Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand three hundred and ninety-five.3000 Tao seeds

1395. Three Thousand Dao Seeds

This is a method that relies on the wisdom of all living beings, allowing all living beings to help you understand various avenues. It’s no wonder that Fang Yun wants to refine the ‘Treasure of Qi Luck’ to bring it to the world!

It turns out that all the calculations are involved.

"Well, now that I know it, I naturally want to help you!"

"If you think about it carefully, I have quite a lot of inheritance!"

"This guy wouldn't have planned on me long ago, would he?"

"That's right, the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation' on the front line of Na Abyss cannot hide it from him. These avenues of stars alone are enough for him to plot. Even in the prehistoric world, there is no one who is more comprehensive than me. Who can I plot against?"

"Ha... you're so cruel! You've probably noticed it, right?"

"Especially the 'Authentic'. Without me, you can only go to Empress Houtu. Since you are not familiar with Empress Houtu, you can only go to me! So cruel!"

"Then after Liu Bowen in the capital, today's divination master, if I hadn't thought of it today, maybe I would meet the next one soon, right?"

"That's all! Just think of it as something I owe you! Come to your door! I'll just accept it!"

Logically speaking, the best solution is to give these seeds directly to Fang Yun, but it would be wrong to do so.

We all know that others have finally figured it out, and helping the other party sow these seeds is the best solution.

He also knows that after he leaves, and after Fang Yun's divine mind has finished refining this world's 'Qi Luck Treasure', this guy will definitely speed up the time in this world. Only in this way can he be better. of harvest fruits.

"This guy must have been calculating for a long time in the long river of time before he found such a plan and determined this path. Not only himself, but also Liu Bang must have been calculated, right?

Where is Yan Lingji? After all, he has a trace of Witch Clan blood, so that’s probably it!

I wonder if he secretly collected the blood of Xing Tian and others?

What about the demon clan?

That's all, regardless of him, the road to Hunyuan is so difficult, how many opportunities will there be if he doesn't take a gamble? "

He also understands Fang Yun. If he was given hundreds of millions of years, the other party would not do this. But is there such time?

"It's lucky that way, where are the others?"

"None of those powerful people in the ancient world were vegetarians. I don't believe they have other plans!"

"It seems that Zhen Yuanzi has not been seen in person for a long time, and I don't know where he has gone. Maybe he is also making some calculations like luck?"

"Everyone, I am the only one who is so honest!"

He said that, but what he was thinking more about was whether Fang Yun's model could be used on a large scale.

Because he discovered where the most value lies in this model.

Maybe you would think that it is just a world with the lowest level. Even if you give them hundreds of millions of years, they will never be able to give birth to a Da Luo Jin Immortal Dao Fruit.

It is true that the world level determines their future and their ceiling. Even Fang Yun will never be willing to invest so many resources.

The reason is that this world is still just borrowed and belongs to a mutual cooperation relationship, rather than truly belonging to him.

When the time comes to break up, how is it possible to recover those huge investments?

But the absence of these does not mean that its value is lacking.

What is truly valuable is the wisdom of all living beings.

Even if their cultivation is just ants among ants in the eyes of Liu Hao and Fang Yun for a long time, their thoughts and thinking patterns will be priceless;

Even if many of their thoughts are just the product of their dreams, they are still of high value, because their dreams are a natural way of thinking for Fang Luck, and they are likely to be realized in his hands. .

Maybe you would think that Liu Hao and Fang Yun's brains are so powerful that the sum of tens of billions of people can only do this, right?

That's true, but sometimes having a high calculation doesn't mean you can accomplish something.

This is the same as those supercomputers before the spiritual energy was revived.

Light has huge calculations, but in the end it still takes a lot of time to run.

In the brains of Liu Hao and Fang Yun, these programs are Liu Hao and Fang Yun's own thinking patterns.

No matter how high their cultivation level is, they still have limitations, and they can still only be regarded as single entities.

