Say goodbye to Xiao Gang.

Shigeru continued his quartz convention cultivation journey.

On the road.



Kami Turtle and Bibi Bird are still training seriously, not only practicing their skills, but also engaging in sneak attacks with each other from time to time, exercising their reaction ability and actual combat ability. The two sides come and go, you recruit me and I give you a knife, and the fight is very happy.

"In this way, I'm the most idle trainer!" Looking

at the two Pokémon that were self-disciplined, Xiao Mao was very relieved and proud: "I'm lucky that I have two very reliable partners." "After all, no matter how strong the talent is, it is in vain if the heart is not enough.

Speaking of which, it seems that since the trip, the first Nibi Gym has been completed, and Xiao Mao has almost no harvest, except for Bibi Bird, a Pokémon has not been accepted, which is really incredible.

"However, just the two of them Pokémon, isn't it too few! Some are not worthy of my identity as the second generation of light......

" Xiao Mao was also a little embarrassed: "It's indeed a little little." The elite route doesn't go that way either. Ash has three of them at this time. "

If I'm not mistaken. Ash collected Bibi Bird and Green Caterpillar in Tokiwa Forest, and at this point in time, they may have all evolved into Ba Da Butterflies. And I've crossed over, who knows if Ash will take in more Pokémon. "Try to recall the plot.

Doesn't that mean that I'm not as good as Ash.

"No matter what, you can't lose to him!" exposed, in the end, it's still damn self-esteem, speaking of which, Xiao Mao regretted a little: "Tokiwa Forest and Tokiwa River, forgot to watch!"

You must know that there are a lot of water-based Pokémon and horned goldfish by the river where they train, and they are very ferocious. They don't count.

There are also tyrannosaurs, mosquito coil frogs... It's all good. And I heard that there may be ink seahorses and flying mantis there, but unfortunately, I missed them all, and now it's too late to regret it. After all, this has already arrived in Nibi City, and Xiao Mao can't go back.

"It's still necessary to replenish the team as soon as possible!" Although

he decided to take the elite route, Xiao Mao now has two Pokémon on his face, which is too shabby, so he decided to go to Tsukimi Mountain to see if he can find a suitable partner.

As for the Pokéball around his neck, it is Xiao Mao's hole card, and it can't be used easily, at least not yet.

"The legendary Tsukimi Mountain, I hope you don't disappoint me!" Xiao Mao whispered, obviously full of anticipation for this place.

"Oh, I'll go, I'm lucky!" Guess

what Xiao Mao saw, a secret treasure hard stone. Xiao Mao just picked it out with a lot of effort, and he didn't have time to appreciate it yet.

"What's the sound?I'm just ......

" "Boom~" There was a rapid roar, and the sound sounded like the running sound of a Pokémon with a relatively large body weight. This heavy muffled snort, the footsteps are powerful, and the volume of the comer is not weak.

"It can't be that I was attracted by this thing!"

and then looked at the hard stone in his hand, and suddenly felt that the person who came was not good, maybe it was for the secret treasure, and he had to guard against it.

"Wild Pokémon or Human Trainers?! "

Papa~" Pokéballs landed.

Shigeru said to the Kami Turtle, "Kami Turtle, Bibi Bird, there are Pokémon coming, ready to fight at any time." "

Bibi~" Bibi bird flies. Alert.

"Kami~" Kami's eyes suddenly became sharp, his body found the best posture, and he looked vigilantly in the direction of the roar.

"It's coming~" Dust and smoke billowed up.

"Roar~" seems to have found the target, and the comer let out an excited roar, and then accelerated his pace and rushed to this side.


Ironclad rhinoceros? really want to come to something, it's also a rare Pokémon, and I actually let me meet it today, could it be said that today is the lucky day of the master.

The one-horned rhinoceros is a four-legged beast-shaped Pokémon with a gray body. The whole body is covered in invulnerable gray armor to protect itself and attack enemies, and a piece of armor on the back has a curved notch. The head has a small horn, the limbs are short, and there is a small tail. The horn in front of me is relatively large, and it should be a male.

These guys are all stunned, because they don't like to think because they have a bad mind, but admit death, Made, when he was a child, Xiaomao remembered that he once provoked these guys, and he chased him for an afternoon. Xiao

Mao thinks about it now, and he feels quite numb. The one who was chased by these elm heads back then was called a man with no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the ground, so it was not miserable. Along

the way, they were unwilling and unwilling, destroying countless innocent trees and rocks in their path, for these fellows with four small short legs were unwilling to turn, and it was too much trouble for their elm heads. It is precisely because of this that Xiao Mao can spend an afternoon with them.

Otherwise, where would they wait for Dr. Damu to find out that Xiao Mao was lost, and then when they found him, they had already been trampled into a poop!"

"Their strong body and weight give them super strength and running impact, and it is said that they can smash tall buildings with all their strength. Speaking

of which, Xiao Mao feels that God is still fair, fortunately, these guys have a problem with their brains, otherwise they are really good and have good minds, and it would be really unfair to other Pokémon.

