Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred. Suddenly

1400, suddenly

Liu Hao also knew that the power of the incoming demon clan could not be complete. It was important to know that this place could only be regarded as the edge of the Amazon, especially since Liu Hao had not seen the arrival of many members of the bird clan.

It was this discovery that made Liu Hao feel that the Amazon jungle might be more tense than he imagined.

Don't think that the fighting in the animal ecological chain is cruel. These are nothing compared to the pattern of killing between intelligent beings at every turn.

The biggest reason for this is the chain of hatred between intelligent beings.

For example, the horned eagles unique to the Amazon mostly survive by hunting monkeys, which is also one of their main food sources.

When the intelligence of both parties is low, the monkey is only afraid of the horned eagle, and there is almost no possibility of any idea of ​​counterattack.

But when the wisdom of the monkeys is perfected one by one, this idea will inevitably be born and then put into action.

Once the monkey group has a successful counterattack, the fear originally covering their hearts will be greatly reduced, and it will definitely pose a great threat to the horned eagles.

Would the horned eagle be happy to see it? Naturally, it is impossible. Unless they change their food structure, this war will inevitably continue, and this chain of hatred will become deeper and deeper.

In the animal world, the monkey tribe is known for its wisdom, and its learning ability has also improved. As time goes by, as long as the monkey group is not exterminated, they will often stand out in most mountains and forests and become the major members of the demon tribe. A top member of the tribe.

At this time, the hatred of the horned eagles towards the monkeys will often expand, turning into the hatred between the demons between the sky and the ground.

For this reason, birds will always form their own clan. Liu Hao has seen this situation often, especially in areas where there is no one strong enough to suppress it on his own. This situation has become more and more prominent. Obviously, most of the Amazons is also like this.

When the long snake demon that began to transform into a dragon arrived, Liu Hao only saw some bird demons appearing in the periphery. The largest number was only the longest parrot group in the Amazon. The representatives of these birds were not so much the ones who arrived. It's better to say that I'm just here to investigate the situation.

At this time, Liu Hao did not devote his energy to the content of the discussion of this group of monsters, but instead covered the dragon-shaped snake with his spiritual consciousness.

There are two ways to practice for snake monsters. One is to stick to oneself, which is also the direction of practice for most snakes, because it is naturally much less difficult than evolving towards a divine dragon the next day.

This is like the difference between dominant and recessive bloodlines. The former determines the nature of their snakes, while the latter is the possible evolutionary method originating from the depths of the bloodline. They both want to be purified, so the former is naturally better than the latter. Too easy.

The fundamental reason is that one is to persist in being cold-blooded, and the other is to change from cold-blooded to hot-blooded.

For this reason, snake monsters who choose the latter often have great confidence in themselves, because if they are not careful, they are likely to lose their lives on this path, and it is definitely not something that a person with great perseverance can persist on.

A sharp-horned dragon-turned-snake has already grown in front of me. It can only be said that it has just started.

Judging from the feedback from Liu Hao's spiritual consciousness, the reason why this guy has shrunk his size again and again is to catalyze the growth of his second horn. Judging from its condition, it seems that it has also taken a prototype. Once the opportunity comes, Therefore, the probability is not small.

It's no wonder that the other party couldn't wait to arrive when they saw that there was a world in front of them. Otherwise, given the habits of the snake-like monster clan, they would not come to do this distribution.

You know, in this situation, it’s not just fairness that can satisfy all parties;

On the contrary, no matter how it is distributed, in the end, it is often impossible for all parties to be satisfied, and they will all feel that the benefits they are allocated are what they deserve, and among the benefits that are divided, there must also be some that are lost due to the benefits of their own ethnic group.

This 'dragon-turned-snake demon' probably came as a last resort because it felt that it needed a lot of energy. In the Amazon rainforest, the forces of all parties have been stabilized. It is impossible for it to go on a killing spree to devour other members of the demon clan. It can only discover a new one. to ask for it in the world.

Liu Hao's aura of greed from the other party was enough to confirm the correctness of his guess.

