After learning that Tang San had not received treatment from Ye Lingling.

Yu Xiaogang quickly ran out of the dormitory.

Tang San was his darling, the best person to prove the theory. If something goes wrong, who will prove your theory?

After many inquiries, Yu Xiaogang finally found the classroom where Ye Lingling taught.

With a bang, he pushed open the classroom door.

"Teacher Ye, why don't you treat Tang San!"

Yu Xiaogang asked.

As a genius student in the academy, if something went wrong with Tang San, Ye Lingling should be responsible.

Ye Lingling didn't like him well, "Yu Xiaogang, please get out, this is a classroom."

"Let other teachers teach for you. You and I will go to treat Tang San first." Yu Xiaogang said with a strong attitude.

"Master, wait a minute, we are in class. Teacher Ye is the only healing soul master in the academy, and other teachers cannot hold her class."

The student who spoke was a noble in Notting City. Yu Xiaogang's reputation for eating and waiting to die had long been spread, and no one would betray his reputation.

Moreover, most of the people in the classroom are soul masters who have reached level ten soul power and are considering absorbing the first soul ring.

A soul master's first soul ring is very important and can basically determine the future development.

After all, more than 90% of people may only have one or two soul rings in the future. They don't use five soul rings to try and make mistakes like Tang San did.

The movement in the classroom quickly attracted the attention of other teachers.

Many teachers looked a little unhappy when they saw Yu Xiaogang appearing in the teaching area.

"Master, you are not a teacher in the academy. Please leave the teaching area immediately." An older teacher stood up and said.

"Tang San is your student, not Teacher Ye's. Master, you'd better leave, lest Director Han trouble you." Mo Hen came over and advised.

"Hmph, Xiaosan's internal injury has not healed. If the best opportunity for treatment is delayed, can you bear the responsibility?" Yu Xiaogang shouted angrily.

Teacher Huang, who had a good relationship with Han Yu, said angrily: "Yu Xiaogang, you asked Teacher Ye to treat your disciple. You have denied the treatment fee of 500 gold soul coins. Now you have the nerve to ask Teacher Ye." Take action? I have never seen such a shameless person."

Han Yu mentioned this matter while chatting in the office, and some teachers still knew about it.

The noble student from before stood up and said: "Our family started by treating others. As long as there is default in payment, we will no longer treat anyone in the future no matter how high the remuneration is. I will send a message to my father now, People with such bad behavior must be resisted.”

Although what this student said is a bit harsh, many teachers think so.

Yu Xiaogang eats and drinks for free in the college, and usually criticizes the teachers' work. He wants to make his reputation bad and get out of Notting City.

"How dare you, I'm the dean's friend, you dare to talk to me like this, fine, fine." Yu Xiaogang was furious.

If it weren't for his own limited strength, he would definitely give these guys who look down on others some color.

"Please leave the teaching area immediately." Teacher Huang scolded sternly.

Han Yu didn't know anything about what happened in the academy.

At this moment, he was arriving at the Wuhun Hall in Notting City with Dean Peifeng.

In the Tiandou Empire, only some big cities have the empire's Ministry of Education. In a small city like Notting City, if you want your theory to be published, you must go through the Spirit Hall.

Of course, the relationship between Wuhun Palace and the City Lord's Mansion in the small city is very harmonious, and there is no intrigue like in Tiandou City.

The original person was very persistent in the research of Wuhun theory. In addition, Han Yu's four years of teaching career, publishing a research report can be regarded as a successful conclusion to his experience.

"Dean Pei, Director Han, what brought you here?" Hall Master Alto greeted the two with a smile.

Peifeng smiled and said: "Haha, Director Han has made some progress in martial arts research and is here to express his theory. I am old, and with young people like Director Han around, I will be able to retire with peace of mind soon."

"Director Han is really young and promising. Please come in quickly. The scholars in the hall are all idle these days."

Since it was not yet time to awaken the martial spirit, all the deacons, including Brother Tao, were resting in the hall.

When passing by Sisi's desk, Han Yu quickly turned away.

This guy, because he became the director, showed his love to me countless times.

As a time traveler, how dare Han Yu dare to steal Brother Tao's woman.

However, Han Yu's status is one of the best in Notting City.

Apart from the City Lord's Mansion and the Spirit Hall, Notting College has the largest number of spirit masters.

Sisi is a person who tends to follow people's influence. Whether she is the city lord or the master of Wuhun Hall, she is too old. She does not want to be with a bad old man. As for Han Yu's talent, he was almost the next dean, so she naturally wanted to seize the opportunity.

It's a pity that no matter how attentive she was, Han Yu never looked at her.

Research room.

As Master Alto distributed Han Yu's theoretical results, these scholars quickly began research.

The theory submitted by Han Yu was naturally about low-level soul masters. Of course, he would not plagiarize like Yu Xiaogang.

"Director Han, one of your theories is that Blue Silver Grass soul masters can take the path of healing soul masters, but I don't understand. Are there any examples of Blue Silver Grass soul masters taking the healing route?"

"Yes." Han Yu nodded, "The emperor in the Blue Silver Grass is called the Blue Silver Emperor. Not long ago, when I was in the Star Forest, although I didn't see the legendary Blue Silver Emperor, I did. The king of the Silver Grass Clan. Their vines have a healing effect on both soul beasts and humans. A human soul master can still take this path."

Han Yu naturally proposed this theory based on Ah Yin's ability.

The scholar looked through the detailed experimental report written by Han Yu at the back. After thinking about it for a while, he nodded seriously.

This theory has not been put into practice. There was once a Blue Silver Grass soul master who had reached the tenth level in the academy. Because he had a useless martial soul, he did not want to spend money to absorb soul rings.

Later, with the help of Han Yu, he became a healing soul master and is now working in this martial soul hall.

If this theory can be promoted, there will be many more "doctors" on the mainland.

Another scholar asked: "Mr. Han, one of your guesses is that a hundred thousand year soul beast will explode a hundred thousand year soul bone, and it will still be a soul bone without parts on its body. The second guess is that a hundred thousand year soul ring soul Bone will provide two soul skills."

"Do you have any evidence?"

Conjectures are necessary to provide research directions for future generations.

Han Yu didn't have any better ideas, so he simply chose this wild guess.

Of course, in his case, these conjectures are conclusive.

He possesses a 100,000-year-old soul ring and soul bones, and both of them provide two soul skills.

He didn't dare to talk about this. After thinking about it, he said: "I have read it in an ancient book, but I am not sure. So, I want future generations to give me an answer."

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