Dreams of the Fragrant River

: One hundred and thirty-eight [people are invincible]

The scandal between Kang Jianfei and Lin Qingxia has gradually subsided in Hong Kong, but the arrival of Qin Xianglin has made this scandal intensified. [;First release] Especially the photo of Kang Jianfei confronting Qin Xianglin was widely published by major media in Hong Kong, and then transferred to Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

Like watching a TV series, people are always watching the result of this love competition to see who can finally hold the beauty.

There are also countless media and readers, eagerly looking forward to Qin Han coming to Hong Kong to stage a wonderful four-country melee!

As the scandals are rampant, it is still early to leave the machine, and it has long been a hit in Asia. Filmmakers in Southeast Asian countries and Taiwan have actually started to contact Oriental DreamWorks, hoping to bypass the Golden Princess and order copies directly from DreamWorks.


The agreement between Kang Jianfei and Lei Juekun at the beginning was that the films of Oriental DreamWorks had the priority to arrange films in the Golden Princess Cinema, but the overseas distribution of Oriental DreamWorks films must be done by the Golden Princess Film Distribution Company!

Kang Jianfei directly contacted filmmakers in Taiwan and Nanyang, which naturally saved an intermediate distribution fee, but violated the agreement with Lei Juekun, and the company's priority in the filming of Princess Jin would also be lost.

Compared with the priority rights of the cinema, the intermediate distribution fee is really not enough.

After a few days, Ma Qiao has already contacted the West Kowloon Regional Police Headquarters, Hong Kong Cathay Pacific Airways, Lee Garden Restaurant and other units. These units will provide venues for Kang Jianfei to shoot for free. Of course, Kang Jianfei must also display their signs inside, or verbally mention the names of these units.

Well, it is said to be free, but in fact, after the filming, Kang Jianfei must compensate others for the decoration fee - for example, the restaurant will definitely be smashed.

Pan Yingzi also went to Japan with an interpreter, and had a smooth talk with Japanese Shochiku Films. Both Sanada Hiroyuki and Matsusaka Keiko are contracted artists of Shochiku Film, especially Matsusaka Keiko, who is also the leading actress of Shochiku Film.

Pan Yingzi did not go to the manager of the two, but went directly to the director of the artist department of Songzhu Films. Songzhu Film also wanted to promote its artists to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia after Pan Yingzi came up with the shooting plan. It can be said that Shochiku Film and Oriental DreamWorks hit it off.

The final remuneration for winning the two-person film contract is: Sanada Hiroyuki 70 million yen (about 2.25 million Hong Kong dollars), Matsusaka Keiko 1,000 yen (about 320,000 Hong Kong dollars).

Since then, Pan Yingzi has been running back and forth in several Japanese auto companies with the film contracts of Sanada Hiroyuki, Matsusaka Keiko and Lin Qingxia. It took about a week to negotiate that Toyota was only willing to give 40 million yen in sponsorship fees, but Mitsubishi Motors was very generous, and actually gave 100 million yen (about 3.2 million Hong Kong dollars) in advertising sponsorship fees - but not a movie. , but signed a long-term contract with Kang Jianfei. In the next year, all the films directed by Kang Jianfei, the car brands appearing in them must all be Mitsubishi Motors.

Pan Yingzi called back to ask. Should I sign a contract with Toyota? Sign a long-term contract with Mitsubishi Motors. Kang Jianfei thought for a while. I still chose Mitsubishi, because from the decision of the two companies, it seems that Mitsubishi pays more attention to this aspect of publicity. When the contract is renewed next year, Kang Jianfei's reputation will also be much bigger. Raise the price slowly.

In addition to the sponsorship from Mitsubishi Motors, Pan Yingzi also received a sponsorship fee of HK$200,000 from Japan's Fuji Camera. However, the other party's requirement is that Fuji's instant camera must appear in the film for more than 15 seconds.

At the same time, the Raptors stunt team of Ke Shouliang and Luo Lixian has gradually grown, and the two have drawn friends, and the stunt team has six members.

The six people chose an open space near Kang's family class, and set up a venue to practice and test the effects of various flying cars every day. Two cars were scrapped in less than a week.

Of course, they were all cheap second-hand cars, otherwise Kang Jianfei wouldn't be able to afford them.

Luo Lixian also started experimenting with various explosive effects with a friend of his, gradually increasing the napalm on the outer layer of the bomb. Let the flames of the explosion become more and more violent.

Kang Jianfei was not idle either. He had to send someone to contact the filming location in Thailand. Although there was only less than a minute of footage, it was really difficult to set the scene in Hong Kong to capture the rainforest effect in Vietnam. The four villains in the film are all remnants of the Vietnam War. However, in recent years, Vietnam has been expelling China, and Hong Kong and Taiwan movies cannot be sold. Kang Jianfei can only choose to shoot in Thailand or Myanmar.

In addition to the shooting location, you have to contact guns and ammunition. Even if it is a fake gun, you still have to report it at the police station.

As for the off-duty time, it is natural to deal with Zhao Yazhi, Guan Zhilin and Zhong Chuhong several women. Guan Zhilin and Kang Jianfei were already too close to each other. Even if they didn't meet each other every night, they had to spend half an hour on the phone. It's a pity that Zhong Chuhong is still detached from him, always feeling like a friend above a lover is not satisfied.




