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"The Crying Game", which opened on September 25, had 37 screens in the first week and a box office of $1.26 million; in the second week, it had 86 screens and a box office of $2.67 million; in the third and fourth weeks, the number of screens was 155 and 173 respectively. block, the box office hit $4.03 million and $3.97 million, respectively.

As of October 22, "The Crying Game", which has been released for four weeks, has not realized that the cumulative box office has reached 11.93 million US dollars, which is roughly equivalent to four times the production cost of 3 million US dollars.

On October 23, the fifth week of its release, the screening scale of "The Crying Game" finally appeared for the first time to be substantially completed, reaching 535 yuan.

Gaomen Pictures did not rush for success because of the excellent box office performance of this low-budget film, and patiently controlled the release rhythm of the film.

The last week of October has gone by in a blink of an eye.

From October 23rd to October 29th, "The Crying Game", whose screen size increased to more than 500 yuan, still reached an average of 16,000 US dollars in a single week, and continued to make 8.61 million US dollars.

At the same time, the cumulative box office of the film also reached 20.54 million US dollars.

The North American media, therefore, began to pay more and more attention to this non-mainstream low-cost movie, and the popularity of "The Crying Game" further increased.

Gaomen Pictures’ publicity methods, such as the radial distribution model, hype rating conflicts, etc., can actually be imitated. In recent years, other Hollywood studios have also poached from the team of Daenerys Entertainment. There are few talents who are good at publicity and marketing. However, the result is that Daenerys Entertainment is still a leader in the Hollywood film business.

Whether it's mainstream commercial films or low-budget literary films, commercial achievements are increasingly leaving competitors behind.

This time, "The Crying Game" once again made many people feel powerless.

After poring over the film's inception to release, Hollywood studio executives discovered one more thing.

In the end, it's still Simon Westeros.

The script of "The Crying Game" was born ten years ago, and it has been rough and rough all these years. It was not until Simon Westeros took a fancy to it that it was green light all the way, and finally the grand occasion appeared at this time.

Looking at other things, the DC movie universe dominated by Daenerys Entertainment, the Pixar studio that has risen rapidly with a 3D animated film, etc., and so on, all of which are all Simon Westeros.

So the success of The Crying Game, or the success of Daenerys Entertainment as a whole, simply doesn't have a channel to imitate, because there's no way other studios will have another Simon who can pick a blockbuster out of a myriad of project scripts. Westeros.

While "The Crying Game" gradually attracted strong attention from the industry, on October 30, after a five-month screening, Daenerys Entertainment's summer dc movie universe blockbuster "Wonder Woman" also appeared in "Midnight" The day before the release of "The Bell" was officially offline, and the film's total North American box office was 371 million US dollars, which was only 20 million US dollars away from the 373 million US dollars of "Batman: The Dark Knight".

Overseas, as of the end of October, the cumulative overseas box office of "Wonder Woman" also reached 351 million US dollars, and the global box office also reached 724 million US dollars.

Considering that many countries with box offices are still in the release stage, the film still has a box office potential of about 150 million US dollars, and the global total box office is expected to be around 870 million US dollars.

$160 million in total production and publicity investment, and $870 million at the global box office.

The box office alone has brought very huge profits to Daenerys Entertainment and Time Warner. However, the biggest profit of "Wonder Woman" is the sales of peripheral products.

As of the end of October, products related to "Wonder Woman", excluding the 7.3 million soundtrack albums that have been sold, have reached a total revenue of $1.3 billion.

According to the net profit ratio of about 15% after all the development, production, channel and taxation costs of peripheral products, the peripheral sales of only 1.3 billion US dollars are expected to bring nearly 200 million to Daenerys Entertainment and Time Warner. US dollar net profit.

In comparison, the estimated global box office of "Wonder Woman" is 870 million US dollars, and it can only bring about a pre-tax profit of about 150 million US dollars after deducting production and publicity costs.

Even if Hollywood studios have all kinds of tax avoidance methods to reduce the tax rate that the movie box office needs to bear, the box office revenue of "Wonder Woman" can not compare with the profit generated by peripheral sales.

