“Baku, their more than two thousand brave warriors, will not want to see you look depressed!”

Hearing Yunye mention Baku, Arthur closed his eyes in pain, he still remembered the scene of Baku’s death battle in front of him, and he did not want to live up to the expectations of Baku and other dead soldiers.

Merlin said, “The biggest problem facing us now is how to leave the Great Desert of Dungenes!” ”

“It can be said that the Germanic army has crossed us to attack the Roman Empire, and as long as we can get out of Dungenes, we are in the belly of the Germanic army, and if we can contact the Roman army, we can attack the Germanic army, and the situation is very favorable to us.”

Yun Ye smiled bitterly, “But even this premise is very difficult for us to do, Deng Jienes’s death hell is not something that can be left casually, not to mention that we have thousands of people here.” ”

Merlin looked at Arthur in pain and shook his head helplessly, Merlin himself had no better way to get out of here, and it would be useless to say more.

Yun Ye looked at the scene of the vast yellow sand in the distance, such a large area of desert, how could he leave?

They will not find a way out if they are not familiar with the road of life, if only someone could lead them.

Yun Ye frowned, someone led himself to find a way out?

So if you can communicate with this desert, can you ask for a way out?

The word of nature, a noun immediately appeared in the mind of Yun Ye.

This is a skill given to Yunye by the Grand Mage system, which can communicate with various languages and different types of people and things, so is it possible to try to use this skill to communicate this desert?

Yun Ye closed his eyes and sank his heart to open the Grand Mage system that had not been opened for a long time.

Since coming to this era, Yunye had not yet opened the Grand Mage System, but fortunately, the Grand Mage System still existed in Yunye’s mind.

126,000 potential points, a huge number appeared in front of Yunye, which is the potential point number that Yunye now has.

Yun Ye looked at this number steadily, a glimmer of essence flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling.

The secrets and doubts that had previously hidden in his heart resurfaced in Yunye’s mind, and they were getting closer and closer to the real answer, and Yunye felt that he might be able to take this opportunity to find out about this matter.

In fact, this number is not less, this is the accumulation of Yunye for such a long time, but Yunye did not care about these, but directly jumped to the skill of the Word of Nature.

Now Yunye has a level 2 natural language, able to use a variety of languages to communicate people and things, even some astringent language, just like the snake language Yunye can urgently need this skill!

Level 3 Nature Language, able to communicate with local elements and resonate with the environment

Yunye’s eyes lit up, and it was exactly this!

If he could talk to Deng Jienes’s desert, rocks, and heaven and earth elements, Yun Ye could easily know where Deng Jienes’s exit direction was!

10000 potential points, upgrade!

Yun Ye did not hesitate to directly upgrade Level 3 Nature Whisper.

At the same time of upgrading, a wave of enlightenment appeared in Yunye’s heart, and Yunye was like a monk who sat in meditation and suddenly realized what the true meaning of the world was, making Yunye’s whole person seem to be sublimated.

“Cloud Night, what’s wrong with you?” A hurried voice sounded.

Yunye slowly opened his eyes, and in front of him were a nervous face of Arthur and Merlin, both of whom stared at Yunye as if something had happened to Yunye.

Yun Ye said, “What’s wrong?” ”

Arthur pointed to Yunye’s side, “Look around! ”

Yun Ye looked around at the situation around him and found that there was actually a little bit of light around him, as if some fireflies were surrounding him, but these things were definitely not ordinary fireflies, but materialized heaven and earth elements!

Merlin also noticed this and hesitated, “Cloud Night, is this the embodiment of the magic element between heaven and earth?” ”

Arthur was shocked, “Magic elemental, Merlin, what do you mean?” ”

Merlin looked at the cloud night, waiting for the cloud night to follow, and did not say anything more.

Yun Ye smiled bitterly, “Maybe…”

Merlin stared closely at the bright spots around Yun Ye and said, “There are all kinds of forces and substances between heaven and earth, but the basis of everything is composed of elements, and it can be said that the elements are the basic things that make up everything we can see.” ”

Arthur said, “Then what is the materialized Heaven and Earth Element?” ”

Merlin pointed to the bright spots around Yun Ye, “You see, these are the things, but why do the elements suddenly materialize to the point where we can see?” ”

Arthur also looked at Yunye doubtfully, hoping that Yunye would explain it to him clearly.

Yun Ye closed his eyes, since the Heaven and Earth Element had already materialized around him, he naturally had to seize the time to ask something clearly.

“I want to know where the exit of this desert is, can you tell me?”

There was a slight sound around Yunye, but ordinary people could not understand what Yunye was saying, but the materialized heaven and earth elements around Yunye became agitated, as if they were very excited and happy.

Yun Ye’s brow gradually frowned, of course, he could hear the answers given to him by these Heaven and Earth Elements, but from the answers of the Heaven and Earth Elements, Yun Ye found something wrong.

It seems that my doubts and secrets have been answered…

Yun Ye slowly opened his eyes, his body gently swinging, and the materialized heaven and earth elements around him suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

Arthur hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Yunye, what the hell is going on, don’t you talk and sell Guanzi.” ”


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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