Merlin’s face turned pale in an instant, as if he had suddenly emptied the whole person’s spirit, and the tornado of Merlin in the distance suddenly roared, and the huge wind tore through the desert, and the momentum suddenly grew by a few points.

Yun Ye also took a deep breath, the two magic wands overlapped together, the huge magic gradually fused, a sharp sword intention burst out of it, and the two huge lightsabers gradually fused together, and a soaring sword intent sprang up!

“Sacred Sword Manifestation, Broken Steel!”

Tornadoes and huge lightsabers and sandstorms crash together, this is a confrontation between human and heavenly forces!

Suddenly, the entire area changed color, and the fierce wind blew Arthur and the others directly to the ground in the distance, and countless sands flew in the air, like an end of the world.


Tornadoes and lightsabers are embedded in the sandstorm, and the shadows of Merlin and Yunye are faintly visible in the boundless flying sand.

Arthur was buried in the wind and sand, trying to open his mouth to cheer Merlin and Yunye, but there were countless wind and sand in one mouth, so that Arthur could not make a sound.

Thousands of British soldiers were also gradually buried by the wind and sand, and gradually lost track of them in the desert.

The magic and wind finally slowly dissipated in the air, countless fluttering sand slowly fell, and the desert seemed to be raining sand.

I don’t know how long it took for the strength of the wind and sand to gradually weaken, the whole area of Dungenes slowly returned to calm, the desert disappeared all traces, and thousands of British soldiers seemed to have been buried deep under the yellow sand, without any sound or movement.

Whoops, a figure slowly rose from the sand with difficulty, breathing vigorously, it was the cloud night.

In the sand pile next to Yun Ye’s side, a wretched figure slowly crawled out, not Merlin and who it was.

Merlin palpitated and looked in the direction where the sandstorm had been, “The natural power of nature is really not something that can be easily resisted, and it almost did not stop it.” ”

Yun Ye also nodded, although he and Merlin worked together to barely defeat the sandstorm, but he also felt the aftermath of the sandstorm, it was really a world-destroying power, and now he thought that he was a little afraid of what he had just done.

Arthur also struggled to climb out of the sand, and thousands of British soldiers covered by the wind and sand gradually crawled out of the sand.

The power of the sandstorm when it was destroyed was too strong, they could not stand on their heels at all, directly planted on the ground and let the wind and sand cover it, this is just the aftermath of the destruction of the sandstorm, if the real sandstorm swept over, none of them could survive.

Arthur staggered over to Yunye and Merlin and gasped, “Are you all right?” ”

Merlin smiled bitterly and shook his head, “It’s okay. But I don’t want to fight with Tianwei anymore. ”

Yun Ye also nodded, a bitter face

The British soldiers supported each other and pulled their companions out of the sand, and although everyone was embarrassed, everyone’s faces were filled with excitement.

You must know that they were supposed to die and would be crushed by the sandstorm, but because of the existence of Yunye and Merlin, they actually shook the sandstorm and turned this mortal situation around!

This is the miracle of manpower winning over heaven!

Just as the so-called great difficulty will not die and there will be a blessing, the soldiers of Britain have chanted the names of Yunye and Merlin, in their hearts, Yunye and Merlin are already people who are equally worthy of their respect.

Arthur shouted, “Hurry up and get your companions out of the sand, lest any of them get hurt!” ”

The British soldiers immediately stopped booing, and rescued their comrades in the sand.

Merlin spat out a mouthful of sand from his mouth and said, “Arthur, this sandstorm has completely disoriented us, and even I can’t feel where the exit is.” ”

The clouds sit on the ground at night, and the spiritual exploration penetrates the body.

From the spiritual exploration, Yunye also failed to detect any useful clues, the area of Deng Jienes was really too large, and the spiritual exploration range of Yunye was simply not worth mentioning, and there was no way to detect the way out.

Yun Ye sighed and said, “I can’t find my way either, this desert is worthy of a hell of death.” ”

Arthur looked at the endless sea of sand around him, and he didn’t pay attention for a moment.

Lost in such a huge desert, and how many days can you live without water?

Yun Ye said, “Arthur, let’s find a place to camp first, where the sun is too fierce for us to bear, but ordinary soldiers can’t bear it.” ”

Arthur said bitterly, “But after all, this is a desert, there will be no valleys or other areas, and it is difficult for us to find shade.” ”

Merlin said, “Just go over there, there are some rocks over there, let the soldiers hide under the rocks for the time being, and try to save the soldiers’ physical strength.” ”

Arthur could only agree, and immediately ordered the British soldiers to rest under the rocks to avoid the poisonous sunlight.

However, there are thousands of British soldiers here, and the shadows under the rocks are limited, and there are still many soldiers who are exposed to the sun.

Coupled with the fact that this is the third day they have entered Deng Jienes, many people have long drunk the water on their bodies, and under the sun, many people’s bodies have been a little unable to support.

Yunye and Arthur took the initiative to give up the position under the rock, after all, they were relatively strong and could hold out for a while.

Looking at the British soldiers who were originally alive and well, with a sick look, Arthur grabbed his blond hair and said bitterly: “If I had known that we would have such an encounter, then it would be better for me to stay in the position and die in a fierce battle than to suffer here.” ”

Merlin comforted: “Arthur, don’t say this, although the soldiers are very uncomfortable now, but at least they are still alive, they are still our hope in Britain, if they really all die, they will lose all meaning.” ”

Arthur sighed heavily and sat down on the ground, frustrated and unable to be depressed any longer.

Yun Ye also said, “Arthur, you are the commander of the British Army, if you lose hope, who else can the soldiers count on?” ”


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