"System? Magic Treasures? Mentor.................."

Due to the huge amount of information, Jin Yu felt a little uncomfortable for a while. Only one thing is certain, that is, with the help of Yin & Yang Shengqi, he can cultivate himself, which is an unexpected joy.

In a world where the strong are respected, with power, you will not be looked down upon. And learn the skills and skills, if you want to find out the origin of own in the future, it will definitely help a lot.

Unconsciously, the originally empty space suddenly dissipated in a thick mist. There was a beautiful picture scroll that looked like a dream and illusion, and everything could be said to be everything.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a beautiful environment besides Bi Ling's fantasy world!"

[Since you want to start practicing, first introduce a few friends to the host, and they will guide you in all aspects! 】

As soon as the voice fell, four divine lights suddenly descended in the air, namely purple, white, and green, and they quickly condensed into shape.

I saw the cyan light and the golden light, each transformed into a man and a woman, two fairies wearing Tai Chi bellybands. The purple divine light turned into one, the beautiful Fairy wearing a purple gauze skirt, and the white divine light turned into a handsome man with a cold and arrogant expression.

[The two boys are Lingbao and Talisman. Lingbao is responsible for guiding the host, absorbing the Spiritual Qi of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers to achieve the effect of enhancing Magic power. In addition, her spiritual sense is extremely strong, which can help you discover and identify all kinds of treasures. 】

"Oh? What about talisman?"

[Talisman is responsible for teaching you to make various charms. So that you can achieve whatever you want when you need it in the future. 】

what! ? This is too cool!

Although Jin Yu had never practiced before, he often heard Lu Yao and Jun Peng mention the magical effects of various talismans. If used properly, it is by no means difficult to beat the big with the small and win the strong with the weak.

[The name of the person wearing purple clothes is Zi Ling. She is responsible for healing the host and guiding the host to identify the properties and usage of various Spiritual herbs. The one in white is called Martial Sage, who is responsible for teaching you various Martial Skills. Be careful, he is very strict! 】

"So what about fairy skills and stunts? Is there no guidance?"

【Xianshu and special skills are taught by this system. Secretly tell you that all the powerful abilities of the heavens and the world can be learned through this system! The system will conduct actual combat exercises on you based on the situation. 】


After tossing for a long time, Jin Yu finally sorted out all kinds of clues. Besides Martial Sage, they basically had a simple understanding with Lingbao, Talisman, and Ziling.

"You have to work hard to practice Ascension, because once your abilities are ascending, we will also benefit from it. This is a good thing for a win-win situation! If you accidentally get hurt, or if you don’t understand anything, you can come and ask at any time. ."

After Zi Ling spoke softly, he disappeared together with Lingbao and Talisman. But if Martial Sage had a deep meaning, he glanced at Jin Yu, turned into white light, and disappeared into the sky.

The surrounding environment has also changed accordingly, and in the blink of an eye, he has already returned to reality.

Staring at the black and white chess pieces in his hand, Jin Yu couldn't help but feel excited. He carefully put the Magic Treasures away, put them in the inner bag, and then hurried down the mountain.

After returning to the palace, he went straight to the imperial dining room, handling all kinds of food swiftly. For some reason, Jin Yu has excellent cooking skills. Thanks to this, Lu Yao arranged for him to take charge of the royal family's meals.

"Enjoy the princess, dinner is ready. In addition, this is the spiritual fruit retrieved from the back mountain according to your request."

After Jin Yu finished speaking, he presented everything as usual.

"let it go."

Just three words flew out of the vermilion lips and silver teeth, like a wonderful sound and a fairy music, which made the spirits be in a daze. Looking at the appearance of the speaker, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best in The Three Realms. She is the eldest princess of the Phoenix clan: Luyao!

Strictly speaking, Lu Yao also has another First Stage status, the quasi-prince on the Ninth Stage. That was also the marriage between Heavenly Emperor Dongjun and Phoenix clan leader Xuanxue.

However, the prince Jinghua went out for a long time and his whereabouts are unknown. I don't know exactly when to wait until we get married.

In this regard, Lu Yao was quite disapproving, after all, no one would be willing to marry an existence who had never met before. It's just that she is suffering from the destiny, and she can't help but feel it, it's a bit of distress.