And the box office of "Wonder Woman" has basically been determined, but with the arrival of the peak sales season at the end of the year, there will be another wave of upsurge in the film's peripheral sales.

It is expected that in the next one to two years, the total sales of related peripheral products of this superhero movie will exceed 2 billion US dollars, and the net profit will reach 300 million US dollars.

$300 million is already the total annual net profit of a major Hollywood studio in an ordinary year.

However, this is just a merchandising revenue for a superhero movie in the DC Cinematic Universe.

On the other hand, several important summer movies related to Daenerys Entertainment, "Peachy Deal", "Killing Hour" and "The Last of the Mohicans" were also drawn before "Wonder Woman".

In the end, of the three films, only "Killing Hour" broke the North American box office of 100 million, and the final figure was 113 million US dollars.

Next, the total North American box office of "Peachy Deal"

It is 93.11 million US dollars, and there is still a gap of about 7 million US dollars before breaking 100 million. "The Last of the Mohicans" performed the least well at the box office of the three, with a final North American box office of only $87.92 million.

However, although the North American box office of "Killing Moment" is the highest, because the judicial justice and racial issues discussed in the film are relatively localized, the overseas box office lags behind "Peachy Deal", and the overseas box office is expected to be only about 70 million US dollars.

"Peachy Deal" relies on Robert Redford and Valerie Golino to join, and it is expected that the total overseas box office will exceed North America, reaching about 130 million US dollars.

The overseas box office of "The Last of the Mohicans" is still at the bottom. Judging from the market performance of the country where it has been released, after the entire overseas distribution cycle is completed, the total overseas box office is expected to be only about 50 million US dollars.

Of course, the three films topped the box office performance of all North American films in 1992.

At least, as of the end of October, all three films are temporarily in the top ten of the annual North American box office list.

On October 30, in the atmosphere of the US presidential election polling day getting closer, the Halloween schedule in North America officially opened.

Daenerys Entertainment's New World Pictures' "Midnight Bell" opened on October 30 with a scale of 2,356 screens. At the same time, there was also a horror thriller "Midnight" produced by Columbia Pictures' Samsung Company. "Legend of Chasing Life", the screen size of the opening screen is 1732 pieces.

The story of "Midnight Bell" does not need to be repeated, and "Legend of Chasing Life" tells a story similar to the murder of evil spirits.

The story begins at the end of the American Civil War, when racial issues are still deeply rooted, a black guy falls in love with the slave owner's white daughter, the love is discovered, the black guy is covered with honey by the white man, and the bee colony attack is slow and painful. The soul of the black guy turned into an evil spirit and hid in the mirror. As long as someone called the name of 'Sugar Man' five times in front of the mirror, the evil spirit would be summoned.

However, although the same evil spirit kills. But unlike the Japanese horror of "Midnight Bell", "Legend of Chasing Life" is actually an imitation of New Line's "Monster Street".

"Sugar Man" has many similarities with Freddy in the "Nightmare Street" series, from the shape to the killing method.

After years of repeated squeezing, the popularity of the "Monster Street" series has long since declined. At this time, it is naturally difficult for a horror movie to follow the trend of "Monster Street" to arouse too much novelty in the audience.

Therefore, after the release, the two films quickly widened the gap in terms of word of mouth and popularity.

The media rating of "Sugar Man" was only 4.6, which was a complete failure.

It is also the murder of evil spirits, but as a Japanese horror film with a completely different style from traditional Hollywood horror films, "Midnight" has been unanimously recognized by the media and the public, and the media rating is almost one of that of "Sugar Man". times, reaching a very good 8.7 points.

David Johnston and Leslie Whitaker's wedding is set for November 21.

The Simon and his wife will definitely go to Australia at that time, and then they plan to take a vacation of about a month, and plan to stay in Australia until after the New Year.

To get more work done ahead of the year-end vacation schedule, Simon didn't take a break this weekend either.

The time is already November 1st, Sunday.

"Superman" was completed in September, and the post-production stage has now begun.

A series of key projects for Daenerys Entertainment next year are advancing in this way.

Although it was still at the end of 1992, Daenerys Entertainment's 1993 film list was basically determined.