A mass of orange-red flames rose from the scrapped car, then overflowed from the windows, doors, chassis, etc. of the car, spreading and rising in the air.

From a distance, both the sound and vision give people a strong shock, as if there was a super powerful bomb exploded there.

"Oh!" Luo Lixian and his bomb-playing friend exclaimed and clapped excitedly.

Ke Shouliang and other members of the stunt team who were playing with the speeding car also gathered around, looking at the blown up car, and giving Luo Lixian a thumbs up.

"Clap clap clap..."

Kang Jianfei, who was standing in the distance, clapped his hands in admiration, and Lin Qingxia and Li Jiading also applauded.

Kang Jianfei said to Ke Shouliang, Luo Lixian and others, "It's getting late, let's call it a day." He took out 2,000 yuan and stuffed it into Ke Shouliang's hands, and said with a smile, "Everyone has worked hard these days. Good meal."

Ke Shouliang smiled and said, "2,000 yuan is too much to eat."

Kang Jianfei said: "If we can't finish eating, we will divide it up."

Only then did Ke Shouliang hold up the money and shout, "Boss treat, eat hard tonight and drink hard!"


The six guys from the stunt team cheered together, and soon four or two motorcycles and two cars started together and flew frantically from the venue where they practiced.

Li Jiading also packed up and went home. Kang Jianfei drove to Lin Qingxia and said, "I'll take you off."

"Thank you." Lin Qingxia smiled.

Kang Jianfei got out of the car and helped Lin Qingxia open the car door. Before she could get in the car, Qin Xianglin came again in Cheng Long's sports car and directly blocked Kang Jianfei's car.

"Qingxia, I have already reserved a seat in the western restaurant." Qin Xianglin was wearing a handsome suit. Although he was in his 30s, his tall and handsome appearance could indeed attract many women.

Before Lin Qingxia opened her mouth, Kang Jianfei said yin and yang, "I said this brother Qin, you didn't see Qingxia sweating profusely. She just took off her training clothes and was wearing flat canvas shoes? Very, do you want Qingxia to be embarrassed to go to a western restaurant dressed like this?"

Qin Xianglin was blocked by Kang Jianfei and said to Lin Qingxia, "Qingxia, I will take you back to the hotel first, take a shower and change your clothes before going."

Lin Qingxia looked at the two of them, not knowing what to choose in her heart. Qin Xianglin is the man she has been secretly in love with for many years. Although she has seen that this person is unreliable, Qin Xianglin's stalking for the past few days has gradually softened Lin Qingxia's heart.

As for Kang Jianfei, Lin Qingxia only regarded him as an interesting friend. But today it was Kang Jianfei who first said that he would send her back. Lin Qingxia felt that if she followed Qin Xianglin now, it would hurt Kang Jianfei's face.

"Sorry!" Lin Qingxia smiled apologetically to Qin Xianglin, and then got into Kang Jian's flying car.

Watching Kang Jianfei drive away with Lin Qingxia in his car, Qin Xianglin was furious and smashed Cheng Long's sports car with a fist, and his fists smashed blood.

Could it be that Qingxia is really empathetic, and has a good relationship with this stinky boy who has no hair?

The more Qin Xianglin thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he regretted it. There were not a few women he played with back then, so he was nicknamed "Charlie with the Heart". After marrying Xiao Fangfang, he gradually calmed down, but occasionally he would still go out and steal.

However, Qin Xianglin has always turned a blind eye to Lin Qingxia who is beside him, perhaps because he is too familiar.

It was not until last year that Qin Xianglin suddenly discovered that Lin Qingxia was radiant and radiant, and she was a super beauty, and immediately launched a fierce pursuit. Unfortunately, Lin Qingxia had lost much interest in him at this time.

I had known that when we went to Thailand together last year, we should have attacked her...

Qin Xianglin couldn't help but have evil thoughts, but he quickly stopped the thoughts. He suddenly became a little disheartened and drove lazily back to the city.

"Robbery, help!"

After driving for a while, suddenly a gorgeous and beautiful woman rushed out from the road, followed by two gangsters who were chasing her wildly.

Qin Xianglin was holding back his anger and stopped the car immediately. He was born in a martial arts star and started practicing kung fu when he was in his teens. Although they were all embroidered with fists and legs, UU read www.uukanshu.com but it was enough to deal with two gangsters. After getting out of the car, an old fist kicked the two gangsters away, pulling up the woman who fell to the ground and asked, "Miss, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's just a sprained foot. It hurts!" The woman hugged Qin Xianglin's arm and said pitifully, her huge white flower **** already showing.

Qin Xianglin glanced at her breast inadvertently, looked away and asked, "Where is your home? I'll take you back."

"Thank you, sir." The woman said gratefully, hugging Qin Xianglin affectionately, and rubbing her chest against his arm.

When Qin Xianglin drove away, the reporter Yun Bo came out from behind the big tree by the road with a camera. There was a camera waiting for Qin Xianglin at the woman's house.

"Hmph, if you want to grab a woman from Brother Fei, you're still a little tender." Yun Bo sneered, he still had several thousand dollars that Kang Jianfei gave him in his pocket.


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