"Brother Zhuge is me! Li Huowang!" Li Huowang pointed to the body that was under the control of Li Sui and explained, and only then did Zhuge Yuan know what happened.

After he accepted this explanation, Li Huowang didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother Zhuge, leave this place first! It's not advisable to stay here for a long time! Daliang's supervisor Tiansi and Zan Wangdao are fighting. If you stay any longer, I'm afraid that A disaster for Chiyu!"

However, Zhuge Yuan shook his head and pointed to the palace in front of him, "No, I'm waiting for the Qingjun side to start, there is no reason to give up halfway through the Qing Dynasty."

No matter what Li Huowang had just experienced, from Zhuge Yuan's point of view, he followed the others into the palace, forcing the little emperor to abdicate.

At this time, around him, some military generals in battle armor, as well as various civil officials surrounded Zhuge Yuan, and they looked like they were headed by him.

Seeing Li Huowang's anxious appearance, Zhuge Yuan said confidently, "Don't worry, I'm here for everything, it's fine."

Li Huowang looked around, and there was an obvious difference. The golden light was the big beam, while the white snow covered Daqi. The inner gold and the outer white were incomparably distinct.

And the strange chanting sound of Daliang disappeared very abruptly, as if they were blocked from the outside.

"How long will it take?" Li Huowang asked again.

"It takes at most one stick of incense, and in front of it is the meditation room where the Empress Dowager chanted Buddha and recited sutras, and the little emperor was also in it. We only need to ask him to abdicate by edict."

Li Huowang looked at the body controlled by Li Sui and gritted his teeth after thinking about it. "Okay! I'll help you! Quick fight!"

Zhuge Yuan continued to move forward, and the environment around him also changed accordingly, and some people who were fighting would also be involved.

It's just that at this moment, whether it is the person who supervises Tiansi or Zhan Wangdao, it seems that they don't care about Zhuge Yuan.

Watching these people pass by around him, they quickly turned into palace maids and eunuchs who fled. Zhuge Yuan seemed to have thought of something, and his brows gradually tightened.

When the door of the meditation room slammed open, some kind of low-pitched chanting sound accompanied the wooden fish, blowing towards the face. "Sabu La Puyi, Yimen Ajiye, Nanwu? Then La Jinchi..."

A group of monks in yellow robes filled the entire meditation room. They formed a circle with three floors inside and three floors outside. In the center of the circle, an old abbot wearing a cassock was facing away from them. Take a razor and shave a grim-faced child.

Li Huowang knew the child, and once sat Wangdao disguised as him in front of him, he was the little emperor of Da Qi's walking corpse.

"Shaved? Are all the monks in Zhengde Temple crazy? Let a zombie convert to Buddhism?" I don't know who said it, but these monks are still doing their own thing.

Gently shave with the razor until the last strands of hair flake off. "Amitabha, how good is good, how good is good, the three thousand afflictions of the world are gone, and your name is called quitting greed, and you will be a disciple of Zhengde Temple in the future. If anyone dares to be unkind to you, it will be an enemy of Zhengde Temple."

Saying that, the old monk in the cassock slowly turned his head. When Li Huowang saw his face, he was stunned and blurted out subconsciously. "Monk?!"

The appearance of the old abbot in front of him, who is it if it is not him? ! It is the illusion of the monk beside him!

Here, the monk can only be an old monk who has no temple requirements, but in Daqi, he is the abbot of Zhengde Temple!

For a time, Li Huowang suddenly understood a lot. This Daqi was not the Daqi of a thousand years ago. When he came to Zhuge Yuan, he did not travel through time and space to a thousand years ago, but came to another timeline.

Li Huowang subconsciously looked up at Zhuge Yuan beside him, remembering his nickname Storyteller, and the severe punishment for privately printing history books on the sign opposite the Superintendent of Supervision. "The Great Qi of Zhuge Yuan is another piece of history in this chaotic world!"

These things rushed into Li Huowang's brain. In the past, he could not understand what was going on around Zhuge Yuan, but now he suddenly understands what Xinpan is. He is a door, and one can lead to another. The door of history!

Those who came to Zanwangdao before are actually another historical Zanwangdao! And in this history, the monk became the abbot of Zhengde Temple!

Just when Li Huowang was thinking about these times, he didn't know what Zhuge Yuan said, and the whole Zen room's Zhengde Temple stood up with a loud bang.

As they folded their hands together, sneaky eyes, big and small, appeared and disappeared from the ring scars on the top of their heads.

As the chanting in their mouths continued to grow louder, the corners of the mouths of the huge Buddha statue on the wall began to rise slightly.

"Masters! Since they are practitioners who eat fast and recite Buddhism, I'm afraid it's not good to be so entangled in the red dust?" Zhuge Yuan picked up a picture scroll and opened it abruptly, and some monks in the meditation room disappeared abruptly.

He used the turbid heart in the painting to hide those monks.

"呔!!" As the monks clapped their hands one after another, it was like an angry king. His eyes suddenly bulged, and then it was like a peacock opening its screen. Bloody hands stretched out from behind them.

Just as it was about to hit, suddenly the entire meditation room began to shake, followed by a strange sound that could loosen one's emotions.

At the moment when this voice sounded, some Daqi people around Zhuge Yuan fell to the ground screaming, and then their bodies began to become chaotic.

"What's going on!" Li Huowang turned his head subconsciously, and the huge vertical pupil of Daliang stood there like a mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Brother Zhuge! ! Can't stay any longer! Whatever it is! Daliang has begun to affect Daqi! ! "Li Huowang covered his ears and shouted frantically.

However, facing such a situation, Zhuge Yuan smiled coldly. "Humph! Hugh is going to deceive me! You just became so huge, so what! Fakes are fakes after all!"

After all, Zhuge Yuan took out the old yellow calendar from his arms and quickly wrote it, but before he could finish writing, Zhuge Yuan suddenly knelt down on one knee in pain, some like translucent umbilical cords, as those huge eyes suddenly opened. Something loomed and appeared on him, and the dark clouds in the air tumbled violently.

At this time, it was very difficult for Li Huowang to even move. If I go on like this again, I am afraid that I and Zhuge Yuan will die here!

Li Huowang's heart sank, he took out his dagger and slashed deeply down his neck.

Clap la la, the blood-red Daqianlu quickly spread out on the ground. "Wooden Liver! Spleen Earth! Lung Gold! Kidney Water! Heart Fire!

As Li Huowang patted his five internal organs on it, his five senses began to gradually merge, and Li Huowang sensed the existence of Baxu.

Immediately after, Daqianlu's red bamboo skewers twisted into worms and quickly penetrated into his body. They entangled with each other and continued to multiply while eating the minced meat. After a while, they occupied Li Huowang's empty chest and began to overflow.

But unlike his terrifying body, Li Huowang felt that he was very good at the moment, his body was no longer in pain, and his mind was no longer confused.

And no matter how big the huge vertical pupil is, the strange voice can no longer affect him.

Runzhi's five elements cannot be used indiscriminately, because it is necessary to sacrifice the five internal organs, and one life can only be used once, but Li Huowang does not matter, because now this is not his body, but Beifeng's body.

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