He even had a feeling in his heart that perhaps the biggest threshold for the snake monster clan to transform into a dragon was right here. The sin of killing was serious, and naturally the punishment from heaven and earth would be stronger in the future. Under the punishment of thunder, not even one out of ten would survive. It is normal. No wonder the number of true dragons in the world is so rare, but there are so many dragons.

"It seems that the black dragon I took away from Changbai Mountain is probably still in its dragon state!"

Liu Hao thought of the black dragon that he brought to the Three Kingdoms world. If he hadn't seen the dragon transform into a snake demon in front of him today, he would have completely forgotten it. Thinking about it, he seemed to think that it shouldn't be done. After all, he had been fooled. ', I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now it seems that even if it is a lie, it must be counted as part of the 'promise'.

Especially when he is about to move towards the path of "Hunyuan", it is time to put an end to these "promises" that seemed to be "fooling" in the past.

“In the mythical Three Kingdoms world, the entire Pacific Ocean is mostly controlled by the ‘Black Dragon’, and even other sea areas are mostly under his control;

In addition, the old Cao Cao Mengde will also grant enfeoffments. It seems that this guy has not given any information to his younger brother. Is he also tempted by this 'luck' and became a 'Dragon God'? "

Liu Hao twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. After thinking about it, it seemed that this was the only possibility.

If the 'Black Dragon' was not honest, he should have known everything about the other party, and he would not have thought of the other party until now. Thinking of this, it seems that his deception at that time was also a benefit.

Of course, he also knows that this benefit is still far behind compared to staying on his own earth. Now that he thinks about it today, he will not be short of the other party's benefit. At his level, a little gift from him is enough for him. Accumulated for hundreds of years.

This is almost the biggest difference between having a ‘backer’ or not.

Just like this 'dragon-turned-snake' monster in front of you, how could the other party not know that there is no harm in devouring living beings to improve yourself?

Of course it's impossible, but compared to the hundreds or thousands of years of retreat, people can't wait.

Just as Liu Hao was thinking about it, several demon clan forces on the field also reached an agreement. The reason why they could reach an agreement so quickly must be because they had already assigned other worlds before and already had experience to learn from.

"So it seems that this 'dragon-turned-snake' has almost reached its limit of endurance? Or maybe there are many snake-like monsters in the Amazon rainforest who choose the path of dragon-turning? It's only now its turn to go into battle?"

This thought flashed through Liu Hao's mind, but he did not completely let go of his spiritual consciousness to scan the Amazon. Since he was traveling, it seemed that there was no need to move, so he collected all the information in advance. This process of searching was actually the training of the mind. The best way.

Off the field, as the dragon-turned-snake gave an order, many demon clans gathered in swarm. They either followed their own tribes to form a group, or temporarily found familiar demon friends around them to form a team. For a long time, they also headed towards the passage one by one.

However, for a moment, there were only some high-level monsters sitting here, commanding the remaining monsters to start cleaning up the area around the entrance. Obviously, there will be one here soon. A simple demon city.

This may be the biggest difference after the emergence of the demon clan, and it is also the true beginning of the demon clan civilization.

Liu Hao even thought that if these various buildings on his own earth are still preserved under the power of time after the practitioners disappear in the future, perhaps in the distant future, some newly evolved intelligent creatures will also be interested in these cities. 'Archaeology, and then made various speculations about ancient times, the emergence of many civilized tribes here, and so on.

But it is absolutely impossible for them to imagine that the people who built this city would be all kinds of monsters and monsters.

"Time is the greatest force, and it will also be the greatest enemy of civilization!"

Even Liu Hao had to sigh. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration:

"Time...the long river of time! It turns out that this is the greatest source of humanity. It is placed there from beginning to end. From beginning to end, it is like a calm bystander, recording all the stories of sentient beings. No matter how civilizations rise and fall one after another, he is the greatest 'history book' of humanity!"

A hint of surprise appeared on Liu Hao's face, and it became more and more sublimated.

"Could it be that the ultimate limit of humanity is to control the long river of time?"