[A group of simple-minded and powerful destructive young people.

This is Xiao Mao's impression of the ironclad rhinoceros.

"Of course, Boss Sakaki's iron-armored rhinoceros doesn't count, a dozen Pokémon of the red master show an invincible posture, and it makes people's eyes hot to look at, as if he also has an iron-armored tyrannosaurus in the special chapter. "

Well, I'm going to have this ironclad rhinoceros. Mao Ye is not weaker than others in his life, my damn desire to win. Xiao Mao actually compared himself to himself.

It can also be regarded as revenge for the "hunting and killing" of the year.

"Roar~" "Rustle~"

The ironclad rhinoceros shuddered inexplicably, as if he was being targeted by some terrible creature, and suddenly became vigilant, shaking his head and constantly looking around, looking for the existence that threatened him.

"Roar~" found Xiao Mao, the hard stone in his hand.

The ironclad rhinoceros' eyes shone brightly. The pace accelerated, the step stepped harder, and the step by step cracked, this old sixth actually used the breakthrough skill, obviously wanting to treat Xiao Mao as an enemy.

"Don't pay attention to it, ironclad rhinoceros!" Xiao Mao was a little stunned. Unexpectedly, the ironclad rhinoceros did not communicate, and attacked directly from afar.

Xiao Mao smiled evilly and said, "Kami turtle, use bubbles on the ground." And winked at him, with a look you know.


Kami Turtle looked at Hanhan, but he was actually a clever ghost, and as soon as Xiao Mao said it, he knew his idea, and he was very cooperative and received it. Soon a "lubricated" ground was formed.

"Zizizi~" The ironclad rhinoceros was caught off guard. The speed is too fast, the soles of the feet are like being greased, and they can't stop slipping.

"Boom~" plunged into the rock pile next to him.

Xiao Mao was a little lucky: "I'll go, it's so powerful." It's good that it didn't hit us, right,

Kami Turtle~" "Kami~" Kami Turtle thought so.

"Roar~" The iron-armored rhinoceros shook his head slowly, as if he had been stunned just now, and he was a little floating when he walked.

"You did it!" As soon as he saw Kami Turtle and Xiao Mao next to him, the ironclad rhinoceros suddenly became angry, it was you who made the ghost.

As he spoke, he attacked, not giving a chance at all.

"Stomp ~" climbed the hind hooves. The ironclad rhinoceros rushed towards the Kami turtle, and Xiao Mao recognized it, this was an impact trick.

"Kami Turtle ~ spinning at high speed, don't touch him. With

the battle with the Kami Turtle, the ironclad rhinoceros showed more excellent traits, which made the enthusiasm in Xiao Mao's eyes even stronger.

It was naked greed and desire.

"Thunder Tooth, that's good!" Xiao

Mao looked surprised. This ironclad rhinoceros not only has good combat literacy, but also has a better brain than ordinary ironclad rhinoceros, and also knows the attribute restraint to play sneak attacks. Quack Quack.

"Kami~" Kamitoise dodged in a cold sweat. Just now, the thunderbolt tooth of the ironclad rhinoceros was bitten, and he was gone.


couldn't attack for a long time, the ironclad rhinoceros didn't do it, and he jumped up with his legs in front of him, and pressed down with the thunder of the Kami turtle.

"Good fellow, make up for it right away. "The more Xiao Mao looks at it, the more he likes this ironclad rhinoceros, and he has quite the wisdom to fight.

"Kami turtle, sprint on the ground at high speed, give me the iron rhinoceros and his hind legs, let you cross your front legs, I will let you warp enough. "

Kami~" Kami's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Trainer, you're still bad!

"Whoosh~" Kami Turtle quickly lay on the ground and then folded its limbs, spun and flew close to the ground at high speed, and then quickly flew towards the ironclad rhinoceros, flexible and fast.

"Bang~" hits the target.

"Roar~" The ironclad rhinoceros screamed in pain, then fell down with a bang, and then fell to the ground because of the leg pain and it was difficult to maintain the balance of the body.

"Rustle~" The huge weight smashed a pit on the ground, and it also stirred up a lot of smoke and dust, and he was struggling to get up.

Seeing this, Xiao Mao was no longer polite.

"Kami Turtle, the freezing light ends it!" Xiao Mao continued to order, he will not be merciful, these simple-minded stunned young people only have one chance, and they must be completely defeated before they can be subdued.

"Kami~" Kami Turtle immediately gathered energy.

"Huh~-" Facing the head-on, the Death Ice Freeze quickly began to spread downward, until the entire body group was sealed in the ice. also left his head very intimately, which was convenient for Xiaomao to accept.

"Go for it! Pokéball.

Shigeru threw out a Pokéball.

"Woo...... Whining...... "When the dust settled, Mao subdued the ironclad rhinoceros.

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