Aaron was sitting in an office, participating in an online meeting that brought together many big figures in the U.S. military-industrial complex...

Seeing a representative of General Group throw away the cigar in his hand after the Ukrainian refugee mercenaries who landed with the unmanned combat vehicle were eliminated, Aaron laughed and said: "Man, why? angry?

Your products are originally made to imitate Telos trailers, and they actually perform very well..."

The representative of General Motors glared at Aaron and said angrily: "Aaron, don't forget your identity, we are on the same front..."

Aaron sneered and waved his hands and said: "OK, OK, I apologize...

This time the Jackal is going to win again, but we are not without gains, right? "

A middle-aged man with the traditional handsome appearance of an American politician said: "Aaron, what do you mean? What do we gain?"

Aaron spread his hands and said: "Mr. Senator, it turns out that the military industrial capital that the United States is proud of has fallen into an infinite loop.

The giants' continuous acquisitions have made them bloated and lost their ability to innovate.

Everyone wants to take a big bite from the super order, and no one cares that doing so will increase the price of the final product to an incredible level.

The greed of human nature and capital has resulted in no company being able to integrate all the advanced technologies currently on the market and achieve the ultimate in a certain product field. "

After Aaron waited for these people to digest his words, he said with a smile: "Gentlemen, look at the Jackal, look at the Telos company that you once regarded as garbage...

The Jackal invested in the company and then, with Tyros at its core, pushed the combat effectiveness of his soldiers to the extreme.

Of course, some of you will definitely say that the era of using soldiers as bargaining chips to determine victory or defeat has passed.

But the Russo-W war proved that strategic strike forces alone cannot win the war.

We can interfere with Russia's radar, communications, and electronic equipment, and can easily locate their frontline headquarters using reconnaissance aircraft and satellites...

We can provide Ukraine with advanced guided weapons...

But so what?

The final facts prove that when we are not determined to fight a war that may destroy each other, soldiers will always be the key to victory or defeat! "

The senator frowned at Aaron and said, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Aaron spread his hands and said: "I mean, if we enter the competition with the idea of ​​defeating the Jackals, then we can't win.

Because you have now put yourself in the position of a ‘challenger’ and you are afraid…

The people from the Lake Baikal Foundation were probably very scared now, so they pushed the lunatics from the Edward Foundation out to Jackal to let him vent his anger.

Gentlemen, the Jackals did defeat us in many places, but in fact we are the stronger side!

You guys can't become hesitant or even slow just because a jackal robs your business and you can't do anything about him.

You should stand up, regroup, show the spirit of the American Industrial Age, and show your courage. We have a chance to rebuild our glory. "

After hearing this, the senator nodded slightly and said, "Aaron, what courage do you mean?"

Aaron spread his hands and said: "We have been addicted to Ukraine's money laundering business. Buying and selling short made us forget about the profits...

It's time for a change!

We need to increase aid to Ukraine. Only if the gentlemen in Congress approve enough aid can we use the money to reshape our military industry.

I simply can't believe that the annual artillery shell production of the United States is not enough to fight the Ukrainian L for half a day.

In order to make money, you would rather give orders to Peninsula than restart the production line...

Gentlemen, aid is debt, dollars are printed, and Ukraine owes money. We are the biggest beneficiaries. You cannot give up the opportunity to revive the arms industry just because you can make more money by letting others produce. "

Aaron said in a heartbroken tone, "Look at Boeing, look at what those sons of bitches have done to Boeing?

They let a pervert enter the management. They would rather waste time on how to build toilets than complete their work seriously...

Now they can't even build civil aviation aircraft!

This is a huge loss and now we have an opportunity to right this wrong...

I made a lot of money in Ukraine, and I am now willing to use all this money to integrate the companies that have problems under Boeing.

I can use my own strength to integrate a group of companies in a short period of time and form industrial combat effectiveness!

As long as you nod and give me a certain amount of investment in future orders, I will return you a real pearl.

Gentlemen, in fact we all have the so-called military equipment and technology mastered by Jackals, and they may even be more advanced, but don’t forget those moon landing spacecraft in Kismayo...

Once the jackals succeed, that's when we might really be behind.

