Near Joban City, Rockets Base

"How could this kid be so strong! That's Mewtwo!"

Athena looked at the image of Chi Hong who defeated Mewtwo with some disbelief.

That was Mewtwo, the Mewtwo they called the most powerful weapon! The Mewtwo who opened up territory for their Rockets!

Now he actually loses She couldn't believe that she was given to a little kid about ten years old and allowed to be conquered by him.

"wrong! Now is not the time to think about this!"

Athena calmed down instantly and began to think about countermeasures.

Mewtwo can be suppressed by the super-evolved fire-breathing dragon, which is a very unfavorable situation for them.

Once such a thing as super-evolution is successfully developed, it means that the alliance can have To suppress Mewtwo, they will face unprecedented pressure.

Even if Mewtwo is completely controlled by their Rockets, this situation cannot be easily alleviated, so there is only one way, and that is to destroy Buratano's super evolution research. , the method of super evolution was stillborn.

"I need to ask the boss for permission on this matter.......".......

Another world, Red Lotus Island

"This should be it."

Chihong sat on the bed, looked at the ceiling above his head, and murmured.

He was now somewhat certain that the silver-white Pokémon named Mewtwo in the future image should be the guy in Dr. Fuji's diary.

With Mew. It was a man-made Pokémon based on and genetically enhanced.

Also, he was a little puzzled as to how the evolved form of Charizard was achieved, even by watching the images of the future. the mystery of

"Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, I’ll think about these things after I defeat that green guy."

Chihong shook her head, decided not to think about it, and planned to let nature take its course.......

As Chi Hong successfully conquered Mewtwo, the picture on the screen disappeared instantly after a brief freeze.

On the black screen, lines of text gradually appeared, and the mechanical voice sounded again, announcing the end of the duel.

【The third showdown!】

【The strongest trainer in the world - Red VS the strongest weapon - Mewtwo】

【The battle is over! The third game of the pinnacle showdown between the protagonists of all time - the blue fire is the most powerful!】

【Red gets the reward; Y-form evolution stone!】

【Note: This Mega Evolution Stone can super evolve Pokémon into Y form. There are no exclusive restrictions, but it can only be bound to one Pokémon. (Note: Charizard in the image is in X form!)]

At another base of Team Rocket, Sakaki was stunned.

What the hell? This thing will actually be rewarded to people from another world! Doesn't he only exist in this world?!

Then his eyes gradually became serious. It seemed that this thing was much more powerful than he imagined.

It actually exists in other worlds. If you think about it carefully, it is slightly possible. After all, being able to capture images of other worlds and then broadcast them all over the world is not something that ordinary creatures can do.

It is somewhat understandable that it can exist in other worlds.

Forget it, that thing is probably done. Sakaki stood up and was about to walk towards the bottom of the base, but a voice pulled him back again.

"Now let’s publish Chi Hong’s personal information."

As the voice of Daosheng sounded, countless people looked at the screen in the sky again, full of interest. They really wanted to know Chihong's identity in that world, but as the information was displayed, they were distracted by what happened next. The information was jaw-dropping!

【red, gender; male, 10 years old】

【Birthplace; Shinshin Town, Kanto Region】

【Identity; Pokémon trainer, champion of Kanto region】

【Record; 1; single-handedly disbanded Team Rocket.

2; Fight against the Four Heavenly Kings - easily defeated.

Against the Ice King Kona, one Thunder Pokémon destroyed six of the opponent's Pokémon.

In the battle against Sheba, the King of Fighters, a flying mantis destroyed six of the opponent's Pokémon.

In the battle against the ghost-type King Kikuko, one Dudu destroyed six of the opponent's Pokémon.

Battle against Flying-type Tianwangdu; one Riding Dragon destroys six of the opponent's Pokémon.

3; Against the Kanto regional champion, the old enemy Qinglu, finally defeated the opponent with Charizard, and became the champion at the age of 10.

4: Battle against the three legendary Pokémon - Conquer.

5: Battle against the most powerful weapon Mewtwo - Conquer】

【Note: Red and Xiaozhi are the same individuals in different worlds. ]

Countless people around the world look at the information that appears on the screen one after another, and they feel as if there is something wrong with their eyes! But thinking that this thing can even play in the future, it feels so real.

In the silence, a trembling voice gradually said, his tone full of disbelief!

"I...Did I read that right? 10 years old! That's 10 years old! Reaching the top spot at the age of 10, what a human being!!"

As this voice disappeared, the crowd became excited, and the same voice continued to sound from all over the world.

"Fake! Absolutely fake! How can there be a 10-year-old champion in the world!!"

"Grandma’s! Look at others who reached the top of the championship at the age of 10, and look at myself, now that I am almost 20 years old, I am still a loser! This world is so unfair!!"

"Protruding! At 10 years old, I’m still playing games at home! If someone can win the championship, my life will be in vain!"

"No more talking, let’s go to the special training. I finally understand! Anyone who can be caught in this inventory is a fucking pervert!"

"Which is the most special? Look at the one at the bottom! His grandma’s! I finally understand why Xiaozhi is so special!"

"No! The two protagonists of the inventory are the same fucking person! I...Autistic!"

"Brother, this trainer is not the right one!(╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻!"......

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