This is original sin!

Egolia's behavior is challenging ethics and destroying human nature!

It's good for her pure water elf, but what's the result?

She, the Fontainebleau, could just keep her own circle and play house games.

But once you marry someone else?

That is a complete challenge to ethics.


The father is not the father!

The mother is not the mother!

The entire Teyvat ethics, blood relationships, etc., will all be messed up by her.

A girl from the Six Kingdoms is pregnant with a pure water elf who has no blood relationship with her.

When they grow up and want to get married and have children, they will go back and make a wish because of the memory engraved in their bones, and then continue to give birth to pure water elves.

To put it mildly, this is an extremely cruel thing for the women and men of the Six Nations.

It's not surprising that people like to be fathers in this world. There are many people who steal people behind their backs.

But what the heck, there is someone who actually likes to be a mother?

Happy to be a mother!

The thing he gave birth to after ten months of pregnancy had no blood relationship with him at all, and he wasn't even a human being.

It's a good thing it's not on Earth, otherwise as soon as the DNA is identified, hundreds of unsolved mysteries will emerge.

It’s terrifying to think about it!


Lu Shu didn't know whether there were real humans in Fontaine before the pure water elves.

I think there is.

Otherwise, where would these envious human beings stay in Fontaine?

At that time, the pure water elves had not yet escaped from the other six countries.

Are there still pure Fontaine people today?

Never thought about it!

For thousands of years, humans in the form of pure water elves have already assimilated the entire Fontainebleau.

《"Fontaine Human Purge Plan" was achieved.

Otherwise, the prophecy would not have said that all Fontaine people would dissolve in the sea water, leaving only the water god crying.

The prophecy of heaven seems to be waiting for this moment to arrive.

Wait until there is no more human beings in Fontaine. otherwise?

Why wait until now for this prophecy?

And over the past thousands of years, how many people have married outside their homes?

The father of Lawrence standing guard at the Mondstadt gate is from Fontaine.

Although it is not possible to assimilate the other six countries, the number should definitely not be small.

Once the number is so large that it interferes with normal ethical situations, do you think the other six gods will attack Egolia with knives?!

That day will come!

There is no need for heaven to judge her, the"War of Demons" is about to break out again.


I had some sympathy for her before.


Inexplicably, I want to pick her up again and fuck her hard! never mind.

For the sake of the second wife, just ignore this stupid woman.

Inexplicably, I feel like a big hand is controlling everything


"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing Charlotte's frown, with an expression that alternated between excitement and fear,

Lu Shu knew that this reporter's mind must have been opened up again!

"Uh, I was thinking……"

"If a couple goes to pray and then has a child, will there be marital disputes if they don't have that yet?"

"After all, after becoming humans, the memories of pure water elves are gone, and they have normal human reproduction behaviors."


Kamisato Ayaka:"……"



"Theoretically, it will definitely happen. Your imagination is not small at all. You are worthy of being a reporter."

The corner of Lu Shu's mouth twitched.

I should say, is it worthy of you?

"The Fontaine people all rely on pure water elves to be reincarnated to have children, so does that mean that Fontaine lilies can also have children?"

Charlotte's little eyes () stared excitedly, this wave of imagination is even bigger!

Even the big Lu Shu almost didn't catch it.



Kamisato Ayaka:Σ(OДO )


"MD, you are really a genius!"

Lu Shu covered his face in silence, not knowing whether to give her a thumbs up or a thumbs up.

Fukalos' little head was buzzing.

Is this still possible?

A path that I have never imagined.

Does Egolia have this setting?

Mother Chicken!

There shouldn't be one.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be exposed?

But she doesn't know if there is such a thing.

"Mad, why don’t I have such a big brain? It should be said that it is you, Charlotte."

Lu Shu still gave a thumbs up sincerely.

Abedo said: Charlotte, you are a bit too extreme.

However, it is indeed understandable!

But the main storyline won’t work from now on.

Charlotte is so clever

"Your compatriots in the water are still waiting to become human."

"Hey guys, those of you who are already in the car should just weld the doors shut."

"What to do with the pure water elves who didn’t get on the bus?"

"Before the main plot, quickly give birth to a wave of children."

Lu Shu really couldn't laugh or cry.

Charlotte, you discovered the beauty!

The Fontaine people don't know that they are pure water elves, and Lu Jingquan's request for a child is actually a ritual engraved in the bones.