"No, at least Hunyuan cultivation is absolutely impossible!"

"The Da Luo Jin Immortal Dao Fruit can condense its own Dao Fruit and jump out of the long river of time. However, this long river of time is by no means the 'mainstream'!"

"Once this world ends, it also means that the tributaries of the 'river of time' representing this world are cut off. At that time, even if the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit is realized, it can only disappear; but if it is proved in the main stream of the long river of time, Where is Dao Da Luo Dao Guo?”

"But where is the main stream of the long river of time? In chaos? Does it represent the collection of all the 'humanities' in the entire chaotic world?"

"If this is true, does it also mean that the lost world's time stream did not completely disappear, but was directly taken back by the mainstream of the time stream and became a part of it?"

"If this is the case, those people with the same name and surname appearing in all the worlds seem to have the answer!"

Liu Hao always felt that he seemed to have grasped the essence of the master. He believed that those of his colleagues in all the worlds might also have realized the Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit in a certain world in the past;

Even if the world in the past has completely ended, this Tao and Fruit has been collected by the main stream of the long river of time, and then helps the person who realizes the Tao and Fruit to reincarnate in all heavens and worlds, or reincarnate again and again, or differentiate into thousands of spiritual consciousnesses. , even Liu Hao can't give a real answer here.

However, Liu Hao also felt that this guess might be the only correct one.

Just like him now, assuming that he fell for some reason, after countless years, chaos reopens the world again, and when the heavens and worlds evolve again, maybe at that time, 'Liu Hao' will Like 'Confucius', he will always appear in all the worlds, always make some contributions, be known and commemorated by all living beings, and form various legends and stories.

"If this is the case, chaos must also be born and destroyed!"

"Then, the destruction of Chaos can only be caused by the abyss!"

"That's all, even so, there are still countless distances away from me, and it's not something I can control now!"

"Could it be that those chess players have also awakened the Su Hui before the chaos was restarted?"

Liu Hao's thinking was diverging. For a long time, he could only shake his head. After all, his cultivation was too low. How could he possibly understand the real 'chess players'?

The only way is to strive for the top, and it is not too late to consider these things after truly standing out.

Thinking about this now, it is better to cross the gate and see what is different about this world divided by the demon clan, and what is the ending?

He waved his hand and carried several people directly across a step without letting go of them at all. After crossing the world, he realized that chaos had already arisen here. The Amazon demon clan was really confident enough.

On the other side of Chuanjie Gate, mountains lie across the area, and the area is vast, with dense forests stretching for tens of thousands of miles.

It's a pity that the original comfort is gone. The arrival of the demon clan is like a tiger breaking into the grassland. It will never stop until it is full.

Because of this, even if the number of demon clan arriving is not large, it will stir up huge waves within thousands of miles around. These are just small temptations of the demon clan.

When Liu Hao entered, he had already seen several monsters crossing the portal and returning to the earth. Needless to say, he also went to report everything here.

Don't think that the demon clan is a fool, they are smart. Such a crazy attack on the original system here will naturally force out the real masters here, and then there will be a template for judging the level of this world. This is the way to enter here. The real purpose of the demon clan.

Obviously, although the time is short, the goal is achieved.

From a distance, Liu Hao saw a giant creature covered in golden color, half of it resembling an ape, and half of it resembling a tiger beast, rushing towards him. With just one glance, he was sure of its name, and this 'Behemoth' was one of them. The most noble golden Behemoth.

It's a pity that maybe the other party is the top person in this world, but to the demon clan, he is just a middle-level person, so what if he is so powerful? Even a true immortal from the demon tribe who comes at random can knock down all the opponent's pride. In the end, most of them will just become food in the mouth of the dragon-turned-snake.

This is the greatest cruelty in the connection between the heavens and the world.

Liu Hao does not think that this situation is just an isolated case, but is happening all the time in every corner of the earth.

"The law of the weak and the strong is really everywhere! The food chain is like this, so why not civilization? In the end, the one with the big fist has the final say!"

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