Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 494 [In situ explosion, there are ghosts! 】


It was as if a nuclear explosion had occurred in the minds of the short sellers present at this moment, and everyone was in a trance.

The sound of these words was like a spell in the ears of every Rao present. The Cuban cigar in Chanos' hand, who was sitting with Erlang's legs crossed, fell from his fingers to the ground...

The mentality exploded directly in situ!

One minute and one second passed, and the dead silence in the conference room lasted for two seconds, but it was only two sides.

Everyone came back to their senses in an instant, Chanos' old bones jumped up from his seat as if returning to light, and in front of the man who reported the news, he couldn't hold back his emotions any longer, and he grabbed his collar and said: "! You repeat, it's not true, come on!"

Chanos' gnashing of teeth broke the silent atmosphere in the conference room, and it was like a pot was opened in an instant. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, covered his mouth with his hands, and stared blankly ahead...

Although each Rao has different emotional expressions and physical movements, they have one thing in common.

Mind broke.

Not only broke, but fell apart.

The man dragged by Chanos didn't do what he wanted: "Sir, it's absolutely true, if you don't believe it, go and check it yourself..."

Chanos stared at the other party's eyes, for a long time, he finally let go of the other party, staggered back to his position and sat slumped.

George Soros in the other seat calmed down, and then stood up without saying a word. His face was expressionless, and he glanced at everyone in the audience with calm and cold-blooded eyes.


With a cold snort, he left the venue without a word.

At this moment, the others also reacted, staring at each other with questioning and angry eyes.

Inner ghost!

At this time, this word appeared in every Rao’s heart.

Everyone recalled what Paul Watson said just now,

56% of HIIB's private equity funds are from North America, or directly from Wall Street, or even directly from the people sitting here.

Even with the in-depth investigation, there is a slight connection with the investment banks on Wall Street. It does not need to be too much. This kind of situation only needs a small trace. Just a trace will provoked a crisis of confidence and pushed it to a domino next to it. Let this short team fall apart in an instant.

At this time, no one jumped out and questioned each other face-to-face, because it was stupid, and even if they questioned the other party, they would definitely deny it.

Everyone was surprisingly calm, and after digesting the news, they left silently.

People are scattered, and the team naturally falls apart.

The so-called allies will not betray, but the bargaining chips are not enough; the so-called friends will not betray, but the temptation is not large enough.

Where is the eternal friend?

There is only eternal interest.


George Soros, who was the first to leave, was already sitting in his special car. He looked at the high-rise buildings on Wall Street outside the car window and asked, "How much did we lose by shorting BTC this time?"

His personal secretary and assistant was also in the car, sitting beside him. He immediately opened a work laptop, checked the account and replied in a loud voice: "Boss, the total floating loss on the book is 13.982 billion US dollars."

Hearing this number, the legendary predator didn't respond, but his eyelids twitched when his assistant didn't notice it, which meant that three of the five funds in his hand would go bankrupt.

This legendary predator who traverses the global financial market has never encountered such a fiasco in his life. This short sale of Bluestar Technology has caused him to lose at least 10 billion US dollars in blood and his assets have shrunk by about 65%.

"Close the position and stop loss immediately. Immediately!"

The fiasco this time has never made him feel so useless. That's right, Soros, including Chanos and others, are extremely suspicious of each other that they are being stalked by Wall Street's inner ghosts, and they have been made into a mid-game. Thinking that he is a hunter, but the end result is not to spare the prey.

What can be absolutely certain now is that the holders of the subscription accounts of Bluestar Technology Group's public offering must be behind the scenes, and the great probability is on Wall Street.

It turned out that a third party who had never surfaced and Luo Sheng set up a game together to lure all short-selling funds into the pit.

What makes this legendary short seller even more humiliating is that until now he has not been able to determine who has put him together.


As night falls in the Western Hemisphere, the Eastern Hemisphere enters a new one.

In a corridor of the headquarters of Bluestar Technology Group, Zhang Bowen, the company's number two person, is in a good mood at the moment, and he feels a lot lighter when he walks.

With more than 2,500 subscription accounts hitting an excess of more than $150 billion, not only Lao Zhang, but all the senior management of the company are all relieved, and they are even ready to accept the world's ridicule before this. , The articles published by major media are all jokes of Bluestar Technology.

