Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 507 Dust

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

With a huge electoral vote gap of 370 to 163, there is no room for change at all.

Bush Sr. was quick to admit his failure and congratulated Bill Clinton in Washington.

The Clintons in Little Rock, Arkansas.

When Bush Sr. admitted his defeat, Bill Clinton delivered his victory speech for the first time. While reiterating a series of campaign promises, he also said that his first priority after taking office was to restore the American economy. This attitude is in stark contrast to Bush Sr.'s image of not caring about the economy.

As a result, North American equities saw a notable advance the next morning.

Although the victory and defeat are already divided, the dust of this election has not completely settled.

In the final tally of the ballot data, Bill Clinton's approval rate was 43%, George Bush's approval rate was 38%, and the last independent third party candidate, Ross Perot, did not win an electoral vote. Yes, but the billionaire's popular vote approval rating is also as high as 19%.

Ross Perot abruptly withdrew from the election in July when the bipartisan candidates were completely finalized, leaving enough room for the two final candidates to play, and suddenly burst out in October, and took aim at George Bush. , absolutely cannot be described as a coincidence.

Unlike the huge gap in the electoral vote, Bill Clinton's popular vote approval rating is only 5% ahead of George Bush, which is not a big gap.

Without Ross Perot's 19 percent of the vote, most of which came from the same conservative camp as Bush Sr., the outcome of this election would have been unpredictable.

After this election, and for many years to come, neither party in the United States dared to ignore the interference of independent candidates in the presidential election.

Go even further and start actively exploiting this distraction.

In Simon's memory, in the confrontation between Bush and Gore in 2000, the Republican Party used the same method to share Gore's votes. In the end, Bush narrowly won by a very controversial margin. victory in the election.

On the other hand, the Internet media has completely become a new force that can influence the trend of public opinion in the general election.

The key to why media families such as the Hearst family and the Newhouse family are attracted by the upper echelons of the Federation is that they have huge media resources and the right to speak that can influence the direction of public opinion.

After a long period of integration and evolution, the power structure of traditional TV media and print media has been difficult to change. These old media families originally thought they would prosper for a long time. The sudden arrival of Internet media caught many people by surprise.

Although traditional TV networks such as abc and established media giants such as Hearst Group have started to operate their own consulting websites in the past two years, in order to avoid the impact on their core business, their investment in Internet media platforms is so poor that it is impossible to compete with them at all. Compete with the information business of Igreit Portal.

Most crucially, the Igreit Portal also holds the interface to the entire World Wide Web.

Today's World Wide Web, for ordinary people, is basically equivalent to the entire Internet.

Relying on the barrier-level weapon of browser software, as long as the public uses the Internet and opens the browser software, the first thing that pops up is the Igrit portal.

Like many navigation websites in Simon's memory, the Igret portal, at least a simple portal website framework, is very easy to copy, but the core ones, such as e-mail technology, search attentive technology, etc., are not so easy to follow suit. It will inevitably involve the issue of technical patents.

Moreover, because of preconceived notions, Igrete developed the IE browser, and the Igreat portal was used as the home page, and it was a completely unchangeable home page, which was taken for granted by many people.

If you copy a portal website, according to the normal logic of most people, it is a matter of course that you will be blocked by Igrit.

All in all, although the number of Internet sites has shown an exponential upward trend, the Igreit portal is already the overlord of the Internet industry that is difficult to shake. Websites opened by other companies, not only the technology comes from Igrete, but to get more traffic, they must also find ways to join the navigation page of the Igreat portal.

All in all, a new media force like the Internet media is basically in the hands of Igreit, a higher level, or in the Westeros system.

In the last month of the election, the company did not disclose the relevant data of Bill Clinton's obviously biased report on the Igret portal, and the outside world can only speculate about the specific effect.

However, on the day of the election, the real-time report on the first town in New Hampshire to start voting even affected the London crude oil futures market. Although there may be some influence of cnn, this most intuitive The effect of public opinion control cannot be ignored by anyone.

Simon had just watched Clinton's victory speech in San Francisco, and the incoming president expressed his thanks through Joseph Schlapp in less than half an hour.

The timing is too sensitive, and the two are not suitable for a direct call.

Not only that, Clinton also sent a message, saying that after taking office next year, he would arrange a visit to Silicon Valley as soon as possible.

Visiting Silicon Valley is actually an attitude and a promise.

When Bill Clinton was only one of the candidates, the Westeros system of direct betting began to help clean up some of this mess,

Clinton's statement at this time is enough to see that the efforts of the Westeros system for more than a year have not been in vain.

The Clintons have been able to dominate the American political arena for decades, largely because they are really trustworthy, and they will deliver as much as possible when they promise. Therefore, compared with the Kennedy family and the Bush family, the political giants have been in business for several generations. Before finally reaching the top, the couple built a very large political network almost from scratch, and later almost became the first husband-and-wife president in American politics.

In the final stage of the election, in the face of the Igreit portal, the White House was also aggressive, and it also claimed through the Department of Justice that it would launch an antitrust investigation into the IE browser software.

However, with the defeat of Bush Sr., things have changed very subtly.

The Bush family has a very mature political literacy, and the loss of Bush Sr. is far from the end of the Bush family's political life. Therefore, the other party is also very clear that offending Simon Westeros is too dead, and it has no effect on itself. benefit.

