Fairy cage

Chapter 67 Should I regret it?

Yu Lie was slightly startled when he heard the yelling behind him, and immediately recognized who it was.

The old Hutou who was waiting beside him didn't need Yu Lie to take action. He stepped forward and caught the bowl thrown by the tenant. He also turned his wrist to catch all the spilled meat. , not even a bit of soup fell out.

The charterer didn't pay attention to Lao Hutou's movements. Instead, she took advantage of the opportunity and rushed to Yu Lie's side. She pushed Yu Lie away and blocked Yu Lie and Lao Hutou.

When she saw that she had protected Brother Qiao, the panic on her face eased a lot, and her aggressive look came out again, and she squinted at the person in front of her.

But the mother-in-law's heart was still beating, and she suddenly understood why the couple wanted to come over just to have a meal with him.

After all, in addition to good welfare benefits, Danfang is also a place that eats people without spitting out their bones! Children are more dangerous in the alchemy room than outside.

But the next moment, a voice that made people laugh or cry sounded, driving away most of the fear in the charterer's heart.

Yu Lie looked at the aggressive mother-in-law and didn't pay attention to what she had just done. Instead, he took the initiative to slap his head:

"Housewife, how are you doing?"

The charterer was stunned for a moment. She squinted her eyes and looked at Yu Lie a few times before realizing that the person wearing a hat in front of her was Yu Lie. She opened her mouth and called out: "Brother Yu?!"

Yu Lie nodded.

The charter woman's face suddenly became angry. She turned around and looked at the eyes that were thrown around her. Her expression became serious again and she said angrily to Yu Lie:

"It's late at night, Brother Yu, what are you doing randomly? I was so scared that I smashed the bowl."

She looked at the old bearded man next to her, then squeezed over, reaching out for the rice bowl: "Give it to me! If you want something to eat, go and grab it yourself from the other side. Mother-in-law, I spent a lot of effort to call Brother Qiao to get this. .”

The charterer knelt down and said happily to Brother Qiao: "Look, Mom just saw fish bones in the bowl. Could it be the snakehead fish in the town?"

She looked at the rest of the group with some pride, and pointed around with her chopsticks: "There is no land here. My mother and I have taken it. Brother Yu, please find another land. But you guys are late. It's early now." There’s no place to sit.”

The landlord was not too surprised to see Yu Lie in the alchemy room. Because the fact that Yu Lie entered the alchemy room had already spread through Shan Daotong's mouth, and everyone in the courtyard knew about it. But what they knew was that Yu Lie was working in the drug mouth, and they didn't know that Yu Lie was a small boss when he took the job.

Faced with the charterer's attitude, Yu Lie's expression remained unchanged, he just smiled and moved to leave.

Seeing Yu Lie leave, the charterer grabbed her son's ear and cursed in a low voice: "I told you just now, don't pay attention to other people! This brother Yu is working in the mouth of a poisonous person, why don't you let him touch you?" Be careful, if he has some poison on his hands, he will drop it into the bowl and poison you to death in one bite."

The old bearded man who was following Yu Lie heard this, raised his head and glanced at Yu Lie, and finally couldn't help it, and yelled at the charterer:

"You have no eyesight! If you hadn't brought the baby with you, your mouth would have been torn apart."

When the charterer heard this, she immediately knew that her secret curse had been listened to, but she didn't care at all. Instead, she stood up, pointed at the old beard, and shouted: "What an old thing, you are also a poisonous worker. Yes! You are here specifically to bully our orphans and widowed mothers!"

The bitter voice made Old Hutou's face show anger.

However, Yu Lie, who had already walked away, waved to Old Hutou without looking back and said, "Let's go."

Only then did the old bearded man glare at the charter wife, then strode around the other woman's wife and followed Yu Lie away.

Seeing that Yu Lie and Lao Hutou had been scolded and driven away, the landlady looked a little proud. She leaned against the wall, squinted at the two people leaving, and said to her son: "Brother Qiao, you have to learn from my mother-in-law." , If it weren’t for my mother to be so fierce, how could you have grown up so comfortably..."

Just as she was speaking, the voice in the charterer's mouth stopped suddenly. Her face suddenly became filled with surprise and uncertainty, and she reached out her hand and wiped her eyes.

The charterer lost her voice a little: "Qiao, Qiao, what did you do with your fair face just now?"

Brother Qiao held another large bowl of meat and ate it with difficulty. He replied without raising his head: "Brother Yu said these things are not delicious, and he wants to take me to eat something good."

After hearing Brother Qiao's answer, the charterer's mouth trembled and she was speechless for a moment.

