Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 280 Comprehension

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Normally, Sunday is not a good time for a party since the next day is a weekday.

Today, however, is something special.

The fifth week of Warner Bros. Pictures' "Lethal Weapon 2" was released on Friday and Saturday, and the total North American box office officially exceeded 100 million US dollars, so the film's celebration party was specially arranged today.

Because "Lethal Weapon 2" is the first domestic box office film of Warner Bros. Pictures to break 100 million in 1984, five years after the "Pixie" directed by Joe Dante, located in the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. The scale of the celebration party was very grand. Steve Ross, the helm of Warner Bros., still took time to come to Los Angeles at the most intense moment of the entangled merger lawsuits between Time Inc., Warner Bros. and Paramount Communications.

Not only that, it is said that during the banquet to the creative team of "Lethal Weapon 2" at noon today, Steve Ross also rewarded each of the main creators with an expensive sports car, and personally handed the keys to everyone.

The generosity of Steve Ross is indeed the reason why Warner Bros. was able to win over a group of top filmmakers to work with. 'Old Cowboy' Clint Eastwood has only made films for the Warner Bros. family in the last ten years. Famous Hollywood filmmakers such as Steven Spielberg, Barbra Streisand, and Cher have also worked with Ross. The intersection is irreversible.

Simon was also unable to continue to refuse after receiving two consecutive warm invitation calls from Steve Ross, and had to agree to attend tonight's party.

After the announcement of Daenerys Entertainment's 10 foreign film cooperation plans, Simon does not know if he has become the most powerful person in Hollywood, but he is definitely the person who has received the most invitations in Hollywood recently. Just look at how much Warner Bros. celebrated Lethal Weapon 2 after its box-office hit, and it's easy to see why Hollywood is so crazy about Simon.

The box office performance of "Lethal Weapon 2", which made Warner Bros. overjoyed, is expected to be less than half of "The Sixth Sense" in the total North American box office.

Because Simon's partner took the initiative to provide the script, the seven major Hollywood studios, mainstream second- and third-tier film companies, top producers in the circle, and even major talent agencies have all sent a large number of scripts to Danny. Liz Entertainment here.

These days, no matter where he is, Simon almost always has a stack of scripts waiting to be read at any time.

The main creators of Daenerys Entertainment's next year's films such as "The Ghost Story", "Pretty Woman", "Dancing With Wolves", and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" have all been determined. The news broke, and various talent agencies and Hollywood stars, big and small, were also boiling.

10 films, naturally means a lot of opportunities.

Daenerys Entertainment’s ability to make famous actors in a series of films is obvious to all. Second- and third-tier actors are crazy about these opportunities that may make them advance to the first-tier. Even the top-tier stars can’t face the plans for these 10 movies. .

After all, Hollywood's resources are limited. Latecomers are promoted to the first-line, but their opportunities will not increase, and the original first-line stars will inevitably decline.

Inside the Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel.

When Simon appeared, the eyes of all the guests were like countless compasses that had encountered powerful magnets, all of which converged on the young man at the door.

Steve Ross brought some people to greet him at the first time. Although he knew that it was inappropriate to invite Simon, a young man who was destined to be the focus of the audience on today's occasion, Ross was also helpless. In the state of Delaware, there is simply no other time to make an appointment with Simon in the short term.

"Simon, it's nice to see you again," he hugged Simon enthusiastically, and Ross teased again: "Why is it only you, but it doesn't matter, you can just find a female partner."

After Simon and Ross hugged and greeted, they said, "How about you, Steve, how are you doing?"

"You know, I'd love to have a fight with Martin Davis if I could."

Simon smiled and said, "Then he must not be able to beat you."

Ross also laughed, patted Simon on the shoulder, and looked at the others: "You all know everyone, um, this is Barbara, and she just wanted me to help introduce it."

Simon nodded to Terry Semel, Mel Gibson, Joe Pesci, and "Lethal Weapon 2" director Richard Donner, among others, and shook hands with Barbra Streisand, whom Rost mentioned. He started and said, "Hello, Ms. Streisand."

Barbra Streisand shook hands with Simon enthusiastically and said, "Just call me Barbara, Simon."

"Of course, Barbara."

After a few chats, Mel Gibson and others dispersed the party crowd again.

Steve Ross took Simon to the dining table in the corner of the hall and sat down, beckoned to call the waiter to bring drinks to the two, and said, "I called George Curgo this afternoon, Simon, wga is targeting Daenerys. The investigation farce of entertainment should end here, you can let someone contact there tomorrow, and this matter will be settled soon."

Simon was no longer worried about wga's investigation, but he still nodded graciously and said, "Thank you, Steve. Speaking of which, what happened to the outcome of this lawsuit?"

Simon is naturally talking about the disputes between the three companies in terms of mergers and acquisitions.

