For more than a month, a light and shadow suddenly appeared in the three-dimensional universe.

There is no doubt that this light and shadow is Luo Yuan. He glanced at this strange star field. Compared with the nearby solar system, the density of star systems here is more sparse, and the distance between each other is almost a hundred light-years or more.

It is about 3,000 light-years away from the solar system, located between the Perseus cantilever and the Sagittarius cantilever, and is closer to the open area of ​​the Milky Way.

Judging from the flight path of the four-dimensional body all the way, this super civilization probably came from the galactic center area.

This is not what he expected. The galactic center occupies more than 99% of the matter in the entire galaxy, and it is also the oldest place in the entire galaxy. When the long river of time goes back ten billion years, the star field where the sun is located is just When there was a chaotic and thin nebula, stars had already been born there, and civilization had even been born there.

And the age of the sun is only about 5 billion years, and the gap between them is at least 5 billion years, which is enough for any civilization that has not fallen halfway to develop to its peak.

Compared with the ancient and prosperous galactic center, the star field near the solar system is like a wasteland with barren resources and no grass!


Luo Yuan's exhausted will is rapidly recovering, and it has reached its peak in just a few seconds.

He looked into the distance, and in the four-dimensional space a hundred light years away, a four-dimensional body was approaching little by little. There was no wave in his heart, suspended in the void, motionless, just waiting quietly.

Time passed slowly, and as the distance gradually approached, it began to change from small to large, from blurred to clear, it was like Luo Yuan’s ordinary cut miniature universe, but its material composition was not space, but a gray-black substance , surrounded by dark matter, full of majesty and ferocity.

Its flying speed is only about 13,000 light speeds to 15,000 light speeds. This discovery is undoubtedly good news for Luo Yuan. Whether it is to save consumption, or simply cannot go deep into higher dimensions, it shows that it is not powerful and irresistible.

Fifty light years, thirty light years, five light years.

When the distance between the two gradually approached to only half a light year left, Luo Yuan finally moved!

His body jumped to the fourth dimension in an instant, and then quickly jumped to a higher dimension. In just a few picoseconds, his speed had jumped to 50,000 light speed per second.

And at the same time Luo Yuan jumped to the four-dimensional body, an indescribable wave also shot out from the four-dimensional body, leaping to a higher dimension, but shot in the air. Tens of seconds later, its energy finally dropped, and the wave fell to Although the energy of the three-dimensional universe has dropped greatly in the fourth dimension, once it falls into the third dimension, its energy is still unbelievably powerful. With the terrifying energy of hundreds of suns moving forward, it hit a nearby star straight, pierced the star in an instant, and then collapsed quickly...

During the flight, Luo Yuan glanced at the three-dimensional world one light-year away behind him, and was startled when he saw it. The speed of this fluctuation was completely beyond his imagination. It only took tens of seconds to fly across the distance of half a light-year , not even far away, because when it fell, it had already flown a light-year away. This speed has completely exceeded his imagination. The only possible explanation is that the dimension of this attack is unbelievably high.

Like a signal, the next moment, countless fluctuations attacked Luo Yuan like a storm.

This kind of attack also made Luo Yuan more sure that this is not a real four-dimensional creature, but a technological creation.

This is an inherent advantage of technological creations. Compared with creatures, its firepower is more powerful and dense.

It's a pity that the distance of half a light-year is far away. Even Luo Yuan, who is now quasi-four-dimensional, cannot reach the power of will. He can only interfere within a tenth of a light-year at most, which also means that within this distance, He can only be beaten passively, but cannot fight back. This is a helpless fact.

The four-dimensional war is different, it is more complicated than the interstellar war in the three-dimensional world, it is unimaginable for three-dimensional creatures, because it has an extra fourth dimension, and its hit rate is also more difficult, because every time the dimension changes, in the three-dimensional In the eyes of creatures, it means jumping out of this world.

However, it has to be said that this super civilization is powerful, and its understanding of four dimensions has reached a terrifying height. As the distance between them approached, Luo Yuan gradually felt the pressure. The attack is extremely precise, and he has a prophetic prediction of the result, and can even confuse and interfere with his prediction.

His time scale has entered about one picosecond. For him, one second is equivalent to trillions of seconds. Moving at high speed in four dimensions, he makes hundreds of billions of dimension changes every second. However, Still several times, they were almost hit directly, and even the prediction was not effective at times.

The confrontation between Luo Yuan and this four-dimensional body can be said to be a confrontation of computer power in essence. Unfortunately, he fell into a slight disadvantage.

However, it was these few close encounters that gave Luo Yuan a shallow understanding of this kind of attack.

This is a dimensionality-reducing attack, not from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, but from four-dimensional to three-dimensional. It goes without saying that this is a special attack against four-dimensional creatures. It is quite terrifying. Once hit, It is conceivable that his body will be completely reduced in dimensionality, from a four-dimensional creature to a three-dimensional one.

This was something that could directly threaten his existence, but after realizing the effect of this attack, Luo Yuan immediately responded.

During the high-speed flight, he stretched out his hand to "grab", and pulled through a large four-dimensional space. After hundreds of thousands of times of compression, he wrapped it around his body, and then superimposed hundreds of layers.

This is a piece of "armor" in four-dimensional space. If it is carefully carved and polished, and more space is added, it is estimated that the defense will be stronger, but obviously there is no such time at this time.

The distance of half a light year is not too long for the two, but the distance of about three minutes, as time goes by, they approach each other rapidly, his figure is like a strange ghost, flickering, every time They all avoided the attack by a hair's breadth.

In this sea of ​​dark energy, the dimension-reducing energy of the four-dimensional body is exactly like boiling oil falling into the water. The dark energy on the entire battlefield boils, bursting with endless energy and brilliance. Whether Luo Yuan or the four-dimensional body created by technology has no effect.

At this time, it seemed that some kind of force was disturbing him, and his will suddenly appeared in a slight trance, which lasted only about 0.5 picoseconds, and he was awakened by a strong warning sign, but it was too late.

The next moment, a terrifying wave hit his body in an instant, and all the superimposed space armor on his body exploded, bursting out endless energy.

Fortunately, the space armor on his body, at the last moment, slightly blocked the speed of the fluctuation, allowing him to escape in time when he was triumphant, otherwise the war would have ended early.

He was afraid for a while, in order to avoid being disturbed again, Luo Yuan no longer cared about the accelerated consumption of will.

His whole body was radiant, and his powerful will immediately enveloped the entire area, forming an absolute domain in this space. As soon as the domain was formed, his predictive ability recovered instantly, and the interference power was completely isolated.

Fortunately, only a few seconds later, the four-dimensional body quietly entered his attack range.

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