The Four Seasons Hotel in New York, the annual charity party led by Time Warner Group, not only guests from the entertainment industry, fashion industry and other entertainment circles, but also celebrities from politics and business.

Simon Pike has only made his fortune for 2 years, and he has only met some people in the entertainment circle. He has nothing to do with the financial circle and the political circle!

"Simon, you know how hot the movie market is now. Behind Hollywood is always Wall Street. The amount of capital in the heart of the world is scary," Thomas Tour, the founder of Legendary Entertainment, said while holding red wine. said.

Simon looked around and smiled meaningfully: "The movie itself is a risky investment. How can Wall Street's private equity hedge funds let this cake go!"

Legendary Entertainment itself is also formed by a private equity fund. In 2004, Thomas Tull raised a $500 million fund on Wall Street. The first shot was Warner Bros., which started the reboot of the Batman movie.

"Simon, although Xinghai Pictures doesn't have enough money now, it still needs a lot of money to develop," Thomas Tull said looking at Simon Pike, setting up Xinghai TV department, acquiring record companies, Xinghai Entertainment's road and DreamWorks is too similar to see when he gets into film distribution.

Simon nodded and said, "What is the future positioning of Legendary Entertainment? Now Legendary Entertainment is just a film investment company. It is not difficult to enter the film production industry. Have you ever thought about the integration of production and distribution?"

Thomas Tull shook his head and responded: "Experience, I don't have Simon's talent in filmmaking. It's enough that the investment with Warner Bros. can make the investors in the fund get due returns. In the future The development depends on the company's future participation in the film's performance to decide!"

Simon is noncommittal. Investors care about the return of funds, not the development of the film company.

In the future, Legendary Entertainment was acquired by Wanda for US$3.5 billion. Alas, such a sky-high acquisition is indeed only available from Chinese capital! In addition to some of the films of the Warner Bros. production company that participated in the film, the film that Legend himself led was a complete mess!

"Batman: The Lost Man has taken the world by storm, and preparations have begun for the second installment in the series, The Dark Knight. Participating in such a popular film is very helpful to the development of Legendary Entertainment," Simon Pike And one can only admire the luck of Legendary Entertainment, one of the first companies of its kind to rival the big movie studios backed by private Wall Street shareholders and hedge fund investors.

"Okay, Simon, aren't we working on the project "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" now? Maybe there will be more collaborations in the future!" Thomas Tull said and patted Simon on the shoulder.

After Thomas Tour left, Simon sat down on the sofa to rest for a while. Now some independent distributors include Summit Entertainment, Prologue Entertainment and Road Rebel Pictures, etc. There are still a lot of them, but the main focus is on family entertainment. market.

Pinnacle Entertainment is ok. It has participated in the investment and production of several blockbusters. Tom Cruise's "Vanilla Sky" and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" all have Pinnacle.

"Hi, Simon!"

"Well, so you are also!" Simon's thoughts were interrupted, it turned out that Anne Hathaway came over.

"Yes, I live in Brooklyn, New York. I know you are in New York, and I thought you would return to Los Angeles soon," Anne Hathaway said in a black low-cut dress, still very solemn.

Simon pressed his temples with his fingers and said, "This time I come to New York to do some investment things!"

The longer the time passes, the more blurred Simon's memory will be, and only some important things will be recorded.

"Oh," Anne Hathaway also sat down, suddenly saw Harvey Weinstein and his girlfriend in front, and then turned his head to look at Simon Pike calmly.

Of course Simon saw it too, and asked blankly, "Hasn't Harvey been married for many years?"

"Divorced last year, and now his girlfriend is Georgina Chapman, a British fashion designer, 30 years old, and they have known each other for more than two years!" Anne Hathaway knew a lot and continued He opened his mouth and said:

"Georgina Chapman developed a fashion brand Marchesa in 2004, and many female stars have worn this brand's clothing in the past two years!"

"So it turns out, smart!" Simon smiled. One was 30 years old and the other was 56 years old. After getting to know each other, the fat man was divorced. This Georgina Chapman is not easy. It seems that these two guys will get married soon. .

"Richard Gere is the one who is chatting with Harvey now?" Simon found another interesting person.

"Yeah, it's Richard Gere, he's old, it's a pity!" Anne Hathaway commented.

"What's a pity, isn't his ex-wife the supermodel Cindy Crawford? After acting in movies for so many years, the pension is enough money," Simon said flatly, but he was already thinking about how to make fun of these people .

"Simon, Harvey Weinstein has been immersed in Hollywood for more than 20 years, and he has a good sense of smell at the Oscars. The film he has produced has won three Oscars for Best Picture!" Anne Hay In any case, Servi had already met Simon frankly, and he also liked it very much, and didn't want Simon Pike to offend his peers when his career was on the rise.

"Oh, I didn't do anything," Simon said helplessly.

"But your thoughtful expression just now feels like you're thinking about something bad!" Anne Hathaway relied on a woman's intuition, although she couldn't tell, but it wasn't far behind.

Simon was stunned

, look at Anne Hathaway, does that work too? I was really thinking about how to have fun just now!

"What are you thinking, what kind of bad thoughts do I use for my sake? It's not better to step on him in a movie," Simon said, approaching Anne Hathaway's ear, and whispered,

"I feel bad for you!"

Anne Hathaway's expression didn't change, she just responded: "Go to my side in Brooklyn that night, it's just me!"

Simon nodded without a trace, then patted Anne Hathaway, stood up and said, "Let's go, let's go say hello to some seniors in the film industry!"

Simon saw the big directors Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro, it doesn't matter if they cooperate or not, it's okay to get to know them.

"Mr. Scorsese, good evening, Mr. De Niro, I'm Simon Pike from Xinghai Pictures!" Simon greeted him with a smile and greeted him politely.

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