Won Xiao Gang neatly.

Seeing Xiao Mao so strong, Wu Neng, who was watching from the dark, couldn't help but sigh, and said: "It's really terrifying~ It is worthy of coming from the legendary hometown of champions... It's a new town...... "

To be honest.

Wu Neng realized that his son Xiaogang was already very good, and he had already achieved the strength of many peers. I didn't expect to see a more stunning and young Xiaomao today.

"Alas~ It was we who dragged down Xiao Gang's ......"

When he was a guest, Xiao Mao also accidentally discovered the martial arts hidden in the secret observation of his own house but did not dare to show up, Xiao Mao did not pick it up, nor did he mean to go up to talk, just simply nodded his head.

For Wu Neng.

Xiao Mao has nothing to evaluate, although he thinks that Wu Neng is a good husband, but not a good father, this is just a personal opinion.

He has no position to say anything.

Individuals have personal ideas, and Wu Neng and his wife like to live freely and freely, and like to travel everywhere.

In the end, they also chose to return to their families. Although it was a little unfair to the children, the children later forgave them. Outsiders can't say anything either.

For example, people know how cold and warm they are when they drink water. Xiao Gang and his family don't mind, what qualifications do outsiders have to comment on!

Among them, maybe Xiao Gang is the hardest one, because he is the eldest and has taken on the responsibility of taking care of his younger siblings left by his parents.

When I was a child, I had to take on the responsibilities of a father.

However, this has also honed Xiao Gang's hard-working, resolute and calm will to rock, and he can always deal with it calmly and calmly at any time, and it is the backbone of Xiao Zhi's trio.

Calmly survived countless crises.

By the way, he cultivated a full-level housekeeping skill.,Because you want to inherit the position of a gym trainer.,And cultivate a lot of strength.,And by the way, he became a good Pokémon breeder.。

"Human potential is limitless.

Xiao Mao couldn't help sighing: ""Gang Ma" can be called all-powerful, but this is all all-round forced by the environment, and she has to be all-powerful. "

After being a guest, the biggest feeling is. The children of Nibi Gym are independent, polite, and sensible. They are all very autonomous.

The other children of the Wu Neng family are the same, Xiao Gang brought out the big ones, the big ones are helping to bring the small ones, and the small ones are bringing the smaller ones, which has become a tradition. So their children are more independent and calm.

The top one is sensible and precocious.

Because they are all taken care of by their brothers and sisters, everyone supports each other and grows up together, so there is nothing particularly lonely or unfamiliar, and everyone's relationship is excellent.

There are no parents, so the older children have to force themselves to be adults and take charge of themselves, standing in front of their younger siblings, sheltering them from the wind and rain, which is the responsibility of the older brother.

It's not just Xiaogang.

It's faster to mature, especially the second brother Jiro. He is quite talented in being a trainer, and he can be recognized by the big steel snake at a young age, and he has obtained his command, and his combat power is quite good.

In the future, perhaps Jiro, the second brother of Xiaogang, can take over his brother's title of gym trainer. He has interest and talent.

After all, Xiao Gang's ideal is to visit various regions of the world, learn the cuisine and cooking techniques of different regions, become a gourmet, and write a book about cooking and local cuisine.

The other is to learn more about Pokémon breeders and how to care for Pokémon to become a good breeder.

It is a very unpretentious ideal, according to Xiaogang's talent and calmness, it should be easy to achieve.

Probably because he has been bound to the family since he was a child, so ideally, I saw the desire and yearning for freedom.

There is another point that you may not have noticed. Wu Neng and his wife are actually not so irresponsible, at least they do not treat their children harshly in the material area.

In addition to the property of Nibi Gym, there are countless properties in Nibi. So, in fact, whether it is in the animation or in the comics, this group of children in the Nibi Gym has not lacked food and clothing since they were young, but they lack the company of their parents.

Then there is that Xiaogang's family really has a mine.

It's like the kind of money printing machine.

The famous Nibi Mine is the property of the Nibi Gym, so Xiao Gang is a proper second-generation rich man in the mine, and it may also be an economic source to support the Wu Neng couple's travel around the world.

Because his family's mining area is yes, the kind that the continuous mining area cannot be dug up for several lifetimes.

Nibi Mine not only produces a variety of high-quality stones, almost monopolizes all the high-end markets around it, and low-end stones also account for a large proportion.

Fossils are also produced in the mining area.

Everyone knows how much that stuff is worth. Some precious paleontology and complete ancient plant fossils are sky-high, so with this endless stream of money printing machines, Xiaogang and they are not short of money.

Wu Neng and his wife also share photos with their children every time they travel, call them to report their safety and send some souvenirs, which is also a small emotional exchange between them.

Although the children may not need or dislike it, they want them to accompany them, rather than them who have no temperature through the video, but this is also their only thought.

can still want to report safety every time they go to a place, which shows that Wu Neng and his wife actually remember their children, which is their way of expressing family affection. It's just that they love freedom more in comparison.

It's selfish to think that you can say that they are incompetent as parents, but outsiders have no right to judge their right to be parents.

Worthy or unworthy, love or not, only the children of the Wu Neng couple are qualified to evaluate and complain, after all, the sadness and pain are borne by his children, not us outsiders.

If you don't suffer from others, don't say cool things.

Perhaps this is also the belief and strength that the children of the Wu Neng couple have always supported

- we are not without parents and parents, we are not children that no one wants, we also have parents, but our parents are very busy now, traveling all over the world, and people have no time to go home in other places.

It sounds sad, but that's the truth. In the world of Pokémon, this is not uncommon.

Incompetent parents have promoted the independence of children, who may be sunny and cheerful, or they may be withdrawn and indifferent, creating a group of geniuses and hurting the young hearts of countless children.

Wounds in the soul sometimes take a lifetime to heal.

In his last life, he was a left-behind child. Finally reunited, and my father had an accident again. After that, I was sick and couldn't go out. The relationship with my mother is not particularly good.

"It's better to explain everything clearly. What can't the family say, what's the use of guessing?"

Xiao Mao finally smiled bitterly: "Nima, why do you make yourself like a resentful woman, Xiao Gang didn't say anything about bitter ......."

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