Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 34 Organize what you have learned

In that Transfiguration class, the little wizards didn't have a chance to touch the wand, because Professor McGonagall was explaining some knowledge points throughout the whole process.

The little wizards were a little discouraged, and their enthusiasm for entering the magical world quickly faded.

After all, they come to school for the gorgeous and profound magic, not for sitting in the classroom and taking notes.

Professor McGonagall also noticed the changes in the emotions of the little wizards below, but there was nothing that could be done about it. After all, only by laying a solid foundation could we go further.

But what pleased Professor McGonagall was that Rean was also taking notes seriously.

Although Lean cast the Unforgivable Curse in front of her twice in a row, Professor McGonagall still believed that this was just because Lean had not received education.

After all, you can't expect a child who was orphaned at the age of four to survive in the darkness of Clear Street relying on propriety, justice, and integrity.

This is the idea that Professor McGonagall came up with after specifically learning about the situation on Clear Street.

Rean felt that time passed very quickly, while the other little wizards felt that time passed very slowly.

However, this is only one person's subjective feeling. Objectively, the flow rate of time does not differ from person to person.

So the Transfiguration class is over.

"Is this really magic?" A young wizard from the Muggle world and his friends were complaining.

"I think so too. You must always be firm and determined."

Rean didn't listen to the next words. All he was thinking about now was to have a happy meal.

The restaurant was particularly lively today, and the little wizards of Slytherin and Hufflepuff were pulling their friends to complain crazily about the disgusting garlic smell of Professor Quirrell.

But after the table was filled with delicious food, the two young wizards from the academy shut their mouths.

No one wants to be reminded of that taste while eating.

After lunch, Rean went back to his dormitory to rest for a while.

There was only one class in the afternoon, and after finishing it, Ryan went into the library.

"Professor Snape didn't give you any trouble yesterday, did he?" Hermione asked secretly.

Rean raised his head, looked at Hermione and said, "Fortunately, we just had to deal with the horned slug. But to be honest, that thing is really disgusting."


"Malfoy and I."

Hermione obviously didn't expect that the two of them would be punished together, and asked unexpectedly: "Aren't you afraid that you two will fight again?"

"That's Snape's office."

"When you were in Diagon Alley, you pulled out your wand and tried to cast the Death Curse." Hermione rolled her eyes at Rean, "That's Professor McGonagall."

"Maybe I didn't care about this at the time." Rean felt a little emotional at this time.

Looking at Hermione's puzzled face, Lean continued: "I still had some abilities at that time. Even if I cast the Death Curse and was wanted, I was sure to escape. The world is so big, I can always find a place to hide. It’s just that now I’m avoiding the Ministry of Magic, whereas before I was avoiding those gangsters, so it’s no big deal.”

Only then did Hermione realize that Lean's childhood was different from hers.

All this time, Lean's politeness made her choose to forget Lean's childhood.

"Sorry." For some reason, Hermione wanted to apologize right now.

"It doesn't matter." Rean just smiled. He didn't care about his miserable childhood.

What's more, that was just "Lean's" childhood.

"By the way, do you still want to go to Professor Snape's place to receive punishment tonight?"

Then Hermione suddenly realized that she seemed to have asked a stupid question.

Yesterday Snape said he would accept a month's punishment, but today he asked if he still needed to go.

"No need to go today."


"Astronomy class."


The little girl seemed to be particularly interesting today, which made Lean full of interest, and he couldn't help but start looking at Hermione up and down.

"What are you looking at?" Hermione looked a little embarrassed by Rean and asked with a blush.

"Of course I'm looking at a pretty girl."

Hermione's face turned even redder at this time, and the little girl lowered her head. After that, no matter how Lean talked to her, Hermione stopped paying attention to Lean.

In the evening, Lean took an uninteresting astronomy lesson.

Well, watching the stars for an hour and recording their movements.

But the telescope for looking at the stars sparked Lean's idea.

To be honest, from the outside, you may not imagine that such a small brass telescope can see the stars in the sky clearly.

But it actually did it.

So after the astronomy class, Lean's original brass telescope became a pile of parts.

"What a delicate structure and superb spell-casting skills." Lien kept sighing.

In fact, it's not complicated at all. It just uses magic to increase the intensity of light entering the astronomical telescope, and then uses magic to make it clearer.

Generally speaking, a brass telescope can last about twenty years.

After understanding the principle and structure of the brass telescope, Lien summoned Pais.

After smoothing Pais's feathers and feeding him some owl nuts, Lean put a gold galleon into the small pocket on Pais's paw.

"Pais, help me go to Diagon Alley and buy another telescope." Rean said.

Pais nodded to express his understanding, and then flew out of the owl-specific tube.

At the same time, this is also the ventilation pipe used in the Slytherin common room.

After watching Pais disappear, Lien sat at the desk next to him.

He now needs to think carefully about his own spells. Today's events gave him a wake-up call.

He now has so many spells at his disposal that he doesn't know which spell to use first when something happens.

It's like L'Obitat's law or Taylor's formula, which one would you choose?

Sometimes it's really hard to make a choice.

Therefore, Lien now needs to carefully understand the circumstances under which each spell can be used to exert its maximum power.

Taking this opportunity, Lien also wanted to sort out what he had learned.

The things that Rean knows now are very messy, including the black magic left by the Death Eaters, the basic spells of several civilizations in the Book of Laws, the forbidden spells, and some miscellaneous spells. .

Now I need to add the white magic that I am learning.

Some magic systems also have conflicting aspects.

This is a huge project, and Lien doesn't expect to be able to sort it out in one day. He is just recalling the names and effects of the spells he has mastered.

"Huh? Detection, such a useful spell, I forgot about it?"

"Healing? It's useless. It wastes magic power and the effect is not good."

Rean completely lost track of time as he wrote. Fortunately, Malfoy had moved out.

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