Why did Jie Yin from the prehistoric world, after realizing Hunyuan, come up with a method to achieve enlightenment in a dream? Isn’t it to allow yourself to divide countless spiritual thoughts so that they don’t interfere with each other, look at problems from more angles, and then move towards a higher ‘great road’?

There are similarities between the two.

In Liu Hao's opinion, this is the true 'humanity' practice model.

Although cruel, it seems to be harvesting what all sentient beings have worked so hard to sow.

But this kind of harvest is very gentle, and it is better than the "Kingdom of God" model of Western civilization, which does not truly treat all living beings as part of the "servants of God".

That 'god servant', even if it carries the word 'god', still cannot rely on the essence of 'servant'. Once time goes by, it will definitely lose itself.

Liu Hao estimated that this was also the reason why the gods from the West kept recruiting 'servants'. To them, they were like disposable items. After they were no longer used, what should be disposed of must also be disposed of.

This kind of treatment is mostly to crush them completely and turn them into nourishment for their own kingdom.

This is true cruelty.

On the other hand, even if Fang Yun harvests in this world in the future, what all sentient beings receive will still belong to them.

It is nothing more than setting a restriction for them, making it difficult for them to cross this world and enter the real battle between the heavens and the world.

Liu Hao has a feeling that if Fang Yun's model succeeds, and other powerful people in the outside world learn about it, some people will definitely start to imitate it;

By then, the law of time will become more and more precious, but not everyone has this ability.

He even felt that he might be visited by many quasi-sages in the future, bringing gifts and asking him to help.

For him, it's also a mixed bag of pros and cons.

But for many of the worlds they are interested in, whether it is good or bad can only be truly seen in the future.

But they have absolutely no right to choose, and no one will really stand up for them.

The strong men in the world use all living beings as pawns to fight against heaven and earth. Obviously, for the "Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth World", Fang Yun has undoubtedly jumped out of the world and can already regard many heavens and worlds as A person who plays with things in his palm.

It’s nothing more than whether people are willing or not, and it’s nothing more than whether doing it will allow them to get the benefits they want.

Liu Hao won't worry about Fang Yun destroying this world, because his plan is not here.

Compared with those who use the world as nourishment and seek endless demands, Fang Yun's approach is obviously more in line with the mainstream of 'order' in the world. It is a true cooperation and will be a great development for this world. Big opportunity.

Without Fang Yun's large-scale investment in the future, this world wants to improve its level. Even if the future goes smoothly, it is not known how many years it will take. Even when the life of the world is completely completed, how much it can be improved is a question.

With such a comparison, everyone can clearly understand how to choose.

Liu Hao wandered all the way, thinking all the way, and in the end he didn't express any "resentment" to the opponent. At his level, many things have long been looked away.

He also doesn't resent Fang Yun's 'calculation' against him, because he knows very well that these efforts will definitely be rewarded by Fang Yun in the future.

Just like in the future, once your luck is successful, others will be happy to tell you some things that are not your secret. This is also a win-win situation.

Therefore, when he was marching, he also deliberately slowed down his pace. He gave Fang Yun permission, and naturally he had to give the other party a certain amount of time to arrange.

Sure enough, when Liu Hao arrived at the Zhongnan Mountains in this world, he had already gotten the answer from the people around him. A grand gathering similar to the "Luotian Dajiao" of the Taoist sect had already begun to be held in the Zhongnan Mountains.

But this time, Liu Hao did not continue to hide his identity. The purpose of Fang Yun was not to keep a low profile, and he had never thought about eliminating any kind of 'belief'. He wished that Liu Hao would use his body from All the inheritances of all heavens and worlds have sown seeds in this world one by one.

In this case, it is not impossible for some people to use this to spread their reputation as 'Emperor Ziwei' and 'Emperor Fengdu'.

It's not that I'm interested in such a small gain, but more that I want to see how much difference this investment can make in the future on this chessboard circled by Fang Yun.

Of course, Liu Hao didn't come up with any grand cards, so there was no need to do these messy things.

