DC Tyrant

Chapter 34 Dean Boli

Dean Boli's body trembled, and he couldn't hide under the desk anymore.

"Yes...it's you, Barty." With a forced smile on his thin face, he came out tremblingly from under the desk with an M4 carbine hanging on his chest.

Seeing Bati looking at him indifferently, Dean Boli suddenly felt that the M4 carbine on his chest was extremely hot, and quickly picked up the belt of the gun over his head, put it on the table and explained: "This is for...for..." The elder said a few reasons, for the sake, but he didn't have the guts to say in front of Bati that he hung it on his body just to guard against him.

He knew that firearms had no effect on Bati. From the first floor to the fourth floor, at least more than 500 corpses died. This kind of killing made the old Dean Boli terrified.

He himself thinks that he is just a scientific researcher, a scientist, how dare he compete with this killing star.

Bady is very accurate in seeing people.

Dean Boli is vain, greedy, afraid of death, and quite ruthless. He has been using Jenny to dig out his head knowledge a long time ago.

After getting along with Jenny all the time, Barty still needs to know that Dean Boli has several important research results, and the famous research published in the world is still taken from Jenny.

Fortunately, he received a good student, a student who was devoted to research and didn't want to deal with any chores, false fame, honor, and only wanted to study.

He provided Jenny with a perfect research environment, and Jenny didn't mind whose name the results of this kind of research would be on.

Being able to let her explore the mysteries of life is the greatest pleasure, and the rest is not worth mentioning.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Dean Boli will not have the current scenery at all.

For Jenny, Dean Boli is like her housekeeper father, who handles all kinds of messy things for her, allowing her to concentrate on her research.

Thinking of this, Barty's indifferent eyes couldn't help being slightly gentle, and Jenny sitting on his lap flashed in his mind, talking to him about her past.

"Principal Boli, you are Jenny's teacher, I will not kill you." Bati said lightly.

Dean Boli, who was nervous and sweating in his heart, widened his eyes and froze for a moment, obviously unable to believe that such a surprise would fall on him.

Except for the second floor of the underground research institute, the rest of the floors are dead, crippled and crippled.

On the negative floor, except for the thirty-one cripples who cried loudly and pushed their comrades out to die, and Jenny, all the rest died.

Negative three layers of death.

On the fourth floor, Dean Boli didn't know, it really frightened him. But he still understands that Batty can get here because he needs Slade's palmprint to open the door, and I'm afraid Slade is also in danger.

Bati fought all the way, like killing a god, and already frightened Dean Boli. He didn't have any luck. He only hoped for the last fight, hoping to survive from Bati's hands.

Now suddenly Badi said not to kill him, I couldn't help but feel lucky, thank God, thank you, thank Jenny.

"You said...really?"

At this time, Dean Boli stuttered with his usual sharp lips, and he was happier than he won the Nobel Prize.

After all, the Nobel Prize can give him honor, but Bati, dominates his life and death.

Bady nodded, and said: "You are Jenny's teacher, and she actually treats you like a father. From now on, you will take good care of her for me; if she wants to study, she will study, and if she wants revenge, she will come to me. But, Just live."

Dean Boli was stunned. He didn't expect that his life was paid for by Jenny's affection.


He has a shivering figure.

He finally understood why Jenny was held by Badi and shot with his own hands without dying, but curled up on the ground and wept.

That was to sever his relationship with Jenny and avoid Jenny's suspicion later.

Even the thirty-one crippled soldiers were all crippled by Ba Di in order to save Jenny.

And his own life was not killed by Bady because it had some effect on Jenny.

Dean Boli was a little lucky in his heart. He was glad that Bati had feelings for Jenny, and he was also glad that he didn't treat Bati so harshly.

Even so, Bati has no flaws in emotion and reason, and Dean Boli is still deeply worried while being grateful.

What if Badi is just lying? What if he just came to the fourth floor to get something that could help him, as Slade said? After getting it, can I still live?

In his heart, he was willing to believe, but at the same time, he was deeply entangled in doubt.

"At the same time, I'm also here to get back my things, Dean Boli, you should know what I'm talking about."

Bady's tone was slow and unhurried. After entrusting Jenny to Dean Boli, he revealed his real purpose.

Dean Boli's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "Is that the 'secret key'?"

Ba Di nodded slightly, and said: "The 'secret key' is very important. I may not be able to get out of this underground base even if I die, but I must die like it. Dean Boli, please hand it back to me."

This key must be taken back. It contains the artificial intelligence that Barty has carefully planned on Krypton, which can help him truly conquer the earth, and it can also help him adjust his genes in the future.

A series of plans in the future, including dealing with the Jor-Eyre family, the future Superman Clark, and extracting the code of life in his body to improve himself, are the top priorities.

Without this artificial intelligence, a series of complements about Bati's own genes would be difficult to achieve.

What's more, in about twenty or thirty years, the earth will usher in a great era of active superheroes, with all gods, men and ghosts appearing, and any villain is doomed to struggle.

Especially Bati, he is destined to walk the path of a super villain who is confronted by heroes all over the world.

Enemy against the whole world, he had already expected it.

Therefore, no matter what, the key must be returned to oneself.

Dean Boli's expression was somewhat hesitant, hesitant. He is so famous that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but it is precisely because he is greedy for life and afraid of death that he knows that this key is the key to his survival.

He couldn't tell the truth from Batty's words. Even if Jenny really didn't die, Dean Boli saw all this, and he couldn't analyze what Batty wanted to do. Bati's killing all the way down like this has already messed up Dean Boli's mind.

He slightly looked at Bati with his eyes, Bati was still indifferent, his eyes were staring lightly, as if he was waiting for his reply, and he was affirmative and unquestionable.

Dean Boli felt a chill in his heart, if he didn't hand over the key, would it be a result of 'death'!

Seeing Bati's indifferent appearance, Dean Boli really didn't want to guess, nor did he want to die.

He was willing to believe Ba Di's words.

But there is still concern: "I'll go get it for you."

After Dean Boli finished speaking, he stepped out from the side of the desk.

Ba Di was no longer indifferent, and with a slight smile on his face, he also stood up, pushing the chair back a little with his back knee.

The sound of the chair being pushed startled Dean Boli.

Dean Boli trembled slightly, thinking that Ba Di was going to do something when he got up, and seeing that Ba Di seemed to just want to follow him to get the key, he felt slightly relieved, but still tightly, his hands were on the sides of the white coat. He clenched his fist tightly and couldn't help but said, "Sit here for a while, and I'll get it for you."

After saying this sentence, he raised his heart to his throat.

Dean Boli suppressed the frightened heartbeat that wanted to jump away from Bati, his body was tense, and he couldn't help thinking darkly: If he really doesn't kill me, I'll get the key back to him, If I die, don't get the key.

The underground research room is big or small, a cylinder smaller than the little finger, if you want to hide it, you really can't find it so easily.

Digging three feet also takes time.

Especially in the case of Bati without perspective, it is even more difficult to find.

"Okay." Ba Di smiled slightly, pulled the chair again, and sat down.

Dean Boli heaved a sigh of relief, loosened his fist in his pocket, and when he opened the office door, he realized that his palms were already wet.

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