That is It is said that as long as there is a pure water spirit in the spring that accepts the ritual blessing, it will be born as a Fontaine person in a few months.

Therefore, this blessing process whether it is one person, two people.

Or two people with the same surname. , or 2 of the opposite sex will do.

3... ahem, any number should be ok.

As long as there is a pure water elf who accepts it.

Think about it this way.

This is even more outrageous, huh?

"So, Navia and Clolinde can also have a baby?!"

Charlotte clenched her fists and became inexplicably excited.()

Girls: Poof!!

"Hey hey hey~, why is it Clolinde? No, no, why should you emphasize that it’s me?"

Navia was stunned.

Her face turned red with anger.

She wished she could grab Charlotte's neck and strangle her to death.


"Is not it?"

"I've been following you, preparing to do an"Interview with Rose Thorns Club"》"

"I noticed that every time you see Lady Clolind, you blush, then turn around and run away."

"Don't you like her?"

"Num~, I still have photos."

As she spoke, Charlotte opened her pocket and took out a small notebook.

There were several photos on it.

"Let me take a look?"

Lu Shu leaned over and took a look.

Good guy.

If you don't know the truth, you really think that Navia is Lace and secretly has a crush on Clolinde.

This set of photos does seem to have that feeling.

But Lu Shu knew that this was a matter of shooting angle.

How could Navia have a crush on Clolind? It was because her father was killed by Clolind in a duel.

This was not a shy blush.

That's how you blush with anger after seeing your enemy.

It's just a visual error caused by the angle of the follow-up photo.

After seeing this group of photos, Navia doubted herself.


"Me, I was……"

"Hey, Clolinde? Let me see, let me see."

Funina trotted forward excitedly and snatched the small notebook.

This also frustrated Navia's plan to tear the notebook into pieces.


Look at the notebook, then at Navia, and then at the little notebook.

Funina's expression became wonderful

"I don't!!"

Navia hurriedly defended

"I not only have photos of Navia blushing, but also photos of Clolind following Navia."

Charlotte's head was full of ideas. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Clolind followed her?

At this time, Navia couldn't hold back anymore and snatched her away again. Come back.

Sure enough, in some photos, Clolind is indeed following her secretly.

There is also one where she is hidden behind the wall. This is too obvious.


Navia herself was no longer confident.

Something that didn't happen originally.

These two sets of photos are put together, as if there is really something going on?

At least people who don’t know the truth will definitely think so.


Funina was also excited.

Fukalos even wanted to get out of the mirror and watch the fun.

"Ahem~, yes, not only can you give birth, but if you are stuck in White Pine Town and before Villette is pardoned, take Navia to make a wish."

"There is a high chance of getting twins. Lu

Shu joked deliberately[]

"Ahem, Mr. Lu, how come you can’t even……"

Navia was speechless.

By the way, what does it mean to be killed in White Pine Town, what does Villette mean to be pardoned, and what does twins mean?

"Well, there is no such thing as a secret love or not."

Lu Shu closed the notebook.

The reason why Clolind followed Navia was just to follow Kares's last wish and to take care of Navia's safety in the dark.



Everyone is looking at the notebook photos, only Ayaka Kamisato is sitting aside.

She pinches her chin and frowns slightly.

"In Inazuma’s light novels, there is also the kind of reincarnation, but it must be a man and a woman."

"No male to male or female to female can have children."

"Therefore, when a pure water elf is reincarnated, it should also depend on whether the opponent is a man and a woman."

"I think Lujingquan should also be audited."

"Moreover, the Fontaine people should have human self-awareness, which means that although they are pure water elves, there is a high probability that they will be pregnant."

Speaking of process behavior, Kamisato Ayaka's face turned a little rosy inexplicably.

She glanced at Lu Shu unconsciously.

She coughed a few times and continued her analysis.

"The pure water spirit responded to the wishes of the couple who went to Lujingquan to make a wish, thus creating a soul-like process through the ritual."

"Third, people with the same surname cannot have children, but I think adoption is possible"

"Most likely,...for example, Pure Water responds to the desire to have a child"

"Soon after making a wish, the person with the same surname will be pleasantly surprised to find a child placed in front of their home, which is similar to the folk legend of a magpie giving birth to a child, a crane giving birth to a child, or something like that."

Fukalos: Hmm~, is there such a setting?

Funina: Although I am also the God of Water, I don't know! Although I don't know, I have to pretend that I know!

