"Mr. Wilson, what would I get if I chopped up the roots of the daisies, peeled the shriveled figs, cut the caterpillars into thin slices, and added a drop of rat bile and a little leech juice?"

"Blink potion."

Snape's face turned even darker.

"What would you do if I asked you to take Flobber caterpillar slime?"

"When Florber caterpillars are placed in an environment full of lettuce, they secrete large amounts of fluid after eating the lettuce."

Snape came over like a wind and stared into Pine's eyes:

"What do you get by adding absinthium and bezoar?"

"water of life and death"

"What if I want better results?"

"Requires sunflower root powder and wormwood infusion"

"What do I need to do to get the oozingweed?"

"Pick on a full moon, sir"

"snort! Follow the script! Snape said contemptuously,"But it's basically correct.""

Back on the podium, Snape turned around and scolded:

"What are the students of Ravenclaw waiting for? Why not write this all down??"

"Look at Martina Parkinson in Slytherin, remember how serious she was!"

"Slytherin adds two points!"

In an instant, countless bastards rushed past in Pine's heart.

This score can also be higher than that of Slytherin. What about my points?

Unfortunately, Snape, a big bat, ignored Pine's eyes eager for points.

He was even a little complacent. proud:

"Why, Mr. Wilson, after answering the question, do you still want me to ask you to sit down?"


Snape! You won't give me any points, will you?

Let's ride on the donkey and look at the ledger - we'll see!

One day you'll beg me.

Pine has already begun to silently figure out in his mind that he should investigate the location of Gaunt's old house..

The classroom was filled with the rustle of quills and parchment.

"Pine, have you read the entire book on beginner and intermediate potions?" Qiu whispered.

She admired Pine for being able to answer all Snape's questions.

Pine didn't answer, but just raised his index finger and put it in his mouth. While making a quiet gesture, he raised his finger and pointed at Snape.

Snape stared at Qiu proudly. Yesterday, he was still worried about what he would do if Ravenclaw scored 65 points at the beginning of the school year.

Now that he thinks about it, Deduct points:

"Miss Qiu Zhang, private conversations are prohibited during class. Two points will be deducted from Ravenclaw!"

Qiu's mouth tightened.

Tears of grievance were about to fall.

A lot of people were talking in low voices just now.

Moreover, the points in his college are all earned by Pain's hard work.

When the fairy sister cried, this But it makes Pine feel bad.

This Snape is indeed not a son of a man!

In the midst of the noise, Snape said:

"Today, I will teach you how to make a simple potion to treat scabies"

"Because I really can't think of a simpler potion."

"If anyone can fail - I really want to advise the principal to think about it carefully……"

"Did he bring in the stupid toad?!!"

As he said that, Snape clicked on the blackboard behind him.

"Let me remind you again, throw away the potion books in your hands!"

"I don't need old stuff here"

"All ingredients and preparation methods are on the blackboard"

"And everything you need……"

He waved his wand again and pointed at the cabinet by the wall:

"It's all in the storage cupboard"


The door of the storage cabinet he was talking about opened automatically as he pointed his wand.

"You have an hour and a half... let's get started."

The whole process was smooth and natural.

If it weren't for the painful experience of being beaten in his early years,

Pine would have called Snape - the innate divine body!

As soon as he finished speaking, the students started to move according to their groups. Qiu and Marietta were in a group.

Pine had to be in a group with Tiga, the Holy Son of Light.

"We first copy down the steps on the blackboard, and then start to prepare the potion to treat scabies to avoid making mistakes in the preparation steps."

Pine reminded,"As long as the steps are correct, the finished product will not differ too much from what is required on the blackboard."

The biggest fear when brewing potions is not paying attention or making mistakes in the steps.

Stirring one more time may ruin the entire pot of ingredients.

However, he has the talent of Ravenclaw's photographic memory and the talent of Slytherin's natural closed brain.

Both his memory and mental concentration are far beyond ordinary people. He has an innate advantage in the configuration of potions.

Not to mention that he now has a level 9 potion talent.

When Diga copied the content on the blackboard, he had already used it. He configured his cauldron alone.

He didn't pay attention to Snape, who dragged his black cloak and walked behind him.

Snape was shocked by Pine's rapid practice process from unfamiliar to proficient.

But he still snorted, leaving only Next sentence:"It’s okay."

He walked lightly behind the others.

"Mr. Dyna, tell me why your onions are not sliced ​​thinly!"

"Can't you see the big words on the blackboard?"

"One point deducted from Ravenclaw!"

…… ps: Snape: Whoever dares not to give flowers will have points deducted for visiting tonight!!!

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