In the mayor's office of the Motu city government building.

A middle-aged man frowned, and quickly flipped through the documents that were too late to deal with today, making the sound of pages turning from time to time. As the mayor of a frontline city in the reconstruction area, he was under tremendous pressure every day . He has only been in office for half a year, and at the age of thirty-five, he already has deep forehead lines, and he has lost a few rounds of weight, and the belly that he developed before the end of the world has disappeared without a trace.

The windows of the entire office were sealed with a thick layer of black paper, making him feel a bit stuffy, even with the whistling of the electric fan, it still made him sweat profusely. The huge power shortage in the reconstruction area, even as the mayor of a city, it is impossible for him to get air conditioners. As a luxury for human beings, the production line of air conditioners has long since ceased production.

He made comments in the document from time to time, when the phone rang without warning.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the director of the information monitoring center. His body tensed instantly, and he quickly glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It was already nine o'clock in the evening. After a while, I had a bad premonition. I called at this time, and I am afraid that another accident will happen.

Not long after he was connected, his face became extremely ugly.

"This is your answer, why didn't you detect the omen before?" Mayor Wu growled in a low voice.


"This is not the first time. I don't want to listen to explanations. If you have the ability, go and talk to the dead victims! What I need is a guarantee!" He tugged on the button of Chen's clothes irritably. Mayor Wu vented for a while and hung up the phone, but he also knew that the safety monitoring center could not be blamed. There is really no better underground monitoring technology nowadays.


"Secretary Zhang, it seems that you have also received the situation. Now the community has been blocked, and the guards have been sent out recently! We are trying our best to organize the evacuation of the masses!" He called again to communicate with the secretary of the municipal party committee.

He hung up the phone, feeling thirsty for a while, picked up the teacup to drink water, but found that the teacup was already out of water. He felt restless for a while. If it was half a year ago, this teacup would have been scrapped long ago, but in the past six months, he has experienced this kind of thing many times, and he has already learned to adjust himself.

After a long time, he put the teacup back where it was and continued to review the documents.

However, not long after he sat down, the phone rang again. He took out the phone and saw that it was still the director of the Safety Monitoring Center. He frowned, but he still connected quickly.

"What! Not one, but a group, how many are there in total?" Mayor Wu said loudly, with disbelief on his face.


"Did you notify Secretary Zhang and Teacher Liu?" Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

At this time, there was a loud noise not far away, the windows were smashed by splashing gravel, there was a jingle, and even the ground shook slightly, the door was knocked open, it was his secretary.

"The mayor's place is not safe anymore, we must evacuate to the safe house immediately." The secretary said with a serious face.

"No, as the mayor, I have to stay here, you go out first." Mayor Wu hesitated, and immediately refused. Although he was a little nervous, his expression remained calm. As the mayor of a city, if he voluntarily evaded at such a critical moment, his political life would undoubtedly be over. If the circumstances were serious, he might not even be able to save his life. .

Today is not a time of peace, troubled times use heavy scriptures. As far as he knew, there were no less than a thousand cadres who had been dismissed for dereliction of duty in the past few years, and some of them were far above him.

"Then I'll stay here to protect you." The secretary said expressionlessly.

Mayor Wu nodded, feeling a little relieved. His secretary is not just a secretary, he is a powerful evolutionary with a level of four. To him, ordinary mutant creatures are like killing chickens and sheep.

Afterwards, the phone almost never stopped, and he quickly issued various orders. At some point, the sound of guns outside the window was already loud, and there was a strong smell of gunpowder smoke in the air.

The frontline city is different from other cities. It is one step away from the real battlefield and is the last protective barrier in the reconstruction area.

In addition to all kinds of powerful defensive weapons, an entire division has been stationed in the city for a long time. If heavy artillery is used regardless of damage, not to mention a dozen desert burrow worms, even a small and medium-sized beast horde can be easily dealt with.

But this kind of order can only be issued as a last resort, and it must bear political responsibility.

At this time, a shell landed heavily not far from the city hall, making a deafening explosion, and the dust from the wooden building shook off. Already moist.

But he remained motionless. He always considered himself a lucky person. When the fangs appeared in the last days, he was traveling in Tibet with his wife and children. When he returned, he was stranded there due to flight problems. Normal events made him keenly aware of the danger, so he asked for sick leave from his work unit and encouraged his wife to do the same, and then stayed in Tibet for a long time.

In the early days of the last days, Tibet was undoubtedly safe. When other provinces fell one after another, Tibet hardly changed much. When Tibet really became dangerous, the great migration began, and he successfully squeezed into the first place of the great migration. One bus.

And his official career has also started to turn around. Due to the large number of gaps in various positions, he has been given great opportunities. From a deputy department-level cadre before the end of the world, he has become a department-level cadre in just two years.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the notice he received from his superiors today, and he turned to his secretary and asked, "Have the survivors I told you about arrived?"

The secretary shook his head: "I haven't received any news."

Mayor Wu frowned slightly: "It shouldn't be possible. I was notified that they will arrive tonight."

"Maybe it will be a little later, maybe it's an accident, who are they?" The secretary said disapprovingly, thinking that it was a relative of another family. This kind of situation used to happen from time to time, until recently because There were fewer survivors, and they gradually disappeared.

"It's a telegram from above. He is an evolutionary like you. It is said that his strength is extremely powerful." Mayor Wu said without concealing that the secretary is a relatively close relationship. Or, at critical times, it could save his life.

The secretary's heart shuddered, and his face became serious. Perhaps the fourth-level evolutionary is already extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but there are more than ten thousand people with this strength in the entire reconstruction area, not to mention tens of thousands. And the evolutionary who can leave an impression on it must be at least level five, maybe even level six.

"I'll check it out!"

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