Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 26 26 calculation!

Chapter 26 26. Calculation!

"In other words, Caster's master is actually already dead?"

"That's right."

Temporarily taking refuge inside the church, Tokiomi Tosaka learned inside information from Kotomine Kirei's father, Kotomine Rimasa.

As soon as he was scolded by Gilgamesh, the magic workshop he had set up at home was demolished, so he had to hide here for a while.

"According to estimates, if Caster doesn't find spiritual veins and other means to replenish his magic power, he will be gone soon."

"Lancer's master is also dead. No new contracts between her and other masters have been detected, so there is nothing to worry about."

"As long as Kirei and Assassin cooperate with Archer to find a way to defeat Berserker, victory will be within your reach."

As the supervisor of this war, Kotomine Rimasa should have ensured the progress of the situation from a fair stance.

However, due to his relationship with Tokiomi Tosaka, he had a tendency to engage in "favoritism".

When referees and players join forces, it is unfair to others no matter how you think about it.

"But there is still no news about the master of Berserker."

"Although it is speculated that it is the influence of the Matou family, it cannot be observed."

As the most mysterious group, Tokiomi Tosaka also had a headache.

Originally, it was okay to trick the other party into coming out on the pretext of forming an alliance, but the others just ignored me.

Obviously the relationship between the Tohsaka family and the Matou family is not that bad, and I don't know what the situation is this time.

"It's very simple. I have a way to help you lure him out."

After Kotomine Rizheng listened, a smile appeared on the old man's face.


Hearing this, Tokiomi Tosaka trusted Kotomine Rimasa very much. Since the other party dared to speak, he must have a plan.

"Just tell Kirei to let Assassin hunt down one of Caster and Lancer."


Hearing this, Tokiomi Tosaka frowned at first, and then relaxed.

He probably understood what Kotomori had planned.

"Originally, due to the magic power and the loss of their master, these two knights are already on the verge of exiting the game."

"If they are attacked by other Servants, they must take extreme actions in order to survive."

“And then, it’s our chance as a church to show up.”

With his kind face still smiling, Kotomine Rimasa continued.

"When either Caster or Lancer was forced to massacre ordinary people to replenish their magic power to resist, the church issued a wanted order and ordered other Masters and Servants to jointly encircle and suppress them."

"Afterwards, give the participants a command spell."

"I believe no master will refuse this reward. At that time, I can help you confirm with your own eyes who the master of Berserker is."

"At the same time, I can legitimately help you replenish a command spell."

Sure enough, the old man's plan was what Tokiomi Tosaka had thought.

"So. Opportunities are rare."

"It must be done before other masters sign new contracts with Caster and Lancer."

"With Assassin's strength, it's not difficult to force those two riders."

This plan is perfect, but the premise is that Caster and Lancer cannot have new masters, otherwise the follow-up will not work.

"It can not only fish out the master of Berserker, but also make the unstable Caster or Lancer retire, and even restore the command spell."

"Kill three birds with one stone."

"After that, as long as Archer restrains Berserker and Assassin assassinates his master, great things will happen!"

"As long as Berserker is eliminated, the remaining Sabers and Riders have nothing to fear."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Tokiomi Tosaka could vaguely see the future of victory.


That's something magicians all aspire to.

This time, Tokiomi Tohsaka will definitely succeed!

"I'll contact Kirei right away and tell him to let Assassin hunt down Caster or Lancer."


"Assassin, how was the mission accomplished?"

"Found it, more than expected."

"That's good. Don't disturb others for now. Come back first. The teacher has a new mission."

Kotomine Kirei also recalled Kenshin as Assassin after receiving contact from Tokiomi Tosaka.

"Chasing Caster or Lancer?"

But after hearing about the new mission, Kenshin had some doubts.

"The teacher specifically ordered us to chase, not kill."

"One of these two riders needs to be driven just to the brink of death."

Kotomine Kirei slowly explained.

“I always feel it’s not as simple as I thought.”

As a killer, Kenshin's keen sense made him realize that there was a series of black-hand conspiracies behind this.

"Because we need to prepare for the follow-up, the teacher plans to use Caster or Lancer to fish out Berserker's master."


"Force one of the two servants to break the rules, and then summon other groups to encircle and suppress them."

"In other words, do you want me to force Caster or Lancer to kill ordinary people?"

With a cold look in his eyes, Kenshin probably understood what these people were planning.

After being summoned, he didn't know that there was an opportunity for the so-called "killing people to make up for the devil".

But that's a choice that only Servants would make under extreme circumstances.

"Your face is full of dissatisfaction."


As Battousai, Kenshin might not have taken it seriously in the past, but his experience of "associating" with Tomoe made him resentful that it affected unrelated people.

Unless necessary, he will never kill irrelevant people easily.

What's more, this kind of forcing other servants to kill ordinary people would not be approved by Kenshin no matter what.

"Don't refuse yet, I won't use the command spell."

The other party's eyes were full of coldness. Kotomine Kirei knew to some extent the temperament of this servant, so he made a statement first.

"As a priest of the church, I also hate this approach."

"But at this time I can't object to what my teacher and father are doing."

"You have to understand my difficulty, Assassin."

Feeling more and more the importance of emotion, Kotomine Kirei found the right way to persuade.

"So... we can comply, but not necessarily in the form they tell us to do."


It has to be said that Kotomine Kirei's roundabout persuasion made Kenshin put away his murderous intention.

"What's important is that Caster or Lancer be found guilty."

"Are there still too few unwarranted crimes in ancient times?"

In silence, Kenshin understood what Kotomine Kirei meant.

This statement and approach made him accept it a lot.

There is no need for Caster or Lancer to actually kill ordinary people.

All it takes is for Kenshin to make a pursuit and "witness" one of these knights killing an ordinary person.

When the time comes, the church will come forward and prove the accusation, and it will still be able to summon other masters and subordinates to encircle and suppress them as a matter of course.

The fact that Caster or Lancer actually killed ordinary people is not important at all.

They are just pawns in the plan

No matter how they prove themselves or tell stories, Caster and Lancer cannot escape the consequences of being plotted.

"The teacher has sent his familiar to look for him."

"Once we know the location of Caster or Lancer, we will notify them to take action."

"You have to be ready at all times."

Looking at Kenshin with an expressionless face, Kotomine Kirei felt what it meant to be "frightened" this time.

That kind of murderous intent that rushed towards his face was worthy of Battousai, a "human slayer".

(Sure enough, feelings are still necessary!)

If he had any hesitation or stubbornness, Assassin's sword would knock his head off before he could use the command spell.

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