Paramount suddenly made a takeover offer to Time Company in June, disrupting the merger between Time Company and Warner Bros. that was about to be settled. After Time Company firmly resisted, Paramount filed a lawsuit.

The lawsuit took the matter to federal court in Delaware, asking the court to stop the merger between Time Inc. and Warner Bros.

As we all know, for tax avoidance and other considerations, many large companies in North America are registered in Delaware.

According to the information Simon is concerned about, in order to resist the offer made by Paramount, Time Inc. has recently adjusted its share-swap acquisition plan with Warner Bros. to a combination of stock and cash acquisitions.

Steve Ross heard Simon's question with a confident expression on his face, and said, "The verdict will be released next month, it's not a big problem."

"Then, I want to congratulate you on becoming the head of Hollywood's largest media company."

Steve Ross raised a toast to Simon with a smile, and was very proud of himself.

As it stands, the lawsuit that is now entangled, because the resistance of Time Inc. is too strong, Paramount is almost doomed to return.

Moreover, because of this lawsuit, although the merger of Time Inc. and Warner Bros. has had twists and turns, Warner Bros. led by Steve Ross has unexpectedly gained more benefits. Not only has Time’s offer to Warner improved, but the top executives of Time Company, who were originally the acquirer, tried their best to win Warner’s cooperation in order to avoid the fate of being acquired.

Now, although Warner Bros. is still the nominal acquirer, it has actually occupied the dominant position in the merger between Time Inc. and Warner Bros.

Steve Ross is a person who likes to discuss company operations and business negotiation skills with people around him, and he continues to reveal some inside information to Simon about the current progress of the acquisition.

The two chatted enthusiastically for more than ten minutes before the veteran Hollywood tycoon got to the point and asked, "Simon, how do you plan to arrange the 10 films of Daenerys Entertainment?"

Simon is reminiscing about some of the mergers and acquisitions that Ross just talked about, and has a sense of it. He has been paying attention to this merger and acquisition case, hoping to gain some experience related to his future layout. Ross's personal explanation gave him a deeper understanding of this merger case.

Time Inc., Warner Bros. and Paramount Communications are all listed companies. However, it is not the shareholders of the three companies that are driving this progress, but rather the management with their own interests in mind.

Therefore, the lawsuit initiated by Paramount Communications to protect the interests of Time Inc. shareholders went in the wrong direction from the beginning. The management of Time Corporation, which has the right to decide, does not care whether shareholders can get an extra billion or two billion dollars, they only care about whether their millions and tens of millions of dollars in income are maintained and their control over the company. .

Hearing Ross asked about the 10 movies, he temporarily retracted his mind and smiled bitterly: "I have received too many scripts recently, Steve, to be honest, I was still reading the script in the car I just came here. The specific arrangement, the most important thing is the quality of the script.”

"Simon, I saw a demo of The Batman this afternoon, and it was amazing. Even though "Flying Innocent" and "Batman" have not been released yet, I am sure we will have a very pleasant collaboration. So, 10 Movies, Warners also asked for too much, how about giving us two more?"

"I'm also looking forward to continuing to work with Warner, Steve, but, you know, it requires meeting the right projects."

"I understand, Simon Warner's copyright library is still very rich, you can choose at will. Also, if you fancy any other script, tell Terry, and he will do everything possible to get it. And, I know Dan Nilis Entertainment also reserves a lot of copyrights, if you are willing to take it out and cooperate with Warner, even if the conditions are a little more compressed, we can accept it.”

Simon had actually seen the first batch of scripts sent to him by Warner, and roughly confirmed the goal.

However, the dispute with wga has not yet been settled, and out of prudence, Simon is not in a hurry to announce several projects that he has taken a fancy to.

Feeling that Ross was still staring at himself, he didn't want to give up until he was able to speak, pretending to hesitate for a moment, Simon finally said: "All I can say is, Steve, there will definitely be Warners in these 10 movies. I'm not sure about the number of titles. Also, even if we can't work together on these 10 projects, you know that Daenerys and Warners will definitely continue to work on the Batman sequel, since you've seen it After the sample film, I must have such confidence.”

All Steve Ross wanted tonight was Simon's words.

Warner and Daenerys are already cooperating on two films, and Ross also saw Simon's intention to make this decision a few days ago, so he was a little worried that the young man in front of him would give up opportunities to other film companies. Ross actually thinks of "Batman", and even "Superman" and "Wonder Woman".

It's just that the cooperation project with Daenerys Entertainment is naturally the more the better.

"If that's the case, then, enjoy the party tonight." Having obtained the promise he wanted, Steve Ross raised his glass to Simon with champagne, and joked to himself: "I already feel a lot of eyes. It's taking up too much of your time crusade against my old man."

Simon got up and watched Steve Ross leave, and was about to eat something when Jonathan Friedman rushed over before everyone else's action and said straight to the point: "Simon, have you picked out the project?"

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