One of you needs to stand up, like me...

Let me integrate these resources. We must have a share of the Jackal's moon plan! "

At this time, someone suddenly jumped up and shouted loudly: "Aaron, do you want to cooperate with Jackal?"

Aaron looked at the fat guy on the screen and sneered: "Who among you here doesn't want to cooperate with Jackal?

Take a look at Jug Imbert of Sevia. This group has been continuously expanding its production and influence since it cooperated with Jackal.

They may not earn as much as you do, but their output and sales far exceed yours.

Jackal not only proved that it is the most capable military group in the world, but also proved that cooperation with him can guarantee the sales of products.

Gentlemen, Jackal is using the power of one company to fight against most of NATO and the entire military-industrial complex...

What you hate is the real ‘Lord of War’! "

As he spoke, Aaron looked at the group of big shots who fell into silence, and said with a smile: "It is foolish to regard him as an enemy. Cooperating with him on the moon project can at least guarantee our lower limit.

The Apollo program once ushered in a great era. Now it is time for us to face our own problems and readjust our strategies.

Let us absorb the demand created by the Russo-W war, let us kick the butts of those in Congress, let them approve more aid, and let us use this money to rebuild the glory of the military industry...

Old Bayer will definitely not want to be said that he is implementing the 'Big Mouth Policy without Big Mouth Tang', and he will definitely agree with our statement.

The American government has the power of diplomacy and the right of war, but they do not have the right to fully lead the states.

Revitalizing industry is an unfunny joke for the United States. If it really works, those industrial capital will not leave at all.

But the military industry is different. What Big Mouth Tang wants is in conflict with us. We have to absorb all the consumption caused by the Russo-W war before he comes back.

Thousands and trillions of funds are enough for us to build an unshakable industrial cluster.

Gentlemen, this is the new Roosevelt New Deal. We can use industrial chain reshaping to save our country.

Let us start the war machine and return to the greatest period of the Cold War...

Let those politicians break the windows of other countries, and then we will meet the needs of those countries...

Give me the company I want and let me prove to you that I have the ability to expand our scale again when White House implements its strategy of shrinking..."

The senator waved his hand to stop a group of big shots who wanted to ask questions. He said a little tiredly: "I need some time to discuss with professionals..."

As the senator looked at the jumpy and blurry frontline video, he shook his head and said: "PB is about to win. The 'executors' of the Lake Baiga Foundation and the 'devil group' of the Edward Foundation are not what they boasted about." So powerful.

Facts have proved that soldiers without a sense of honor cannot control those expensive war machines!

We should really reconsider our stance and actions..."

Aaron watched the screen in front of him turn black. He took a deep breath, then stood up with some difficulty and stretched his body. Then he walked around the office twice excitedly with his hands on his hips...

Assistant Ma Hong looked at his boss's happy face and said with a smile: "Boss, you are going to win!

Once they agree, you will become one of the dominant players in the military-industrial complex! "

After hearing this, Aaron poured himself a glass of whiskey and drank it in one gulp, then said: "NO!

When a superpower that can destroy each other with us at the press of a launch button stands up through peaceful rise, the military-industrial complex’s ‘broken window theory’ will no longer work...”

When Ma Hong heard this, he said in disbelief: "Then boss, what are you fighting for?"

Aaron spread his hands and said: "Of course I will eat several companies owned by Boeing, and at the same time persuade those people to give me part of the funds to aid Ukraine L to integrate the key technologies of those companies, and also support me to work with Hu Wolf Cooperation Moon Project.”

Aaron said in an extremely pretentious tone: "Ma Hong, I have understood something recently...

You can't make a lot of money by conspiracy and calculation, and you can't gain respect!

Jackal is a barbarian who only knows how to fight. He can gain respect from the whole world. Why can't I, a civilized person, do the same? "

Ma Hong watched Aaron deliberately place himself in the sunshine of the window. He knew that irritating his boss was not what a good employee should do, but he couldn't help but said: "Boss, jackals are not only respected, but now he There is still money that can’t be spent…”

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "Don't I have any fucking money..."

Well, I fucking know he’s rich, you don’t have to remind me…”

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