Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 507 Untitled

During this period of time, two major events took place in Cui Weichuan's family.

The first major event was that after more than two years of painful study, he finally passed the junior electromagnetic engineer exam with difficulty, and successfully joined an electromagnetic laboratory as an intern.

It’s just that it’s no longer what it used to be. Today’s society has higher and higher requirements for engineers. Even if you pass the qualification examination for junior engineers, it’s just a stepping stone. Like a few years ago, the good days when you could basically be promoted to an assistant engineer after working for a year and a half are gone forever. Without certain achievements, it is basically impossible to become an assistant engineer.

But even if he is just an intern, his salary has increased a lot, and the life at home is also a lot more comfortable. What's more, when he goes outside, when he talks about the unit he works for, others will always exclaim , followed by a burst of envious flattery.

Nowadays, scientific research is the priority, and all resources are prioritized towards scientific research. As long as one enters a scientific research position, it is like stepping over the ordinary class and becoming a privileged class.

As for the second major event, his wife finally gave birth to a son for him.

It's just that he has complicated thoughts about this.

Because this son is not like his parents at all. For example, he and his wife have slightly dark skin, but the son's skin is quite fair. For example, he and his wife both have single eyelids, but the son has double eyelids. Has grown very beautifully.

If this is just a difference in appearance, then his performance is so different from ordinary babies, which makes him a little terrified.

It has been less than half a month since his wife's breast milk is not enough for him to drink, and under the doctor's advice, he has to supplement it with gruel. Fortunately, this son's physical fitness is beyond common sense, and his digestion ability is extremely strong, so he adapted quickly. Next, after three months, the son had already learned to speak, and it didn't take long for him to walk normally.

Although his son's performance is unbelievable, even in his craziest dream, there is no such fantasy, but, is this still a normal child?

His mind was full of thoughts, and he returned home soon.

"Dad, are you back?" His son cheered as soon as he opened the door.

While his wife was cooking, Cui Weichuan put down the document bag and said with a smile, "Did you behave yourself today?"

"I'm very good, if you don't believe me, ask mom!"

At this time, the wife took the cooked dishes and put them on the dining table, then hugged her son's face, kissed her son deeply, and said with a smile: "Well, the baby is the most obedient! I have learned more than a hundred words today. In a few days, you can read books by yourself."

"Mom, I can read the storybook now, but I don't know a few words." The son said unconvincedly.

Cui Weichuan's reaction was a little dull when he heard it, and when he came back to his senses, he said hesitantly: "It's not good to be able to read so quickly, after all, he is still so young."

The wife listened indifferently, and was full of pride for her son's genius: "What's wrong, my son is a genius, he can teach him everything, and he will definitely become a great scientist in the future."

It's only been four months, it's impossible for my son to be such a genius? Cui Weichuan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"The last time I went to the hospital, I heard the doctor said that the government seems to be setting up early education classes. Do you think our son should go?" Regardless of the son's struggle, the wife hugged the son affectionately, sat on the chair, and continued to enjoy himself. Speaking of.

Cui Weichuan looked a little sour in his heart. Since the child was born, all his wife's attention has been attracted by this son, but he also knows that it is a bit ridiculous to be jealous of his own son.

"Early education class must be at least three years old, it's still early!"

"It's not too early. This early education class is aimed at children born with new technologies like my son. They can start school as long as they are half a year old. If they don't, they may not be able to keep up with their studies in the future!" said the wife enthusiastically. .

"Then let's go, no matter what, we can't delay our son." Cui Weichuan knew his wife's personality well, and she had already made a decision in her heart at this time, and asking him now was just a confirmation.

Those children born of other new technologies are probably also geniuses, and a trace of uneasiness suddenly rose in his heart.

The longer he has been working in scientific research, the more Cui Weichuan understands the importance of IQ. People like him who are not much smarter than ordinary people can't go far no matter how hard they work. Not surprisingly, maybe an assistant As an engineer, it was the end of his career.

And if these children are all geniuses, when these people grow up, they, the old people, will probably be eliminated.


After more than a dozen trial voyages, the mother ship has sailed to the edge of Venus.

Looking at the earth with the naked eye from here, the earth is no different from other stars.

The excavation of the corpse of the giant beast is already in progress. A large number of engineering robots, like ants crawling over every corner of the giant beast, most of its surface skin has been peeled off, revealing the gnarled muscles.

Its huge size is not much smaller than the mother ship. Compared with the emergency spacecraft that is five kilometers away and serves as a transfer station, it is only less than one-third of its size.

Compared with the first time collecting the corpses of giant beasts, which required a lot of manpower, this operation was undoubtedly countless times more advanced.

There is almost no one in the entire project site, and they are all performing space operations by remotely manipulating unmanned machinery. They are like bees, flying from the giant beast from time to time, rushing to the emergency spaceship, and a large number of engineering robots fly out of the spaceship, and pounce on the giant beast again.

Each of these engineering robots is more than ten meters high, powerful, and has a certain space flight capability. The huge strength allows them to easily cut through the body of the giant beast and complete the task perfectly.


At this time, the engineering command center in the emergency spacecraft, through ultra-high-power nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray perspective, a complete and clear diagram of the internal structure of the behemoth is displayed in the center of the screen.

More than a dozen experts in various fields are carefully studying this structural diagram.

The size of the giant beast is too huge. It is impossible for human beings to stuff the entire giant beast into the spaceship. With the spare material storage space of the spaceship, and the space for supplementing the materials consumed in the past few years, it is only a few hundred thousand at most. Tons of flesh and blood, and this weight is less than one percent of the giant beast.

In order to avoid missing some important parts, it is particularly important to analyze and study the structure of the giant beast.

"Its alienation is quite serious. Most of the internal organs of the body have shrunk, but some organs have been strengthened, such as the heart!" A fat middle-aged man said in amazement. He is a biologist , has been engaged in the research of mutant bionics before the end of the world, so it can be said that he has rich experience.

"Through the internal images sent by the engineering robot, it can be seen that there are countless tumors growing in the heart. Every part of biological evolution is reasonable, and these tumors obviously also have unique functions."

"I also think the possibility is indeed very high, but mutant organisms are not ordinary evolutionary organisms, and the possibility of genetic disease must be considered. We need to collect some samples and conduct preliminary research. It is too early to draw conclusions." Another biologist The family thought for a while and said.

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