came to the hall and saw the red A leaning against the wall of the corridor.

Giving the other party a very gentle smile, Sakura then walked towards the door.


Red A had a question mark on his head, and for a moment he didn't understand what Sakura had just done.

But he had no intention of asking.

"Huh? Is she the master of that servant?"

As soon as they went out, they saw the three people waiting, and Mordred came over to ask.

"Just call me Sakura. Are you the teacher's successor, Mordred? They really look alike. I heard the teacher said that you are quite powerful."

"Oh, of course."

"I am the best of the Knights of the Round Table"


Sighing, Shishi Jie looked helplessly at his stupid and blushing servant.

Well, forget it, a good relationship is much better than a tense relationship.

"Then let's go!"


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