But the progress of things was too unexpected. Not only did you not have to worry about losing face and losing face to the world, but also achieved a legendary financing event that cannot be replicated.

This is truly an unrepeatable miracle.

The company's management now admires Luo Sheng so much that they almost treat him like a god.

Zhang Bowen was walking towards a hall, walked through a corner, and happened to bump into his assistant.

"Mr. Zhang, the press conference has been arranged, just waiting for you to show up."

Hearing this, Zhang Bowen nodded without saying a word. The place he was going to was the reception hall. After a minute, he entered the reception hall from the side door and walked towards the podium.

There were more than 450 domestic and foreign media reporters at the scene. When they saw Zhang Bowen in full suit, they immediately stood up from their seats, chattering and asking questions, and the flashing camera lights reflected on Zhang Bowen one after another. body.

Lao Zhang stepped onto the podium, and in the face of the noisy situation at the scene, he stretched out his hands and pressed it down. The reporters at the scene also gradually quieted down, and those who were standing also sat down honestly.

The reporters watched Zhang Bowen and could clearly see that Lao Zhang was confident and high-spirited at the moment. Bluestar Technology has created an unrepeatable financing myth this time. Such a result surprised the whole world.

Now the entire technology, media, and business worlds are in a frenzy, and they are all paying attention.

Zhang Bowen on the stage said loudly with a faint smile: "I am honored to announce that Bluestar Technology has obtained 2,528 subscription accounts and an oversubscribed amount of US$150.72 billion in this public offering. I believe that if the offering continues There will be more subscription amounts, but it's not needed anymore, it's enough."

"We hope to raise 23.9 billion US dollars from the market in this round of public offering, and we have completed the task more than 6 times, so I hereby announce that this round of financing has ended. This is the market and investors' affirmation of Bluestar Technology. Short sellers like North will surely suffer from the rise in Bluestar's stock."

Finally, I did not forget to sprinkle salt on the wounds of the short sellers of Bluestar Technology.

The reporters at the scene kept taking pictures. The news here and Zhang Bowen's victory declaration were also spread all over the world through major media organizations.

During this period, under the repeated verbal and public opinion attacks from Charles and other short sellers, Bluestar Technology responded very simply: they all wanted to buy it back anyway.

Facts have proved that this sentence is not empty words. Just late last night, Bluestar Technology suddenly released a message on its official website. At that time, in the Western Hemisphere, the stock price of NASDAQ-listed Bluestar Technology rose due to the impact of this event. .

Shares rose 2.75% after the bell, marking the first biggest one-day gain for Bluestar Technology since its second drop from a trillion-dollar market value.

In order to make up for their losses, the short sellers who were "slapped in the face" could only reduce their short positions or even liquidate them, and they began to leave the market one after another since yesterday.


As soon as the press conference ended, Zhang Bowen hosted a senior executive meeting.

"Mr. Zhang, we won, and we won a big victory. Shorting the airdrop agency of our group company seems to have completely ebbed overnight. It's really too fast, and we are all surprised!" A senior executive who attended the meeting took the lead. Said with excitement.

At this moment, all managers are all excited. Whether winning or losing, they have deduced countless possibilities, but they did not expect to win so suddenly.

As if you woke up, you were going to open up your stance for a long time and go all out to fight with your opponent. As a result, the opponent directly surrendered on the spot, and declared victory without even hitting the start.

This is the result that no one expected,

However, all the senior executives present worshiped Luo Sheng to the point of inexhaustible, breaking their perception of miracles time and time again.

But this time it was more of awe, and they were not stupid. Bluestar Technology Group was able to obtain more than 2,500 subscription accounts and a subscription amount of more than 150 billion US dollars at this time.

It was really impossible for them not to guess that Luo Sheng and another mysterious group had reached some kind of consensus, and made a backhand for those short sellers.

Before that, almost everyone thought that Bluestar Technology was the fish on the board, and those short sellers were predators.

As a result, the supposed predator was the fish on the board.

In a good mood, Zhang Bowen said with a hearty smile: "2012 was a year full of ups and downs for our group company, especially in the second half of the year, the group company was faced with the biggest crisis in history. It was shorted again...but it was all over, and 2012 came to an end with the sad exit of these short-selling institutions. This year was not easy, but it was exciting, and the next year will be the highlight."


The global monopoly of technology

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