Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 35 Confrontation with Old Malfoy

Time slowly came to Saturday, which was the day that Ryan and Hermione made an appointment to learn Latin together.

"Zel, Professor Dumbledore has something to ask you. Go to the third floor now and find two stone statues. From there you can enter the principal's office. By the way, today's password is: rock sugar lemonade."

Halfway to the library, Lean met Snape.

"Okay, Professor Snape." Although he didn't know what Dumbledore wanted from him, Rean nodded.

Seeing that Lean already knew it, Snape did not intend to stay here any longer.

But before Snape turned and left, he took a long look at Hermione and Ryan.

"Sorry, Hermione, it seems that there may not be much time to study today. Shall we continue tomorrow?" Rean said after seeing Snape completely walking away.

"Okay, Lean. If Professor Dumbledore is looking for you, go there quickly and don't waste time." Hermione began to urge Lean.

In the little girl's opinion, the principal must have something to do with Lean.

This was also true. At this time, besides Dumbledore, there was one other person in the principal's room.

Lucius Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy's father.

"Albus, can you guarantee that he will not kill the curse? Do you have to wait until he makes a big mistake before taking measures?" Lucius stood in the principal's room and shouted loudly.

But Dumbledore was concentrating on selecting the beans from the box of braised beans.

"What?" As if realizing what Lucius had said, Dumbledore raised his head, his blue eyes full of doubts.

"Damn it, can't you put down your snacks first! What he cast this time was a fake life-killing curse. Can you guarantee that he won't cast a real one next time?"

As if he felt the contempt from Dumbledore, Lucius was now a little irritable.

"I do not think he can continue to stay at Hogwarts. For the honor of this school and the safety of all children, I recommend that he be imprisoned in Azkaban."

Before Dumbledore could speak, Lucius continued.

"He's just a child, Lucius, and it was Draco who insulted others first. 'Mudblood,' what an insult."

Dumbledore's tone remained unchanged, still so calm.

"But you shouldn't use the Death Curse to scare people!"

"If it was a real Kedavra, do you think Draco would still be running around the school right now?"

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the principal's office.

"Ha, Lean, come in quickly."

Dumbledore sensed that it was Rean who knocked on the door, and smiled and greeted Rean to come in.

After hearing Dumbledore's permission, Lean walked into the principal's office and closed the door behind him.

"You must be Ryan Zell. I heard about you. The death curse you fired at the opening ceremony was really shocking."

Before Lean could reach Dumbledore's desk, Lucius rushed forward impatiently and stretched out his hand.

Lean glanced at Lucius strangely, but his mind was thinking about who this person was.

However, he was not rude and asked people to wait. He also stretched out his hand and shook it.

"Lucius Malfoy." Lucius spoke.

At this moment, Li En understood that this was a fight with the younger one, and the older one was here.

"You also know my name, Lucius Malfoy. I have also heard that you were very majestic when you were a Death Eater."

Rean had a mocking smile on his lips and said in the same tone as Lucius.

"Sorry, I was just controlled by the mysterious man with magic at that time. That was not my intention. I have already stated this to the Ministry of Magic after the war, and the fact that I am standing here now is proof of my innocence. Isn’t it?”

Lucius took his hand out, paused, and continued: "But it's you who actually cast the Death Curse in public. It seems that Azkaban is a very suitable place for you."

"Why is this not what I see? Mr. Malfoy?"

Dumbledore watched the two fighting each other with interest, occasionally throwing one or two multi-flavor beans into his mouth.

"I would like to hear the details." Lucius pretended to be very interested.

Rean laughed "haha" twice, full of ridicule, and then took out a piece of paper from his seamless stretch pocket and handed it to Lucius.

Lucius looked confused and glanced at Lien strangely, but he still took it.

After a cursory look, Lucius's expression turned ugly. The hand holding the paper began to slowly tighten, and the paper also became wrinkled.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, Lucius, this kid Rean seems to be living in a Death Eater stronghold."

Dumbledore delivered the final blow.

"By the way, I have to thank Mr. Malfoy for the chair he made for Voldemort. I sold it to a second-hand dealer and made twenty thousand pounds. You know, I never had more than one in my pocket before that. Here are the pounds."

Lucius was looking at Dumbledore in disbelief. He realized that Dumbledore was setting a trap for him.

I just don’t know if what this kid is holding is real.

Lucius glared at Lien fiercely and said through gritted teeth: "You're welcome, I'll be happy if I can help you."

"Sorry, I remembered that I have a meeting to hold later, so I'll take my leave now." Lucius lifted his cane, adjusted his hat, and said.

He planned to reveal the matter now, he didn't dare to gamble.

If the bet wins, Dumbledore's presence will only cause Rean some pain; if the bet fails, Lucius believes that the remaining pure-blood families will not miss this good opportunity to cannibalize the Malfoy family.

"Mr. Malfoy, Malfoy's calling me a mudblood is not over yet. He insulted me so much. Shouldn't you give me some compensation to comfort my injured heart?"

Anyway, he has already threatened Lucius, so that's not bad. Kindness to one's enemies is cruelty to oneself.

"You are threatening me." Lucius said every word.

He was furious now.

After so many years in the magical world, Lucius never thought that he would be threatened by a young wizard who had just entered school.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy." Rean admitted generously.

Lucius felt as if something was stuck in his chest. He waited for a long time before saying, "Then what do you want?"

"Five magic crystals."

"Why don't you go and grab it!" As soon as Lean finished speaking, Lucius roared.

"Cough cough cough." Dumbledore also coughed.

He did want Lean to ask for compensation, but he didn't expect Lean to be so loud when he opened his mouth.

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