Jin Yu was also acquainted, knowing that the princess was in a bad mood at this time, and it was not easy to make trouble. Only when the other party finishes his meal, the task of the day is completed.

"Well, it tastes good. Come, this is a reward for you."

After Luyao finished speaking, she put a spirit fruit into the pill plate.

Jin Yu couldn't help but move because he had already obtained a spiritual fruit earlier. At this time, I got another reward. Why is the good fortune today one after another? I was stunned spontaneously, and the beautiful voice rang in my ears again.

"After half an hour, there will be a competitive test in the Qi Refining Seat. Although you can't participate in cultivation, it's good to have a long experience."

"That......I can really watch it?"

Hearing this, Jin Yu almost couldn't bear it, and his heart was excited.

"Of course you can, you go with me, and it's done."

The Qi Refining Seat is the practice Sacred Land in the illusory world of Bi Ling. Not only can it simulate various scenes, it also has a powerful self-repair function. Because practice is always the most effective way to test results. Now that it is damaged, it can be restored as before, so there are not so many scruples in the comparison.

Not long after, Jin Yu, led by Lu Yao, came to the stand of the Qi Refining Seat. Lu Yao didn't say much, and sat down directly, but Jin Yu could only stand aside and stretch her head to watch.

But for him, it was already a great satisfaction. Seeing the fierce fighting in the court, Jin Yu couldn't help but feel excited. But his move naturally attracted some attention.

"Look, young master, it's that monster! But how can he be with the princess? And how can he come to the Qi Refining Seat to visit?"

It was the guardian of the Kunpeng clan who spoke. And beside him, a valiant man sitting in the middle of a chair with a brocade and beautiful clothes, with Erlang's legs upturned, was just Jun Peng who looked at Jin Yu as displeased everywhere.

As a direct family member of the Phoenix clan, Junpeng was able to live here as a guest. He has been longing for Yu Luyao, but Qiuyue has no intention of cool breeze. Several confession, but were rejected thousands of miles away.

Hearing what the guardian said, Jun Peng followed the direction of his finger and looked over. It's okay if I don't look at it. After seeing it, my original mood was pretty good, as if it fell to the bottom in an instant. The whole face was full of murderous aura.

"Smelly boy, I don't know how to live or die! If I can't fix him, where should I put my face?"

However, it is not easy to find faults at this juncture since the beginning of the competition. However, Jun Peng made up his mind secretly, and later no matter what, he would try to create a conflict with the other party and make use of it.

Jin Yu looked particularly engrossed, and didn't even notice that trouble was being generated. The competition in the arena is certainly wonderful, but because he has never participated in spiritual practice, he feels baffled for many strange phenomena.

[Return to the host! Five Elements Eight Trigrams, mutual generation and mutual restraint, as long as you master the rules, it is not difficult to understand. 】

Suddenly hearing the system Magic Treasures sound by itself, Jin Yu couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly glanced at Luyao. He was relieved to find that the other party was also paying attention to the court and didn't seem to hear anything.

[You don’t need to worry about anything, this system communicates directly with your ideas, so no one except you can hear the conversation between you and me. 】

"Fortunately, by the way, what are Five Elements Eight Trigrams?"

[Dao produces Wuji, Wuji produces Tai Chi, Tai Chi produces two instruments, two instruments produce four images, and four images produce Eight Trigrams. Five practitioners: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth; gold produces water, aquatic wood, wood produces fire, fire produces soil, and earth produces gold………………】

Upon hearing this, Jin Yu suddenly realized. I gradually understood the use of various spells in the competition.

Seeing Jin Yu sometimes happy and confused, Lu Yao could only shake her head lightly. Because he was also cultivating, when he met Jin Yu, he found that the other party had excellent aptitude.

It is a pity that because Jun Peng and Yi Gan’s children made things difficult to oppose, Jin Yu was treated as an outlier. Although she is an expensive princess, she can't do anything arbitrarily, so she can only arrange for Jin Yu to do some chores.

But like this, let Jin Yu watch the competition live, to put it bluntly, it's just meaning. It is not clear how much Jin Yu's savvy can comprehend by himself.

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