He gathered in many Taoist sects, and when they were discussing Taoism and quarreling, he directly pulled all their spirits into the dimensional space that had been prepared long ago, and manifested his 'Ziwei Great Emperor' appearance, regardless of this group of people. How people are shocked.

He didn't have the intention to preach, and manifesting his 'Emperor Ziwei' Dharma was enough for this group of people to understand it for hundreds of years.

All he has to do is to find those who are suitable for the Three Thousand Dao among this group of Taoist adherents. After selecting them, he will give these seeds to them.

He originally thought that even if he couldn't find more than half, there would be more than a thousand, but he didn't know that in the end, after counting, the number of people who were truly suitable for him to give was only eight hundred.

It's not that he can't sow them all at once. These people are not suitable. After they die, these seeds will not disappear. They will be refined by heaven and earth and transferred to those who are truly suitable, even those with higher luck in the future. .

But Liu Hao believes that since he has already intervened, there is no need to worry about this little bit of time. He will still have to travel around the mountains and rivers and will always find a more suitable one, so there is no need to worry.

Moreover, he knew even better that if he gave all three thousand avenues to the newcomers in front of him at once, it would most likely form a substantial 'monopoly' in the future.

With the emergence of such a huge opportunity, after Liu Hao leaves, this group of people will inevitably get entangled with each other, such as what kind of "alliance" they will form, and they will even do so.

Liu Hao naturally did not want to see such a situation, and he did not want the seeds of the Three Thousand Avenues given by him to become an excuse for this group of people to claim the world in the future. In this way, sufficient external pressure would be necessary to do so.

It is like giving this group of people to build their own sect's "trump card" in the future, but at the same time, they must not really ignore the larger group of casual cultivators.

In addition to the three thousand Tao seeds, Liu Hao is not stingy. In the world of mortal cultivation, he has acquired countless strange techniques and skills. Since he has already taken action, he might as well give one to those who have not obtained Tao seeds. Chance.

At this opportunity, Liu Hao acted very casually, and the appearance of the 'Emperor Ziwei' appeared. Even if the person who saw it could not see his true appearance at all, after one glance, he instantly knew in his heart that this was the 'Emperor Ziwei'. .

When Liu Hao opened his eyes of the 'Emperor Ziwei', the sun-like light filled the entire dimensional space, and then the entire temporary dimensional space also shattered at this moment, throwing everyone out one by one. , return to your own body.

It was also at this moment that the three thousand avenues of Liu Hao's 'Emperor Ziwei' disappeared in a flash. Countless inheritances could be seen at this moment, but how much they could get from it depended on themselves.

It can be said that Liu Hao is not stingy at all. Since he has chosen to play Fang Yun's game, there is no need to hide it.

Even at that time, he didn't even stop Fang Yun's spiritual thoughts at all, allowing the other party to scan his eyes. The same was true for the many great scholars brought by Fang Yun.

In this regard, he has become more open-minded, which is also determined by his own height.

He could imagine that in the future, 'Emperor Ziwei' would be enshrined in many Taoist sects in this world, and his incense would probably exceed that of Sanqing, Buddhism, etc.

These are all incidental and something he is happy to see.

He does not need believers, but if he has them, he will not choose to push them away.

It's like he won't absorb the 'belief' of believers.

Because he understands that ‘faith’ is ‘poisonous’ to a certain extent.

But not absorbing it doesn’t mean that these ‘beliefs’ don’t have any other uses.

A typical point is that when more reinforcements are needed for the Abyss Conquest in the future, more followers can be gathered more quickly through these beliefs. At this time, these collected beliefs can also be used as a As a reward for those who come.

Or simply refine these 'beliefs' into certain magic weapons and use them as a link item. Through these link items, these believers can use the 'summoning magic' to save the situation.

Whether there is such a magic weapon, the power of the descending power of 'Emperor Ziwei' is completely different.

Of course, the most important benefit is not here, but that it can also be used as a 'harvest product', through which one can read the 'understandings' of these believers over a long period of time, etc.

It can also be regarded as a reference model for the other party to 'refining' the world.

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