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No film can be completely useless.

What's more, since the original "Sleeping with the Enemy" grossed over $100 million at the North American box office, there must be some element to it that would pique the audience's interest.

Therefore, after the public relations of Daenerys and Fox, when the film was released on June 15, the mainstream media's evaluation of the film was either optimistic about the performance of the new protagonist Michelle Pfeiffer, or praised the film's performance. The soundtrack of the camera, or excavating the film's deeper exposure and indictment of domestic violence, all in all, it is basically positive.

When the comprehensive media score statistics were released, the score of "Sleeping with the Enemy" of 6.7 even exceeded the 6.4 score of "Supreme Detective" in the same period, and it was much higher than the lower than 5 points estimated by the distribution team based on the test screening feedback before the film was released. point. In addition, "Sleeping with the Enemy" is the first of the 10 foreign cooperation films of Daenerys Entertainment that have been followed by the media and fans for a long time, and the popularity foundation has been laid before the filming started.

In the end, in the first three days of the opening weekend, "Sleeping with the Enemy" won the box office of 18.86 million US dollars with a screening scale of 1719 screens.

The average number of the museum exceeded 10,000 in three days, making it one of the best-selling movies in one fell swoop.

In comparison, Disney's "Supreme Detective", although the box office of 22.54 million US dollars in the first three days of the film exceeds that of "Sleeping with the Enemy", the number of screens released for this film has reached 2,332, and the average of the three-day weekend is The box office is not as good as "Sleeping with the Enemy".

It was 18.86 million US dollars in three days after the opening of the painting, which is already comparable to the figure of 19.76 million US dollars in the first seven days of the first week.

According to the box office ratio of 60% to 70% of the first week on the weekend, "Sleeping with the Enemy" is expected to reach $27 million to $30 million in the first week. It's impossible to get out of the beautiful long-term line of "Ghost Love", but as long as the next week's decline does not exceed 30%, the total North American box office of "Sleeping with the Enemy" is quite easy to hit the 100 million yuan mark.

What's more, even if it can't break 100 million, compared to "Sleeping with the Enemy"'s total production cost of 15 million US dollars and a publicity budget of 7 million US dollars, even if Fox only occupies half of the investment share, including 10% of the distribution commission. , the return on investment of this film can easily exceed that of Die Hard 2, which is scheduled for June 29.

Unlike "Sleeping with the Enemy", which cost a total of $22 million in production and publicity, "Die Hard 2" starring Bruce Willis only cost $70 million to produce. Including the huge local and overseas publicity budget, the film's global box office needs to reach at least three times the production cost, or 210 million US dollars, in order to break even.

In Simon's memory, the global box office of "Die Hard 2" is roughly more than 200 million.

For the new week, Simon flew to the East Coast on Monday, June 18 for a cameo appearance at Madonna's concert on Saturday.

Originally, I decided to take a rest and relax for a year last year. After all, because there were always too many things at hand, Simon simply regarded this cameo as a relaxation. After the cameo, Simon will fly to Melbourne to personally follow up on the shooting of "Batman: The Dark Knight".

During this time, Simon and Madonna's team have maintained very close communication.

Madonna just sold the concert live broadcast rights for 6 million, which is equivalent to 5 times her ticket revenue for each concert at the Brenda Barry Arena, and it reaches 10% of the total ticket revenue of this round of concerts . In order to achieve the best stage effect and make all parties feel value for money, under the soft and hard bubble, after giving Daenerys Entertainment two free movie cameo opportunities, Madonna got two more from Simon. new song.

Of course, it was all her own.

Of course it's impossible to get songs from Simon if he doesn't want to.

However, Madonna's debut time is not too long after all, and there are not many songs suitable for live guitar performance. Although Simon regarded this cameo as a relaxation, he did not want to go on and off the court in a mediocre way, so he agreed.

Although Simon didn't propose anything like the show fee for this cameo, it involved two new songs, plus the previous "bad romance" that Madonna planned to cover until the next chapter of the album, the share of the calculation is still to be counted. Forget it, of course, these don't need Simon to worry about it.

