Director’s Legend

0236 [The support of a lifetime commitment]

Blah blah blah!

Amidst the prolonged applause, Shao Shuaijun and the creative staff stood up from their seats and bowed to the audience to thank them.

Blah blah blah!

Another bigger applause.

A staff member had already handed over the microphone. Shao Shuaijun let out a long breath, took the microphone, and stood in front of the big screen. The lights turned on, and the expressions of every audience member, whether they were media reporters, celebrities, or invited celebrities, were all seen in his eyes, whether they were happy or shocked.

Putting the microphone to his mouth, he hadn't uttered a single word yet.

Hula la la la la!

There was another wave of applause from below.

Shao Shuaijun smiled and swallowed his words. When the applause gradually died down, he took a deep breath, pursed his lips and said, "Well, I don't know what to say, I heard the applause..."

Blah blah blah!

Applause erupted like a flood again.

Shao Shuaijun had to put down the microphone again and waited for more than ten seconds before the applause quieted down.

"You are so enthusiastic. Thank you for your applause and support. This is an affirmation for me and my team, and every actor and staff member of the crew. From your applause, I feel your love, and this is enough. For During the filming of "Inception", we traveled to six countries in three months, from China, the United Kingdom, France, Morocco, Canada, and then the United States. After a full circle, we returned to China for the premiere..."

Seeing signs of applause from below, Shao Shuaijun quickly waved his hands to signal everyone to listen to what he had to say: "I'm here. I want to thank my team, Leonardo, Gyllenhaal, Zhou Runfa, Scarlett, Allen, Gordon, Tom, Dileep, thank you to all the actors, thank you to Mitchell, Wang Wei, Paul, Inst, Alves, Gao Zhisheng, Bob, Dong Wei, Guy Handix, Chris, thank you to everyone on the show..."

Hua la la la la la, another burst of applause.

Shao Shuaijun licked his chapped lips: "At the same time, I would also like to thank my family and friends for their support, and thank all my colleagues at Dream Chaser Entertainment Group. Thank you for supporting me and allowing me to continue to direct such a big production willfully. .Really. I am happy to be a director."

Biting his lip, Shao Shuaijun didn't know why. He felt a little wet and hot in his eyes. He closed his eyes hard and then opened them again: "Especially one person. Accompany me all the way. Help me take care of everything. Make me feel at ease. Do what I love to do. I don’t want to say, this movie is for every viewer, I want to say. This movie is for you! That’s it!”

After speaking, Shao Shuaijun looked to the left of the auditorium, where there was a small area where the executives of Dream Chase Entertainment were seated. Next to Yi Jianmei, Li Xiuxiu suddenly covered her mouth with her hands and looked at the stage in disbelief. Everyone looked here, and Li Xiuxiu blushed immediately.



There was a burst of booing and applause.

When the applause and booing subsided, Shao Shuaijun bowed to the audience again and said, "Thank you." He handed the microphone to the staff. So, the premiere of "Inception" ends here. The reporters who had been waiting impatiently rushed to the creative staff and asked countless questions.

Shao Shuaijun knew that he did not accept an interview, but sent away the invited guests one by one, and then quietly slipped out of the back door. After getting in the car, Shao Shuaijun directly sent a text message to Li Xiuxiu: "I'm on the roof of Dream Chasing Apartment!"

Dream Chasing Entertainment's film and television base has been completed during the National People's Congress. There was no grand banquet for guests, but a simple completion ceremony was held. Now the Dream Chaser Group has moved into a brand new film and television building with a total of ten floors, two subsidiaries on the first floor, and the top floor is dedicated to Shao Shuaijun.

The 18-story apartment building has also begun to be opened to artists and employees one after another. The contracted artists are all assigned one apartment, and the executives are also assigned one apartment. Employees can be assigned an apartment as long as they have worked for three years and have excellent work. Of course, if the artist terminates the contract or the employee leaves, the house will still have to be taken back.

After all, this is the apartment building of Dream Chase Company and is not open to the public.

Under the cover of night, the lights dispelled the darkness. Standing on the roof, overlooking the entire night scene near Siyuan Bridge, Shao Shuaijun felt particularly comfortable. Putting aside those unrealistic ideas, putting aside the plagiarism or originality of the movie, now he simply wants to enjoy the tranquility.

Standing at a high place, the scenery is different.

He had denied himself and was denied by the world. When everything came to an end, Shao Shuaijun suddenly realized. No matter what he wants, the result is always secondary. What matters is what he gains in the process.

"The Night Watcher" failed, but it also gave him IMAX photography technology, blockbuster shooting experience, and a refreshing self-understanding.

"Inception" was released, and he gained more experience, had more fun shooting, and completed all kinds of incredible shots.

In the past, he was always immersed in other people's and his own.

Now he enjoys being a director even more.

It’s not the fun of getting affirmed after it’s released, but rather, in photography, do what you want to do and shoot what you want to shoot. Finding pleasure in film creation is enough.

He began to understand director Lao Bai's approach. It didn't matter how the movie turned out. The important thing is that he got the fun he wanted from it. A hot girl who brags and brags, a little star with unspoken rules, a little money and some power, and lives a chic life.

Shao Shuaijun didn't like this. He found his own pleasure. He was a simple director and shared his dream world with the world. It had nothing to do with success or failure, only caring about sharing. One day, he will forget all fame and interests and take photos that truly belong to him, his emotions and dreams!

And now, enjoy it all and take your time!

Open your arms as if you are embracing the whole world!

Li Xiuxiu's shouts came to my ears, like music playing.

"Ajun, what are you doing, you black man? Do you have to come here?"

Shao Shuaijun turned around and shouted loudly: "Sister Xiuxiu, I'm here."

Li Xiuxiu walked over in the dark, Shao Shuaijun reached out and pressed it in his pocket. In an instant, the entire roof of the building lit up with countless lights, and it was bright.

"Ah!" Li Xiuxiu exclaimed.

Shao Shuaijun walked up to her and said with a smile: "It's just some light bulbs. I asked Gao Chen and the others to arrange them. There are no lights on the roof, so I feel a little uncomfortable."

"You feel uncomfortable, why didn't you turn on the light just now? It scared me."

"I just want to give you a surprise." Shao Shuaijun looked at Li Xiuxiu and slowly took out a small box from his arms. "I know that I have never been a person with a lovable personality. I know that I am sometimes arrogant, blind-eyed, and frivolous. I know that I am sometimes immature, nerve-wracking, and annoying."

Open the box and find a pair of diamond rings.

"Sister Xiuxiu, I can't imagine how terrible it would be if you didn't appear in my world. I also can't imagine that without your company and care, I would still be so childish and ridiculous. I know, I I have always known that it was you who made my life change so much, and it was your trust that allowed me, an ignorant fool, to be happy, willful, and desperate to move forward towards my unrealistic dream, no matter whether I fell or ran. "

Li Xiuxiu looked at the diamond ring in the box and then at Shao Shuaijun. Her eyes were red and she couldn't stop the smile on her lips.

Shao Shuaijun took out one of the rings and gently held up Li Xiuxiu's left hand: "'Inception' is not my best gift. I bought these rings in Morocco. I didn't have much money in my pocket at the time. So it's very small. But it is the most important commitment in my life... Sister Xiuxiu, can I wear it for you?"

With my lifelong commitment, I will hold your hand and put a ring on your finger! (To be continued...)

ps:  Thanks to the honey-loving mouse 1 and the catkins under the moon for the reward.

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