Under the entanglement of Obito, the Great Elder finally had a bitter face and was pushed away by Obito.

Char, on the other hand, returned to her home alone.


The next day.

When the sun rose high, Char dragged his tired body out of bed.

The first time he advanced to the Sharingan, he also jumped directly to the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye at one time, which caused a considerable burden on the body, and Char’s strong body was still full of fatigue when he woke up in the morning.


“It’s 9 o’clock???”

When he saw the clock hanging on the wall, Char’s face was a little confused.

What was the meeting time I said yesterday?

Eight or nine?


No matter what point it is, you can be 100% sure that you are late!


The teleportation technique was activated, and Char’s whole person turned into a whirlwind, and rushed out of the room.

With Char’s instantaneous technique at this time, he used it madly at any cost.

It only takes a few minutes to reach the meeting point.


People walking on the street only felt a wind blowing around them, and when they came back to their senses, they found that there was nothing around them.

Walk through the streets.

After a few minutes, Char finally came to an empty hillside.

There, Matt Kai and Red had already gathered together and were saying something.

Observe all around!

Very good, no shadow of a mentor.

Char, who had put down her heart, jumped in again and appeared between Red and Matkai.



“Char, you’re late!”

Matkay said seriously.

“Well, I know.”

“Char, run!”

The red on the side was obviously the Lord who couldn’t hide his words.

It’s just that apparently, Red’s hint came a little late.


From the solid surface where Char was standing, a hand suddenly broke through the ground and grabbed Char’s ankle.

“Tudun: The Art of Decapitation in the Heart!”

As a low voice with a slight anger came, the hand holding Char’s ankle made a force, and it dragged Char’s entire person into the ground.


The moment he was grabbed by his ankle, Char let out a muffled snort, and at the same time, his hands began to seal rapidly.

“Lei Dun: Go to the ground!”


When he boarded, the thunder and lightning radiated from the position where Char stood to the ground.

A muffled snort came.

Then the hand that had originally held Char’s ankle loosened, and it was broken free by Char.

After Char jumped up, he stopped on the branch on the side.

“Teacher, is this an assessment?”

Staring at the position where he was standing, Char said leisurely.

Rustle –

As the quicksand rolled, a figure gradually rose from it.

Snow-white pupils, indifferent expressions, even if they just rose from the ground, the clothes on their bodies are still neat.

Hinata Hinata!

Hinata’s ninja who splits up.

As a member of the traditional and well-behaved Hyuga clan, Hinata Hinata has no less than the old and stubborn rigidity of the family.

Late for the first set!

This kind of thing, Hinata Hinata will not tolerate.


“The assessment has long been over, and the eighth class has passed all except for Uchiha Char.”

Hinata said coldly.


“What is the content of the assessment?”

“Arrive on time!”

Looking at the mentor in front of him with a serious face and saying the four words, Xia Yaden was a little crying and laughing.

Arriving on time?

Can this also be considered an assessment?

It is worthy of the Hyuga family, which is known for being old-fashioned.

Looking at the grim Hinata Hinata in front of him, Rao is no matter how eloquent Char can eloquent, he can only explain the reason for his tardness word by word.

“Last night I fought against the enemy who invaded the village, because the level increase of the Sharingan caused a loss of physical function.”

“That’s why you’re late today?”

After Char truthfully explained the reason for her lateness, Hinata’s face eased a little.

It’s just that in the face of Char, who is hanging her child, Hinata Hinata is still sharp.

“Even if there is an emergency, it can be reported in advance last night.”

“I want to be a shinobi…”

“Then find a way to pass my assessment first!”

Hinata suddenly fumbled from his waist and took out an ordinary bell.


Is this routine the inheritance of Konoha?

Looking at the familiar bell in Hinata’s hand, Char couldn’t help but complain.

As a loyal Naruto fan, Char is no stranger to this bell in Hinata’s hand.

Soon, Hinata Hinata also said what Char expected.

“I have a bell in my hand.”

“If you can grab this bell in my hand before noon, I will grant you permission to pass this assessment.”

“If you can’t grab it…”

“Then go back to the ninja school and come back to me in another year!”

“Sure enough, there was no accident!”

Char complained secretly.

But for Hinata’s requirements, Char still slowly put on a posture.

Hinata, on the other hand, placed the bell on his waist expressionlessly, and then put on a Baguazhang starting pose in front of Char.

“Teacher, you are cheating!”

Red and Matkai, who were sitting on the side, exclaimed at the same time.

The Baguazhang of the Hyuga clan, everyone in Konoha knows, the strongest defensive skill, used to deal with a child is indeed a bit excessive.

Hinata, on the other hand, turned to look at the two.

“Hmph, if you can be late on the assembly day, you must have enough ability as a foundation.”

“Just let me see…”

“How strong is this breaking the school’s record for many years…”


Before the words fell, a fierce wind suddenly sounded in Hinata’s ears.

“Not good!”

Hinata’s pupils shrank sharply.

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