Madonna ended her tour in Toronto on June 17th. If she didn't have Simon's participation, she moved to New York and only needed to do a proper rehearsal to familiarize herself with the show. However, because of Simon's participation, in addition to the night concert opening on the 20th this week, the daytime will also be All were used to rehearse the three songs that Simon was involved in.

Considering that the live broadcast income earned by a concert is equivalent to a quarter of her total box office income from this 60-show tour, Madonna is also very motivated.

Busy, time soon came to Friday again.

The full weekly box office data from June 15th to June 21st was also officially released.

Disney's "The Greatest Detective" finally won the box office champion position with $34.74 million.

Following it, "Sleeping with the Enemy", which was drawn in the same week, ranked second with a seven-day box office data of $27.62 million in the first week. Such box office data has significantly exceeded the initial expectations of the distribution team. It is expected that after next week, the film will be able to recover all production and distribution costs at the North American box office, and then only wait for profits.

Although the two summer films related to Daenerys Entertainment have not won a weekly box office championship, however, the third-ranked "People"

"The Ghost Story" is even more eye-catching than the second-place "Sleeping with the Enemy".

In the third week of its release, after a significant increase in the number of screens, "Ghost Love" fell only 12% compared to last week, and received another 18.01 million US dollars at the box office in a single week.

In three weeks, this fantasy romance film, which started less than expected, has accumulated a total of 58.33 million US dollars at the box office, and Daenerys Entertainment has begun to generate profits.

Moreover, the almost flat box office curve for three consecutive weeks indicates that the total North American box office of "The Ghost Story" is likely not to stop at US$100 million. It is widely predicted in the industry that the North American box office of "The Ghost Story" , at least to the same level as "Pretty Woman".

Hollywood originally thought that Daenerys Entertainment's strengths have always been thrillers. Outside of the unexpected "Lola Run", Simon Westeros mainly relied on horror movies to start his life.

Looking back now, I realize that Daenerys Entertainment has unknowingly created three classic romance films that are enough to be recorded in Hollywood film history: "When Harry Met Sally", "Pretty Woman" and "A Ghost Story" ". The success of "Batman: Hour of War" at the end of last year has proved that Simon Westeros has more infinite potential in the comic adaptation of action movies.

In addition to the blockbuster literary films produced by Gaomen Pictures, it is obvious that Daenerys Entertainment has no shortcomings at all.

"Comprehensive Memories", which had obviously suppressed the "Ghost Love" at the beginning, was significantly narrowed compared to last week's 41% box office drop in the third week of its opening. It only dropped 26% this week, but the box office in a single week has already shrunk. It slipped to the fourth place on the list, collecting only $15.74 million, and the cumulative box office was $72.14 million.

According to such a decline in the box office, the total North American box office of "Total Recall" is expected to be only about 120 million US dollars.

The fifth-ranked Warner Bros. starring Harrison Ford, the crime thriller "Presumption of Innocence", also gave an unexpected box office trend. Although it started not high, it only fell by 13% in the next week. It received $10.17 million and is expected to gross over $50 million at the box office.

In addition, in the new week, two more new films will be released in North American theaters, namely "48 Hours of Heaven" starring Eddie Murphy and the fantasy horror comedy "Little" starring Steven Spielberg. Monster 2".

Inside the apartment at East 68th Street on Fifth Avenue.

Simon and Janet sat in the dining room, casually flipping through the past week's box-office data while eating breakfast.

The two films that have already been released in the summer, "Ghosts" and "Sleeping with the Enemy" are considered to be the overall situation. Relying on the box office results of these two films, the next, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on July 6 ", "The Hand That Shakes the Cradle" on July 27, and "Hellman 3" on August 10, Simon is not too worried.

Janet waited for Simon to put the box office report aside and said, "The mattress company called Simmons, we have basically settled on it. Would you like to take a look in the morning?"

Simon noticed Simmons because the mattress company was so well known across the ocean that it was synonymous with mattresses.

However, I have seen the information before. This time-honored mattress company has been operating poorly in recent years, and before Simon noticed this company, Simmons had been continuously changed hands in 1986 and 1988. twice.

