"Shut up, Bane!"The centaur with platinum hair scolded his companions:

"Didn't the trajectory of the planet tell you that the guys appearing in the Forbidden Forest have seriously threatened our survival, and we can't solve this problem by ourselves! Bain was very unconvinced and said:"

Fierenze, you have fallen. We are explorers who study the starry sky. We should not participate in these battles. History is always like this. It keeps repeating. Dark creatures always want to fight against those living in the sun." The pain of the next life is the killer."

When Pine read the original work in his previous life, he couldn't stand the centaurs, a bunch of 'philosophers' who talked in a cloud.

Now that the other party scolded him first, it was even more impossible to bear it.

He waved the flaming snake in his hand and swung the nearby ones. All the Acromantulas were burned to death.

However, they rode the Thestrals to the Centaur Bain, ignoring the opponent's fully drawn bowstring.

In the battle just now, Senior Sister Tonks understood that the strength of Pine's spell was far greater than For her.

Therefore, she concentrated on defense and released the armor spell and obstacle spell.

Pine pointed the unicorn wand in his hand at the centaur Bane, and inserted a branch into his mouth.

"Rather than studying the stars, I hope you can recognize the reality"

"The next time you see me and you say something rude, it won’t be this lesson."

Fierenze is a centaur who is close to wizards. Seeing that Pine only punished his companions appropriately, he did not choose to help.

"Little wizard, are you here for Hagrid?"

"Yes, do you know what happened in the Forbidden Forest? Firenze raised his head and looked up at the stars, and said with his melancholy eyes:

"Mars is very bright tonight!"

"A terrifying black magic creature came to the Forbidden Forest, and even the eight-eyed spider became restless and crazy."

Pine was speechless.

This is not the forest glade where you centaurs live. It is densely packed with big trees. The canopy of the trees completely blocks the night sky. Can you still see Mars when you look up?

He doesn't want to follow the gang to play philosophy. The horseman stopped talking nonsense and said directly:

"Mr. Firenze, I need you to take me to the place where the eight-eyed spider lives. I want to meet Aragog."

"No problem, please follow me, but I will not participate in the communication between you. Firenze walked ahead with his horse's hooves raised. Pine held Tonks in his arms and urged the Thestral to follow. After running through a large dense forest and running deeper into the Forbidden Forest for twenty minutes,

Firenze stopped and reminded. :

"I can feel that the spiders are very manic tonight, which is not a good sign."

After that, he turned around and left.

"Senior sister, we are about to break into the gathering place of eight-eyed spiders. Are you afraid?"Pine asked softly.

"We have come here, but we have to find people. Anyway, I tried it. The black fog outside should be a very ancient black magic. We can't get out for the time being. Tonks said softly against Pine's chest.

"Then we will continue as before, you are responsible for defense and I am responsible for offense. Today the fate of both of us is left to you."

Pine's lips just kissed Senior Tonks' purple hair, which exuded the fragrance of violet.

"rustle - rustle——"

More and more spiders crawled out of the bushes, hissing with bloodthirsty sounds.

"Armor protection!"

"Ring of Flame!"

"Fire snake whip!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The densely packed spiders sneaked up from the high branches with webs hanging, and hit the armor charm, making a dull sound.

Pine waved his wand, using himself as a radius, to summon out A circular fire ring with a diameter of ten meters.

The sound of roasting meat was continuous.

Then a fire snake whip stretched out from the top of the wand, with a fiery temperature, harvesting as much as it wanted.

One layer at a time Another layer of spider corpses turned to ashes and piled up around the two of them.

The firelight in the sky illuminated the darkest forest.

Aragog, who was hiding in his lair, felt that the lives of his descendants were passing quickly.

At this moment , it was extremely frightened.

When it finally climbed out of its nest and saw the lives burning in the flames, its heart was cut like a knife.

It was not grieving the death of its own child.

As a family of Acromantulas with extremely strong reproductive capabilities, it was simply There is no need to care about the life and death of his descendants.

But these children have to pay tribute to it every day and hunt for blood food on its behalf.

I feel sorry for myself that I may not be able to enjoy the delicious food deep in the Forbidden Forest for some time in the future.

Aragog can no longer press his patience. Unable to control his emotions, he shouted loudly:

"Human wizard, why do you want to slaughter my children!"

"I made a deal with you Hagrid at Hogwarts, we won't attack you!"

Pine turned a deaf ear and did not stop the killing at all.

"Aragog, I just want to come over and ask you where Hagrid is and the two children beside him."

"But you attacked me, and now you still have the nerve to talk about your agreement with Hogwarts?"

Aragog felt that he was very wronged. Hagrid had come to see him.

But he only came to ask him if anything unusual had happened in the Forbidden Forest recently.

He had never done anything to him or the children he brought..

Unless the old man at Hogwarts dies, he will never do anything that crosses the bottom line.

"Human wizard, Hagrid came to my place, but left after asking me a few questions."

"Recently, a terrifying monster came to the Forbidden Forest, and it was looking for traces of unicorns."

"Tonight it finally found the unicorn's habitat, and the dark magic it unleashed has made my children lose control."

Hearing Aragog's explanation, Pine frowned:

Hunting unicorns?

Isn't this something Voldemort will do next year?

Could it be that his appearance has caused the timeline to change?

"Aragog, where is the unicorn's habitat? Take me there."Pine said coldly

"This won't work, I can't step out of my territory."Aragog shook his head repeatedly.

How could it risk its life if it cherished its life?

But when it saw Pine increasing the output of magic power, it cursed in its heart that this little wizard was really a devil!

It said helplessly:"I let me My little son will take you there. He is my most beloved child."

"Better not play tricks on me!"Pine threatened with a low hum.

Then, an eight-eyed spider with bright blood-red patterns on its head crawled out from Aragog's body and said tremblingly:

"Human wizard, please follow me"

"The unicorn herd lives in Crescent Lake just north of us."

Before leaving, Pine used the stun spell to stun a few more Acromantulas.

As if no one else was watching, he put the spiders he had stunned into the space bag he just bought yesterday.

Aragog looked anxious and angry. :"Human wizard, what are you doing!"

Pine smiled and said:"I happened to be short of the venom of the eight-eyed spider when refining the potion recently. I will take your great-grandchildren back and raise them for a few days."

Aragog was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He dared not speak out if he was angry!

He just watched Pine disappear into the woods.

…… ps: The editor is not here today, so no need to wait, these chapters will continue to be distributed to everyone for free viewing!!!

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