1993 Easter schedule, "Reverse Fighting Wisdom Stars 2".

Summer files, "Superman", "Sleepless in Seattle", "Sugar-Coated Trap", "Gannet Assassination Order".

Among them, "Superman" is solely produced by Daenerys Entertainment and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.

Sleepless in Seattle is a collaborative project with Pixar.

The Gannet Assassination is a collaborative project with Warner Bros. and the last of the original four-film project.

"Sugar-Coated Trap" is a film released solely by Daenerys Entertainment.


Halloween schedule, "Seven Deadly Sins".

Thanksgiving schedule, 3D version of the animated film "The Lion King", "Schindler's List" directed by Steven Spielberg.

Christmas time, "Mission Impossible" with Paramount.

In order to avoid internal competition, Simon moved "Forrest Gump", which was originally planned to be released at the end of 1993, to the summer of 1994.

Those listed above are just the key films in 1993. Others, such as "In the Name of the Father" starring Daniel Day-Lewis, and the African savannah documentary produced last year because of the success of last year's Antarctic documentary were not counted. within key projects.

Under Daenerys Entertainment, Daenerys Pictures, New World Pictures, and Gaomen Pictures, the total number of movies discovered by other plans will still reach about 40.

Malibu, Daenerys Studios.

Time came to noon.

In the executive dining room of the studio, Simon is having lunch with the Argentos and his daughter who came to North America with him last time, alongside Danny Morris, the president of New World Pictures, and Jennifer, the female assistant. to accompany.

Dario Argento's "The Storm" has become a horror classic.

Over the years, Argento has also cooperated with Hollywood uninterruptedly.

will collaborate on a crime thriller, the story is called "trauma", about a pair of young people to find and fight against a serial killer's story.

Dario Argento will direct, and has won the lead role for his daughter, Aisha Argento.

Aisha Argento is 17 years old this year, but because of her family background in film, she has been playing in her father's films since she was 10 years old, and she has also acted in the heroine of several Italian films, so her acting skills are sufficient. Dario Argento's "Trauma" is also largely about propelling his daughter into Hollywood.

Although the Italian film industry is relatively prosperous in Europe, it can only be regarded as a small pond compared with Hollywood.

With the global rise of Hollywood, this small pond has a tendency to dry up.

Therefore, entering Hollywood is also the dream of many Italian filmmakers.

Simon has already read the script of "Trauma". Although it is not as good as "The Storm", it is still above the standard. Moreover, the expected production cost of the film is only $5 million, which is completely low-cost production for New World Entertainment at this time, and the project also received the green light.

Of course, because it is not a key project that Simon personally finalized, the schedule of "Trauma" is temporarily uncertain.

The film is scheduled to start shooting early next year. The entire cycle from shooting to completion is about five months, and it was completely completed in the first half of 1993.

According to the future results of the film, if it is average, the schedule will probably be set in September and October next year. If it is poor, it will be thrown in January and February in 1994. If it is good enough, it will be further adjusted to Easter in 1994.

Although the films of several labels under Daenerys Entertainment have various production scales and types, for Simon, he will not despise any film, all the films under the three labels, although the executives have many autonomy, but ultimately requires his approval.

Simon has also been instilling in the company team that a movie is a movie, a 'product' produced by Daenerys Entertainment. These products are not divided into genres. What everyone needs to do is to make these products as good as possible. , and use appropriate post-publication strategies to maximize business psychology for these products.

Not only is this concept instilled, Simon has also been leading by example.

That's what happened to Trauma at this time.

Simon has read the script in person, communicated with the creator Dario Argento in person, and has personally paid attention to the budget and creator information of the film. Although he will not participate in the specific production of the film due to limited energy, he will be the first in the future. Watch the sample effect and the follow-up announcement plan.

Through this work style, Simon basically knows every project under the company's umbrella.

At the same time, because of Simon's prophetic advantage, Daenerys Entertainment can also ensure that Daenerys Entertainment obtains as many blockbuster films as possible in Simon's memory, and thus far exceeds the overall commercial performance of the films produced in the same industry. movie company.

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