Heavenly Book Evolution

Chapter 755: 1 punch invincible

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"Has my means been seen through?"

Bingzu's heart was uncertain.

Seeing that life from other origins was already in danger, Bingzu knew that he had to act first.

Otherwise, wait until the Ten Thousand Beast Kings and others who are besieging other origins of life are free, even if he does his best, don’t want to leave alive. If he knew it would be the present situation, he would leave sooner and not be greedy to return to the funeral monument. The treasure and took the initiative to stay.

"The procrastination time is almost over."

Chen Mo said, speeding up from time to Bingzu.

In less than two seconds before Bingzu was waiting for him to attack first, he had already changed his fate and abolished Bingzu's hole card.

Seeing Chen Mo finally rushed over, Bingzu suddenly smiled in relief.

The soldier insects he made are smaller than a unit of a meter. In addition to the general mobility, the soldier insects are extremely difficult to destroy, not to mention, they can attach to the enemy and easily penetrate any defensive treasures into the enemy's body, and it can let the enemy be short-lived. The origin of the holy relic is out of control.

Soldier insects are not only puppets, but also the most proud life he has created.

However, in the next moment, Bingzu's heart was like falling into an ice cave.

Because of all the soldiers, all of them are malfunctioning.

There is no real eternal creation in the world, and of course there is the possibility of damage to a soldier insect, but according to his calculation, the probability of a single soldier insect malfunctioning is one in ten thousand trillion, and it is a joke that all soldier insects fail at the same time.


Bingzu raised his right arm to block, and Chen Mo hit his arm with a palm of time accelerating.

In the position in the shot, the arm armor of the Origin Sacred Relic Origin Armor was cracked on the spot. The two sides fought in an instant. I don’t know how many times. When the soldier's ancestor was knocked into the air after the breath, the Origin Armor covering the whole body was all cracked. .

"Return to the roots of the ruins..."

Bingzu shouted in horror.

The root of Guixu is the end of everything, and it also has the ability to end everything.

With a more terrifying destructive power than the root of destruction, only the root of the ruins can destroy his origin armor to this degree in a short contact. How terrible the root of the ruins in the hands of the old man of reincarnation is how terrible he still remembers. mind.

"It's not completely destroyed."

Chen Mo said disappointedly.

The strength of the origin of Guixu is related to the origin of the ancestral world. The closer the origin of the ancestral world is to destruction, the stronger the origin of the origin of the origin. Now the origin of the ancestor world has integrated most of the corpses of the origin holy emperor, which has recovered a lot, leading to the destruction of the origin of the origin. The force is also weakened simultaneously.

This is also one of the main reasons why he temporarily gave up the weird origin of the reincarnation, and the root of the return to the ruin will become weaker and weaker as time goes by.

The origin of Guixu is weak, and the power of the corresponding origin becomes stronger.

Although Roots of Origin is not good at destructive power, the ability to simply give birth to everything is scary enough.

Forty percent of the origin of origin emerged in Chen Mo’s palm, and it instantly changed into the origin armor that was exactly the same as that of the soldier's ancestor. Everything in the entire origin ancestor world was transformed by the origin of origin. In the previous contact, he already had a certain understanding of the origin armor. It is naturally not difficult to change the origin of the origin into the origin soldier.

More than that, his origin armor might far outweigh the origin armor of the ancestor.

Putting on the origin armor, Chen Mo only realized the power of this first origin holy artifact in the origin ancestral world.

In a true sense, Chen Mosi doesn’t think that the Four Books of Destiny, Ark of Origin, Burial Stele of Guixu, and Time and Space Pocket Watch are inferior to the Armaments of Origin. But if you know how many roots the Ark of Origin is integrated, the Burial Stele of Guixu is the highest. Baiyuan teamed up to refining, the time-space pocket watch is suspected to come from the upper realm, and even the destiny book is from another realm.

Excluding these four, Origin Armor is the first origin holy artifact in Origin Ancestral Realm.

Incorporating the powerful destructive power brought by the root of 50% gold, and the powerful defensive ability brought by the root of 50% indestructible.

Bingzu has three roots at the same time. If it weren’t for the origin of the Bingjia to be restrained by the return to the roots, it would not be easy for him to break the protection of the Bingzu. Now the Bingzu’s Bingjia has been hit hard, and his original Bingjia has been hit hard. It is many times more powerful than the original.

Forty percent of the origin of origin is equivalent to the superposition of all things in the small half of the origin ancestor world.

To get these origins, it is not known how many roots were dissolved and merged by the time and space ancestors in the battlefield of destiny.

If these sources of origin are obtained, the ancestral world of origin will be restored to its heyday in an instant.

So even instinctively, the origin ancestors will pursue these origins.

Had it not been for the roots of destiny and the roots of Guixu to be hidden and concealed, the origin ancestors would have instinctively launched the Heavenly Scourge to seize these origins.

Chen Mo estimated that he could not use the Origin Root to attack the enemy for more than 100 seconds.

And this time the origin of origin is used, and the next time the origin of ancestors will use a shorter time to locate the origin of origin.

Every time the origin of origin is used, the reaction of origin ancestors will be greater.

In the end, either the Origin Ancestral Realm would blast him to death and then merge with the Origin Roots, or his strength would be so powerful that he refining the entire Origin Ancestral Realm into an unsurpassed treasure, and he and Origin Ancestral Realm must have a final victory. negative.

Although only one hundred seconds, he was absolutely unmatched in Origin Ancestral Realm within this one hundred seconds.

The enhanced version of the Origin Armor contains 10% of the Golden Root, 10% of the Immortal Root, 10% of the Fire Root, 10% of the Time Root, and 10% of the Void Root. Although they are all the roots of the temporary transformation of the Origins, they have the authority. There is really nothing false.

Under the acceleration of the pure root of time, Chen Mo instantly appeared in front of Bingzu and threw a punch ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was just a punch, and the Origin Armament was shattered on the spot.

Even the root of fire among them burned the body of the soldier's ancestor into nothingness in an instant. Only under the protection of the immortal root, the original soul of the soldier's ancestor and the root of the soldier were preserved, and then it was sealed by the opened book of destiny.

The tragedy of Bingzu directly stunned the remaining origin life.

Just one punch to the dying of the soldier's ancestor, only the old reincarnation of the year has such a destructive power.

If there are hundreds of origin beings, through the cooperation and superposition of different roots, they can burst out a destructive power far greater than a hundred times a hundred without fear of any enemy, but now there are only a few of them, and their roots are also There is no direct complementarity.

If there are so many more punches, one of them will die.

Almost instantaneously, all the trapped origin beings intend to completely burn their roots. It is better to return all the roots to the origin ancestors realm, and to die together than to be captured by the enemy alive. For countless years, they will be tortured, but also So they honed their will.

So there is no origin life that is afraid of death, they would rather die in battle than be captured.

Time is limited. Since Chen Mo has used the origins, he has to give full play to his value.

With one punch, all the remaining origin lives have been hit hard.

A few more punches, except for the few origin beings that had long been selected to be sealed, all the rest were killed.

The origin of life has fallen continuously. Although the roots in their bodies are not waiting to return to heaven and earth, they have been intercepted by Chen Mo, but the resonance with the origin of the ancestors at the moment when the roots are unowned has caused great turmoil, and Chen Mo quickly put them away and was buried in the ruins. The stele seals the fifteen origins of the reincarnation weird and leaves the land of God.

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