Her eyes widened as she watched the old bearded man follow Yu Lie respectfully. The two of them entered the stairwell and walked upstairs step by step.

The charterer was confused: "Brother Yu, how do you go upstairs? How can you go upstairs to eat?"

She is also a well-informed person. Although it is her first time to come to the alchemy room, she also knows that only the middle-level Taoist boys can enter the upstairs.

The middle Taoist boy is already a powerful figure in the town and the alchemy room, enough to place people into the alchemy room.

The charterer looked at her son sitting on the stone steps, and then at the remaining columns that had submerged into the stairwell, and she felt regret and fear in her heart.

Not long after, someone suddenly passed by the intersection and wanted to go upstairs.

The other party was suddenly spotted by the charterer, and she stopped her: "Hey! Brother Luo!"

The person who came had a big head, a grinning mouth, and a happy face. He was the carrot head who once lived in the courtyard.

When Carrot Head heard someone calling him, he turned around and replied, "It's you!" He also recognized the charterer.

When the charterer saw Luobotou, her fear disappeared slightly, because she knew that Luobotou was still a low-ranking Taoist boy and was by no means a middle-ranking one.

So when she saw Carrot Head walking upstairs, she immediately thought that Yu Lie might just have the opportunity to go upstairs to see the world, just like she came to the alchemy dining hall to have a meal.

The charterer was worried and said, "It's a coincidence today. Why did I see you and Brother Yu walking upstairs? Did something good happen to you?"

Carrot Head smiled and replied loudly: "What a coincidence! Today is Brother Yu's promotion, and he wants to treat the big heads of other halls to dinner. I have benefited from this, so I can go up and have a meal!"

After saying that, Carrot Head waved his hand and hurriedly walked upstairs again. He didn't dare to be late.

After hearing Luobotou's answer, the charter woman felt a chill in her heart, and her last bit of luck was gone:

"Oh my god! When did this fair-faced Yu Lie become a middle-ranking Taoist boy? It's only been a few months, and he's already a bad guy in the alchemy room?"

She leaned against the wall, feeling a little dizzy.

If Yu Lie was just a middle-ranking Taoist boy, the charterer might not be so panicked, but Yu Lie was working as an errand in the alchemy room. She understood very well that the treatment of Dukou Daotou and Dukou Datou was completely different, almost astonishingly different.

What's more important is that if she can connect with Yu Lie, her Qiao brother will be sure to get a good job when he enters the alchemy room in the future!

But now, or to be precise, she has never looked at Yu Lie directly. When Yu Lie was in the courtyard, she had despised Yu Lie. Now it was her own fault. Qiao Ge took this opportunity to cling to Yu Lie. !

Suddenly, Brother Qiao, who was lowering his head to eat, also asked curiously: "Mom, what's wrong with Brother Yu?"

The charterer, whose head was dizzy, looked at her well-behaved and sensible son, and sat down on the ridge, wanting to cry but without tears:

"Brother Qiao! Mother, it was mother who harmed you!"

Brother Qiao swallowed the animal meat and was stunned.

The charterer's regret was real, and her fear was not false at all.

Because now she thought about something, Yu Lie can not only help people arrange good errands, but also arrange bad errands, such as extracting poisons and being a drug slave!

In the dining hall, people were coming and going, and it was very lively.

The charterer was sitting on the ridge, looking at so many people downstairs, and felt even colder.

She hugged her rice bowl and felt that the large pieces of tiger and venison in the bowl didn't smell good at all.

There was only so much time for dinner, and there were fewer and fewer people in the dining hall. Within an hour, there were only a few people left.

Another hour.

The dining hall was about to close downstairs, and someone came to chase the tenant mother-in-law and her son.

The charterer had a shy face and tried to deal with the other party with a smile on her face, trying to stay a little longer. In the end, she was almost arrested and charged with breaking into the alchemy room without permission.

As a last resort, the charterer gave Yu Lie's name and said that she was waiting for Yu Lie, so that she was not arrested and driven away.

Holding her son in her arms, she sat on the stone steps and continued to stand next to him in fear.

It was until midnight, the night was dark and cold, Brother Qiao fell asleep in the charterer's arms, and she herself had misty eyes.

Suddenly, someone sighed:

"Housewife, it's time for you to go."

The charterer's body suddenly became agitated, her sleepiness disappeared, and she was about to stand up.

But she immediately discovered that the person speaking was not Yu Lie, but Luotou.

Standing up, the charterer was dizzy when she saw another figure swaying from behind and disappearing into the night...

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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