Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 32 Beautify Memories

"That's right, I spend an hour every day during working hours for a dedicated game experience, and then I need you to give me a game insight of no less than 500 words every three days." Yang Chen nodded to confirm their doubts.

Are you kidding me?

The expressions of Chen Shu's four people are dazed: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

What is the impression of ordinary players on game practitioners?

Work in a very sci-fi office, get together in groups of three or five with ideas to drink coffee, have a wave of brainstorming, or relax with a game when you are tired from work?

Indeed, there is such a situation, but it belongs to the treatment of big game companies. Most of the game production of small factories is in a small office, sitting in front of a computer like a worker on an assembly line, doing unskilled work. repeating work.

As for gaming during work hours?

Except for the special positions such as testing and numerical value, which require actual testing, the rest of the positions are played, even if it is a game made by yourself, your legs will be interrupted!

"Of course this is a work requirement. There are restrictions on the games you can play. Everyone has a TXT file on the desktop on their computer, which contains the account of the official game platform. I have given you the games you need to play in advance. Just buy it."

But when they were happy to see the game on the computer, they were shocked.

"Are they all JRPG games from the last century?" Everyone looked at the hard drive, and the total size of more than a dozen games was less than 1 GB, and they were rather speechless.

"Okay, everyone at this age, if you played games when you were young, you must be familiar with these things." Yang Chen said with a smile.

Until now, Yang Chen still remembered how shocked he was when he played this kind of game for the first time in elementary school.

At that time, the graphics technology was not as exaggerated as it is now, and even immersive VR has broken through. At that time, the mainstream games were limited by the performance of functions, and they were mainly pixel-based.

The game Yang Chen saw in his dream memory made him feel familiar for a while with a very special pixel style, so he decided to let him develop a game like that after "The Binding of Isaac".

As for making money, when deciding which game to choose, Yang Chen really didn't think too much about it.

Because "The Binding of Isaac" has been successful, even if he doesn't play the game, the money earned by "The Binding of Isaac" is enough for him and Wang Yaliang to live happily in the small city of his hometown. For a lifetime.

If he didn't want to make money, he was speaking out of conscience. Compared with the goal of making money, he wanted to show the dream memories in his mind to others.

Show the game culture of another world to players in this world.

"But Mr. Yang, if it's purely pixel style, players may not buy it. After all, pixels are just pixels." Wang Ye looked at Yang Chen and raised his concerns again.

The memories that many players think are in their minds are actually not as good as they think. If you played certain games when you were a child and thought it was very fun and awesome, you may never forget them in your life. After that, in the face of countless 3A masterpieces, I still sighed how awesome and powerful that game was.

But really let you play that game again, even if it is an HD remake, how many people can continue to play it? The rest is just emotion.

For example, Yang Chen has seen several games in his dream memory. One of them is a game called Resident Evil 2 Remake. More than ten years later, a remake was released, but it is more a complete remake than a remake. made a game.

In addition to the general plot and tasks, you can hardly find the same place as before in terms of gameplay settings. The operation methods, perspectives, and battle modes have all undergone current technological innovations.

This was a big success.

If it was limited by function and technology at the beginning, there would be no doubt that it would hit the streets.

"It is human nature to pack the beautiful things in our memories. As I said before, although the new project is the performance of pixels, we need to use the technology of modern game development, physical effects, light and shadow rendering, Including 3D exquisite models, using modern technology to beautify the pixel style." Yang Chen looked at the crowd and said.

This is a conclusion he came to after studying the dream memory game in his mind for a long time.

Simply pixel for pixel, that is just repeating the ancient technology of the past, retro games are not just retro for retro.

Modern game screen technology, fusion pixel style, this is the final effect to be shown.

"Complete the follow-up content of "The Binding of Isaac" first. The corresponding GDD files are already in your computer. Please take a look at each of them in a while, and then discuss it. About the new project, wait for next week. I will also introduce you in detail." Yang Chen said to the four members of the team after answering Wang Ye's question.

Wang Yaliang, who was next to him, sat there all the time, listening to what Yang Chen said, and nodded lightly unconsciously, as if I understood everything.

In fact, the first day of work did not have any specific content. The main thing was to supplement the follow-up content of "The Binding of Isaac". Regarding the support of the server and the construction of the server, Yang Chen has already contacted the Galaxy Network. On the side, they will solve it, just add the interface part on the client side.

When he got off work in the evening, Yang Chen paid everyone to have a meal in the hotel, and then went back to their respective houses early. As for social activities like KTV, Yang Chen didn't like it when he was still working in the company. These things always feel like squeezing my time, and it is only the first establishment of the project team, and it is not a celebration party after the success of the project, so I don't play these fake things.

The next morning, instead of going to the company with Wang Yaliang, Yang Chen took a taxi to an outsourcing company, Dream Chasing, which was previously responsible for the outsourcing work of "The Binding of Isaac".

"Should I be called Mr. Yang now?"

As the boss of the company, Hu Jun came to the door to greet Yang Chen with a smile on his face.

There is no way not to laugh. It has been many years since he established Chasing Dreams. At first, he engaged in self-development, but later he succeeded and failed to create several games. Although he didn’t lose money, he didn’t make any money, and then he went to OEM and outsourcing. This is the way.

But in the field of foundry and outsourcing, to be honest, the water is quite deep. Although the project is not too worrying after a few years, there is absolutely no outsourcing project that can be done.

But this time was different. He never imagined that "The Binding of Isaac", which had 400,000 yuan from programming to art, music, and everything outsourced, could reach such a level.

In terms of money, I really don’t earn much. After all, their outsourcing company handles everything from art, source code, and music in one go. Basically, most of the 400,000 yuan is used to give bonuses to employees.

But not making much money, this is not the crux of the problem, the most important thing is that the game "The Binding of Isaac" is a big hit.

If he knew in advance, Hu Jun would even be willing to pay for their company to outsource the game.

"Mr. Yang, is there any business for us this time?" Hu Jun brought Yang Chen into the office and shouted at the same time, "Xiao Zhang, get two cups of tea from the cupboard in my office."

When Yang Chen and Hu Jun walked into the office, in the quiet hall outside, many employees began to whisper.

'It's awesome! That game sold at least a million copies! ’

‘By the way, this game is all made by us! Except for the numerical value and gameplay design, we did all the rest, which means we are also the talents who have made millions of sales games? ’

'I suggest you go to the toilet and pee and take care of yourself. ’

'Just finished! ’


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