Navia, Xia Lottie was even more confused. Is it okay to be purple?

Lu Shu looked at Kamisato Ayaka in confusion.

We are just having fun.

Are you really immersed in analysis?

But he also discovered a bright spot.

The process for the Fontaine couple to get married and have children is probably...

The previous steps are as normal as in other countries, but there should be no contraception. If you want a child, follow the process and go to Lujingquan to make a wish. Then you will get pregnant.

Of course, no They don't think too much after losing their memories.

They just think that their wishes come true, their hard work has results, or the water god hears their appeals.

But what about after the 4.2 plot?

The Fontaine people don't He knew that the essential structure of his body had undergone fundamental changes.

But their entire country, well, was not used to it and did not know the need for contraception.

So, Lu Shu boldly deduced that

Fontaine would welcome a wave of babies next. Tide + population explosion!

I hope Ms. Leping Paulin will be aware of this wave of entrepreneurial opportunities, identify the pain points, and make some money!!



"~Well, what Ayaka said makes sense."

"But, ahem!"

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. Lu

Shu coughed lightly and decided to forcefully change the topic of"How do people in Fontaine give birth to children". The current situation in Fontaine is basically……

《Regarding the fact that I traveled to Teyvat and became a Fontaine person who could freely change gender, but the traveler has not yet come to Fontaine to save the world, there are two or three things that Fontaine people cannot say. 》


"Business? What's the business? Oh, yes, prophecy!!"

Navia was stunned for a moment, slapped her forehead, and then glared at Charlotte fiercely.

This guy's brain was so open that he confused her brain.


After noticing the mistake, Charlotte smiled awkwardly.

"Since there is a prophecy, does Lord Water God have a solution?"

The two women calmed down and asked.

This is the most important thing now.

What about the little pure water elf drilling into the belly?

They didn't want to make a wish.

"I have been working hard to solve it. For the past 500 years, I have been hiding in the Cardinal's Decree, silently transforming the law into chaos."

"And Funina, she is me... No!"

"Strictly speaking, she is the most perfect part of my personality left after the God of Water split my godhead."

"As a godhead, I took away all my power and most of my memories."

"And she, like a newborn baby, doesn’t understand anything"

"But she still accepted my request and played the role of Water God on the throne of the Water God. This role lasted for 0 years."

"I didn't tell her those truths"

"Because I'm afraid she'll reveal some flaws"

"Afraid of being noticed by heaven"

"I told her that no flaws should be revealed. Only in this way can I save Fontaine."

"Once discovered, then... the success may fall short."

Fukalos said

((played by Li Zhao)? Didn’t you say that Lady Funina is also a water god?"

Charlotte was puzzled.

"Oh, you idiot. Lady Funina didn't know her identity when she first played the role of the Water God. She just thought she was an ordinary person."

Navia said.

Although she said it very easily, she knew in her heart that it is not that simple to play a person well.

Let alone this person is the water god.

She has to be extra cautious, like walking on a tightrope.

A little bit The difference is that she will be shattered into pieces.

500 years of loneliness.

Who can understand?

She cannot reveal any flaws.

Whether it is the provocation of the storm or the undercurrent under the quiet lake.

However, this heavy responsibility cannot be revealed to anyone. Telling.

A person silently performs the role of the water god.

Every action and every word requires her to devote herself wholeheartedly.

How much perseverance does it take to persevere in these 500 years of loneliness?

Navia doesn't know.

But she knows.

The water god in front of her, who has been carrying 500 years of loneliness, is challenging her limits every day.

Suddenly, she silently stepped forward and hugged Fu Nina

"In these five hundred years, you have been accompanied by loneliness and pain. Thank you for your hard work, Lady Funina."

"Hey, you, you, you... what are you doing?""

Funina was slightly flustered.

But no silver beans were dropped.

Because the water element has been drained away in Lu Shu’s arms.

Otherwise, she will definitely have a sore nose at this meeting.

"From now on, you are no longer alone, Lady Funina"

"we will help you"

"Oops, it's actually not bad. I used to think that I was fake, but recently I found out that I am the water god. Suddenly I felt that the burden of 500 years of loneliness was not that heavy anymore."

On the contrary, Funina patted Navia's heart and comforted her.

Kamisato Ayaka:"So, what are the plans of the two water gods?"

There was silence for a moment.

Fukalos smiled slightly:"The original plan was... to kill myself!!"

Three girls: Ah, ah Liqing?.

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