Of course, the remarks that the IE browser was investigated just last month cannot be swallowed directly. However, the second day after the election, news came from the White House. Eligibility suddenly passed the review.

Prior to this, as a new media platform that had just emerged, the White House had refused to issue a White House press card to the Igaret Portal for various reasons.

Whether you can qualify for an interview at the White House press conference is an important manifestation of the influence of the American media.

Although he also had a hunch that the White House suddenly made such a move, there may be some intentions to provoke the traditional media and the Igret portal to target each other, but Simon still admired Bush Sr.'s neatness.

Actually it is.

The results of the general election have been released, and the small White House press card, if Bush Sr. still holds on to it, it will only be delayed for at most another three months.

Passing at this time involves both provocation and temptation.

To test whether there is a possibility of winning the Igret portal, even if it does not ask the Igret portal to directly fall to the Republican Party, as long as it remains neutral when needed in the future, it is also a gain.

True and false.

In the face of the White House's probe, the Igret portal also responded by publishing a news article about the current president in an important section.

On the other hand, with the conclusion of this general election, Simon also predicted that next year will be a year when the Internet industry will explode.

Influenced by Simon, the big butterfly, the graphical interface browser software was launched three years ahead of schedule. The Igreit portal website has just been launched, and the business model is already close to the level before and after the new century, whether it is e-mail and other functions or online consultation. And other content businesses, under the massive investment of the Westeros system that is almost burning money, have quickly reached a level that is rich enough to attract ordinary public users.

For today's Americans, spending about $30 a month is roughly equivalent to the price of subscribing to one or two newspapers on a daily basis, but the services they receive far exceed the content and information that one or two newspapers can provide. Very good deal.

And, most importantly, as one of the most developed countries in the world, the American public has a strong spending power.

In the country where Simon was once, the VCR and DVD player, from the birth to the decline, the penetration rate has not been too high throughout the life cycle. But in the United States, whether it is a VCR or a DVD player, the household penetration rate once reached more than 80%.

The same goes for personal computers and the Internet.

On the original timeline, the graphical interface browser was born in 1993, and Yahoo was established in 1995, and then began the era of the explosion of the Internet.

From 1995 to 2000, in just five years, the number of Internet users in the United States has reached 110 million, far exceeding the Internet penetration rate of other countries.

Now that the software and hardware foundations have been perfected, Simon is equivalent to advancing the development process of the Internet industry by three to five years through unremitting investment.

It is estimated that by the end of 1992, the number of users accessing the World Wide Web in the United States will reach about 28 million, and the number of netizens covered will exceed 40 million.

From 1990 to the end of 1992, it also took only three years.

Under the support of strong consumption power, by 1995, the number of Internet users in the United States is likely to be close to the level of 2000 in the original time and space.

Of course, on the other hand, because of Simon's 'promotion of seedlings', the capital market's response to the Internet industry is still a bit sluggish.

In the last two years of the Internet bubble from 1999 to 2000 on the original timeline, there was an irrational super explosion in technology stocks. This time, capital has not yet followed up with many industrial outbreaks. Although technology stocks have begun to be sought after, they have not yet reached the stage of take-off.

However, this time point is still next year.

Mainly the European currency crisis that just passed.

It's just that the British government has invested more than 20 billion pounds in order to maintain the exchange rate of the pound. This money will not disappear out of thin air. In addition, countries such as Italy, France, and Spain have suffered heavy losses in this crisis. International hot money mainly from the United States is obtained.

Just as the Asian financial turmoil in 1997 brought a large amount of capital to push up the North American Internet technology stocks, this time, the large amount of capital captured by international hot money will naturally instinctively seek investment channels with more appreciation potential.

Europe has started a new round of economic recession, Asia is already Japan

Ben's back garden.

Therefore, the new technology and Internet industry in North America seems to be more suitable.

It was the end of the year, and after the election, Simon still stayed in San Francisco to discuss the company's development plan for next year with a group of senior executives of Igret.

The first is to further open up.

Licensing of e-mail technology with Microsoft and AOL has been negotiated, but a third party completely unrelated to the Westeros system has yet to be found.

At this stage, the important new technology companies related to the Internet are almost all related to the Westeros system.

If it is simply authorized to a weak third-party company, the other party is likely to be acquired by established giants such as ibm in a blink of an eye. Even if this can be locked in the technology licensing agreement, it is actually better not to license the technology to a too weak enterprise at all.

Therefore, for the time being, there are only two companies, Microsoft and AOL.

As for what the outside world thinks, that can only be left to the other side.

At the same time, in the discussions in recent years, Igreit decided to put some relatively basic patents into the World Wide Web Consortium Foundation and open it to the industry completely free of charge.

Simon is actually considering giving up some non-core businesses to Igreit to give other Internet companies enough room for development.

However, at this stage, Igreit still supports most of the services of the entire Internet platform, whether it is e-mail, online forums, software stores or personal blogs, etc., it is not suitable to give up.

Even if you want to give up, it is after the listing.

To be more precise, it would be best to wait until after the dot-com bubble burst, when the Igret Portal can logically get rid of many non-core businesses on the grounds of streamlining the business.

At this stage, if you have one more business, the stock price will increase by one more point in the future.

There is also the issue of splitting, which also involves future listing issues.

Although Jeff Bezos and Carol Bartz, two powerful managers, often have conflicts and conflicts, both of them are invariably opposed to Simon's request for a breakup.

Igreat's basic services and network services are generally complementary to each other.

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