The first time was a private equity fund, which bought Simmons for $124 million in 1986. After two years of operation, Simmons got rid of the original operating difficulties in one fell swoop, and it still showed a thriving state after the stock market crash in 1987.

In 1988, the Simmons management team, who thought it had played a major role in this process, proposed a management buyout to the private equity fund.

Simmons also became an employee-owned company.

Then, obviously overestimating its own ability, coupled with the high debts undertaken during the management buyout process and the untimely reform of internal benefit distribution, Simmons' business situation has deteriorated sharply in the past two years, and the situation has also begun to fall into the same situation at this time. Troubled tobacco giant Reynolds Nabisco did the same.

Simon heard Janet say that the deal was basically done, and asked, "What's the specific price?"

"$96 million for 100 percent equity," Janet said. "However, after the acquisition, we have $136 million in debt."

Over $100 million in debt, apparently left over from the last management buyout.

Simon thought to himself and asked, "Isn't it going to be the Apollo Management Company alone?"

Janet shook her head and said, "Of course not. We have cooperated with two other private equity funds. We invested 36 million US dollars, accounting for the majority, and we have control over Simmons."

Simon nodded in approval.

The $96 million investment, even with $136 million in debt, was undertaken by Apollo Management, which still holds $500 million in cash, but this is not in line with the investment style of private equity funds. Allocating funds to one project not only increases risk, but also prevents funds from exiting at the right time.

Taking only part of the investment and being able to gain control of the acquired company is the best way to invest in Simon's view.

After thinking about it, Simon said: "After the junk bond market collapsed, when De Chong Securities, kkr

, Carl Icahn and Ronald Perelman's model of swallowing companies with high leverage and quickly cashing out through spin-offs and sales of assets is no longer applicable. Next, private equity should focus on improving the operating conditions of the acquired company. Perhaps, while carrying out corporate mergers, Cersei Capital can also cultivate a group of specialized professional managers. "

Janet nodded earnestly and said, "I'll discuss it with them today."

Simon listened to Janet's promise and added: "Of course, what I said may not be correct. After all, you are the experts."

Janet slapped Simon and said, "Even if you're wrong, I'll listen."

Simon pretended to hide unbearably, and said with a smile: "Don't do this, it's too easy for men to swell up."

Janet's eyes flickered twice, and her eyes moved down: "You are swollen, do you need my help?"

Simon raised his hand and knocked on the woman's forehead.

After laughing a few words, Janet said softly again: "I have already asked them to start building long crude oil futures. If you make a mistake this time, we will lose a lot of money."

Although Saddam has threatened to fight to protect Iraq's oil interests, there is no imminent sign in the Middle East.

The recent crude oil price has changed between US$14 and US$15. Simon knows that the lowest point of this crisis is US$13. However, many analysts have predicted that due to the continuous increase in production in Kuwait and other countries, the international crude oil price may fall to USD10.

If the war does not happen as scheduled on August 2, and the price of crude oil falls to $10 a barrel, Cersei Capital will not only spit out all the profits made by shorting in the past few months, but may even lose the principal.

This is indeed a very risky bet.

However, high risk also means high reward.

If you don't bet in advance now, when the situation is clear, everyone sees the signs of war and builds long positions in a rush, and then there will be no Cersei Capital to make much profit.

Simon thought about this, smiled and said to Janet: "If you lose, you will lose. It has been too conspicuous in recent years. Now I really want to lose somewhere."

Janet smiled and said nothing more.

After breakfast, Janet rushed to the Cersei Capital headquarters in Midtown, but Simon didn't go to Jersey City. Madonna had a concert last night and probably didn't get up in the morning.

Simon's destination is the East Coast branch of Daenerys Entertainment in Greenwich Village. In the morning, there is another new film project that he just got to talk about. It is called "Fighting Wisdom Stars", which is adapted from "Saturday Night Live". The creator is Mike Myers, the star of the later "Ace Power Spy" series.

After Simon pointed out to Danny Morris, the head of New World Pictures, the development goal of developing the vulgar comedy market in the next step, he soon discovered the North American box office of the original time and space in a batch of projects of the person in charge. A million-dollar alternative comedy.

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