Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 28 The Deceived Herman

"Can you be smarter, those people are obviously with the casino."

Maester Lymon was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and kept hitting Herman's head with his right hand. At this time, Herman's forehead was already red.

"Teacher, I thought..." Herman had tears in his eyes at this moment, looking pitiful, but he was interrupted before he could say anything.

"You think, you think, if you are half as relieved as Eli, I will be relieved." Maester Lemon spoke too quickly, his lips were a little dry, and he picked up the teacup on the table beside him, and drank a few gulps. saliva.

After drinking the water, Maester Lemon became even more explosive. He babbled and lectured Herman again. He didn't even notice that Eli had come in. However, when Herman saw Eli coming in, it was as if he saw a savior.

His eyes widened, and he cast a look for help.

"Ahem, teacher." Eli nodded and coughed twice.

"Eli? When did you come in?" Maester Lemon also found out this time and asked in surprise.

I've been in for a few minutes, it's just that you're too preoccupied.

Eli complained in his heart, but naturally he couldn't say that. He glanced at the teacher, then looked at Herman who was not far away, and asked, "Teacher, what happened? Herman got the data wrong again. ?”

"Hmph, I'll get angry when you say that." Maester Lemon seemed a little speechless with anger, returned to his chair, raised his head and pointed at Herman.

"You let him tell himself, what did this fool do."

Eli looked over.

Herman also seemed to feel a little ashamed, and muttered: "Actually, I am also a deceiver."

Then Hermann told his story.

It turned out that he met a few new friends at the banquet before, and one of the "friends" invited him to go to the Mocha Casino a few days ago. past.

Then he started to gamble, and he was very cautious at the beginning, after all, it was his first time here, but he didn't expect that it seemed to be much simpler than he imagined, and he won a lot of money, and his courage grew.

Then he lost all his money and borrowed a lot of money.

After listening, Eli was also silent.

Isn't this a very simple pig killing dish?

This is making bad friends!

"Then how much did you lose in total?" Eli asked curiously, how much did he lose to make Maester Lemon so angry!

"I lost two quintals, and owed the casino a quintal."


Eli covered his face, three quintals, equivalent to their five-year salary, no wonder Maester Lemon was so angry.

"The teacher should scold you this time." Eli shook his head and said.

"I was also deceived. How could I have imagined that they were actually in the same group." Herman complained.

"Shut up, there will be no next time." Bachelor Lemon was still very angry.

"Then the money you owe?" Eli asked again.

"The teacher paid it back for me." Herman was afraid to look at the teacher at this moment.

"Okay." Eli nodded. At critical moments, the teacher sometimes relied on his father.

"Hey, I will never go again." Then Herman assured the teacher, and Lymon also forgave him. Bachelor Lymon is a teacher with a sharp mouth and a heart.

"Really, it's better to gamble less." No matter in the previous life or here, there are quite a few gamblers who have ruined their families, as long as Heman remembers this lesson.

After the visit, Eli left the room.

Walking in the corridor, Maester Lemon could be heard from behind him to educate Herman again, telling him not to go to the casino in the future.

Casino, casino!

In the corridor, Eli stopped suddenly.

In the dark corridor, Eli's eyes lit up.

He seemed to have thought of how to solve the problem of money for the experiment.


"Guest, the rum you want!"

In the bar, Eli took the rum handed by the bartender. The wooden glass looked old, but the liquor inside looked cool and refreshing.

Ignoring the gap in the glass, Eli drank it down.

Looking around, there are mercenaries and drunkards everywhere, some of them are drinking heavily around the table while arranging beautiful ladies from noble families, and some of them are already drunk and lying under the table.

This is an ordinary bar in Moon Lane, which is as famous as King's Landing and Liuying Lane. As for Moon Lane, there are bars, casinos, and even places where slaves are traded.

He came here today to check the terrain of Moon Street and the distribution of this street.

Paying the money to the bartender casually, Eli walked outside.

He was wearing ordinary clothes, so he looked very thin, and the place was very messy, so as he walked out, three of the guys who looked like squirrels followed him.

As soon as he walked out the door, the noisy voice immediately reached Eli's ears, and he glanced around.

A very long street came into view, the road surface was dirty and poor, there were horse-drawn carriages passing by on the road, and civilians in tattered clothes, there were still homeless people lying in the alleys beside the road, it was still a chaotic place.

The bar is located on the side of the street, opposite is a resplendent casino, the exterior is made of black stone bricks, the exterior is painted with gold, and the people who enter and exit are rich people.

This is a street where poverty and wealth exist at the same time, or in other words, the poverty of most people supports the wealth of a few people.

With just a glance at the casino, Eli walked down the street, blending into the crowd.

The little thieves behind wanted to continue chasing, but after chasing, they found that they were lost. They looked around and couldn't find Eli's figure at all. Then they cursed and turned back.

The street is a mess.

The stalking of a few thieves is naturally not worth mentioning. Soon, Eli has a complete understanding of the structure and layout of this street, and even every small road is memorized in his mind.

There is no way, just be so cautious, after all, the next thing to do has a certain degree of danger!

He intends to raise some money for experiments from these casinos.

When he suddenly reacted to the casino in the morning, he had an idea in his mind, that is to use the characteristics of wizards to make a fortune from these casinos. Anyway, these casinos didn't see a few innocent people, so they regarded it as robbing the rich and giving to the poor.

As for who is rich and who is poor, it is naturally that he is poor and rich.

And he also had an idea of ​​which casino to attack first.

That is Mocha Casino.

That is, the casino that cheated Herman of three quintals.

Coincidentally, when Eli walked out before, the resplendent casino opposite was the Mocha Casino.

"Who told you to lie to my senior!" Eli smiled. Herman became a student of Lemondu earlier than him, so he was his senior.

"I am such a good student, where can I find him!" After observing, Eli strode out of the street.

Today is just to observe, tomorrow is his action day.

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