Hogwarts Melon Eater

Chapter 101: Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson ②

In this Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Anna took it very seriously. She sat upright the whole time, and her head was full of all kinds of strange creature images.

She knew for the first time that zombies were real, with rotting shells and mutilated bodies, but they didn't like to eat brains, and most zombies preferred to pick up human stumps and wave them around - and giggled. The voice is somewhat cautious.

Very few zombies choose to infiltrate Muggle parades on Halloween, roaring and roaring at children who come to ask for candy, and then knocking over pumpkin-shaped sugar bowls.

I don't know how many children's childhood shadows have become, it is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Magic has a special zombie research team "rotten life", they capture zombies, and study the secret of zombie immortality.

"Okay, let's talk about trolls. I believe that little wizards living in the magic world must be familiar with this word," Jacob wrote the word \'Troll\' on the blackboard.

"It would be unfortunate if \'T\' appeared in the test results, because it means that your study of a certain subject... is on the same level as a troll."

"And the trolls have amazing strength, but their intelligence is very low, even lower than the intelligence of the zombies mentioned earlier," Jacob waved his wand and let the chalk write on the blackboard himself.

"Trolls are divided into mountain trolls, forest trolls and river trolls, so what's the difference between these three trolls?" Jacob looked at a group of little wizards sitting upright, "Who will answer? ?"

"The kid who was thinking about eating five puddings tonight," Jacob ordered a little snake with an innocent expression on his face, "Yes, it's you."

"Uh...they...have different names?" The innocent little snake blushed and stood up, "Maybe...they have different preferences for food?"

"Bloodlines are different!" The blond snake raised his hand, "A forest troll is orthodox!"

"?" Trolls also talk about bloodlines? Anna thought it was a little funny, anyway, this bloodline is a bit too bad, right?

"Hahaha, it's very imaginative, but trolls don't talk about bloodline," Jacob sat the innocent snake down, "It's just that they have these three names based on their habitats. Mountain trolls are the most dangerous. , they are the largest, with grey skin, and sometimes hide on the edge of a cliff, and suddenly do a few pull-ups and startle Muggles off the cliff."

"The next most dangerous are river monsters. They sometimes lurk under bridges, with long horns and purple skin. They eat everything," Jacob paused, "from rotten fish and rotten shrimp to fresh human flesh."

"Hey—" There was a commotion in the classroom, and goose bumps appeared on Belinda's arm, "I hope I will never encounter a troll in my life."

"The forest trolls are relatively docile, and they are also the most easily cultivated among the trolls to become \'not very qualified\' guards, with pale green skin and long hair..." Jacob waved his hand, "So encountering How do we deal with the trolls?"

"Run!" Several little wizards said in unison, it made sense, Anna nodded, not a berserker, of course, the crispy wizard ran as far as possible.

"Oh! You college kids are surprisingly consistent, but you're right, life is the most important thing," Jacob raised his eyebrows.

"This morning, a kid from a certain college suggested that the trolls could be sneezing and sneezing by using the Pepper Charm..."

"It must have been proposed by a Ravenclaw..." Little Blonde Snake muttered to his classmates.

"Although it's very thoughtful, the troll's snot is surprisingly thick," Jacob shook his head and added, "I don't recommend using this method. It will be bad for the troll's snot to stick to it."

"I now think this idea must have been proposed by a Gryffindor..." The blond snake continued to mutter to the classmates around him.

"So what else is there to deal with the trolls? If the answer is good enough, I'll give Slytherin five points."

"Sprinkle the poison on the corpse and throw it at the troll!" The little blond snake raised his hand.

"Uh... If there is neither poison nor corpse..." Jacob scratched his head, "And if you want to poison the troll, the amount of ordinary poison must be at least a wooden barrel, otherwise it will only cause them to have diarrhea— - that would make it worse..."

"You can use the Levitation Charm to make the heavy object float on the troll's head and stun it," Anna raised her hand, plagiarizing Ron's practice in the original book, trying to add points to Slytherin.

"Oh!" Jacob reacted fiercely. He looked at Anna, as expected of a girl the bank robbers knew, "Very good method! The correct use of simple spells can indeed reduce the number of spells mastered. The little wizard survived."

"Five points for Slytherin," Jacob nodded, "Actually, the repelling spells, smokescreen spells, etc. that you will learn in Defense Against the Dark Arts this semester can also deal with trolls, although it is difficult to completely eliminate trolls. Defeat, but at least save your life."

"I personally recommend that if you go to an area where trolls are infested in the future, it is best for everyone to carry some bubble pods with them."

"Well...Professor, is it the kind of bubble pod that blooms when dropped on the ground?" Belinda raised her hand.

"Yes, the troll has a severe allergic reaction to the pollen of the Bubble Pod," Jacob explained. "Throw a handful of Bubble Pods on the ground, and the scattered pollen can make the troll go unconscious."

Anna picked up the quill and quickly jot down the notes, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor did have something.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class went by quickly, at least that's what Anna felt. The content of the class was interesting and curious. Now Anna knows that if she wants to deal with kappa, she has to try to shake the water out of their foreheads...

To deal with the snowman, use fire-related spells, or take off your clothes to show his muscles in the ice and snow... This way the snowman will back down out of respect, which is one of the reasons why there are few Russian wizards among the victims of the snowman...

Still very useful, but without telling you where to go to meet a kappa, a snowman, or a 'red hat', Anna thinks she might never get a chance to use a lighting spell to dazzle a 'red hat' eye in her life , and escaped from its claws as sharp as a woman's freshly made nails.

"Huh—" Belinda breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, it's much better than a herbal class," she closed her pink notebook, "Although trolls and red hats sound disgusting, as long as you don't let me see , are acceptable.”

"No matter what, it's better than smelling manure for two hours..." Belinda and Anna came out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A group of little wizards crowded the stairs, forming a small traffic jam. Except everyone covered their noses.

An unpleasant smell wafted over. Belinda frowned, "Merlin's lace briefs, what's going on? Did someone blow up the toilet?"

The scene was a little chaotic.

The characters in the painting on the wall are running around. Before, the "Lady in a Sweater" was forcing a cat that was unfortunately stained with feces to take a bath. His arm was scratched, and the band in the painting began to play a song. An unknown symphony that sounds sad and heroic...

"Did a troll sneak in?" Curly-haired Snake looked at the messy staircase and was a little worried, "I think I should go to the herbalist professor to get some bubble pods..."

A very pleasant voice rang out, "Hahaha Dumb Filch! I'm here!" Peeves emerged from the wall, still stained with dung, and not only did not decrease, but increased , I don't know which two well-meaning people threw it on him.

"Meow!" Mrs. Norris screamed out of the corner.

Filch quickly passed the crowd and headed towards the position where Mrs. Norris was screaming. He was agile, and he seemed to be exercising regularly. Although his back was hunched, it did not affect him handsomely. Little wizard of things.

Very powerful, if Hogwarts held a parkour competition now, Mr. Squib Filch, who was over 500 years old, might be able to stand out from the crowd of young wizards and win the championship.

"Peeves! You've gone too far this time! I must drive you out!" He was high-spirited and full of energy.

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