DC Knight

Vol 7 Chapter 129: Great Britain League VS Titans (1)

On the fourth floor of the Arkham Asylum, in Ward No. 004, Bruce Wayne, who took off his mask, sat in front of Arthur Frank. This and the three clowns in the past had a bad day. No accident, after the death of the third clown, he will become the fourth clown, inheriting the clown's crazy, bad day idea, and continue to entangle with Batman.

But this time is different. Batman took off his mask and talked to Arthur with the experience he had never let go of until now, and let him understand that in this world, there are also people who have a bad day with him. People exist. Weeping loudly, let Arthur release all the anger and sorrow of the past period of time. Bruce is not sure if this will help Arthur. At least, the feeling for Bruce now is that Arthur is much better. I can listen to people.

"Tell me, did you come out of it?" After crying, Arthur also asked this question he cared most.

"No, even if I sit in front of you now, I am still the helpless child in Crime Alley, Bruce Wayne, just my mask. Since I watched my parents die in front of me, I will stay forever There, what is left is a freak named Batman and the curse that accompanied the birth of Batman."


"Yes, those who care about me and those who love me have left me because of my identity. They have been injured. For their consideration, I should have lived in the mask of Bruce Wayne, but now I am I can’t take off this uniform, so Bruce Wayne is still a mask, and Batman’s curse is still lingering on me."

"What about me, do you still have a chance? Do you still have a chance to go back to the past?"

"You can’t go back, Arthur, what will happen to you, I don’t know, I just want you to know that after a bad day, it’s not just to be a madman or to destroy everything is the end. But the road is at your feet, you How to go, I can’t tell you, that’s why I came here to meet you. I once had a chance to save another person, but in the end, I didn’t do it. This time, I just want you to know, whatever Whatever choice you make, I will not interfere with you, but once you make a choice, you will have the consequences of that choice."

After that, Bruce did not continue to stay here. There was so much he could do. Forcibly interfering with the will of others would not have any good results. He had already eaten enough lessons in this regard.

After closing the door and leaving space for the poor man Arthur, behind the door, Bruce also sighed heavily, with an expression of indescribable relaxation. Looking at the empty corridor in front of him, Bruce found himself An illusion appeared in front of him, and he returned to the crime alley, standing there watching his parents die, and beside their parents’ corpses, there was the clown, who had fought with him, but died the first one. Two clowns.

These two clowns reproduce the tragedy that once happened to them in front of Bruce. The second generation Robin Jason, who was beaten to death, the humiliated Barbara, was led to the fallen Harvey Dent, and was alive. Rachel, the childhood sweetheart who died in the bombing, reappears in front of Bruce. But this time, Bruce was not angry or mad. He watched the illusion that appeared in front of him and said slowly.

"You want to prove that I am just like you, a chaotic lunatic. You have done so many things that make me angry, make me desperate, and make me want to break the bottom line set by myself. Sometimes I I wonder if I can stick to it, but now I am not afraid of you. I am still the boy who can't do anything, but I made peace with myself."

Having said this, Bruce also walked forward, passing through the clown who existed as a phantom in his eyes, and behind him, the little Bruce Wayne in Crime Alley stopped crying and stood there. , Looking at this figure far away from him.

At the top of the stairs outside the corridor, Gordon frowned and smoked a cigarette. There were already several cigarette butts under his feet. For so many years, he also knew that the dark knight who had guarded Gotham for many years was Bruce Wayne, whom he had put on his coat. He didn't know why Bruce wanted to talk to this Arthur. He only hoped that he could see a Batman in good condition, or Bruce Wayne.

The door opened, and Gordon threw the cigarette **** in his hand on the ground and trampled it out. Turning around, he saw Batman putting on the mask again, and a look of disappointment flashed across his face.

"how about it?"

"The things here are over. He has the final say on the next road. We can do our own thing. Sorry, let you accompany me this time."

"It's nothing...?!"

Halfway through the polite remarks, Gordon also recovered. Did Batman apologize to himself? Because of this little thing?

Before his curiosity was over, Batman had bypassed him and left the Arkham Asylum, and Gordon ran to follow him, watching him enter the Batmobile.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Do something that should be solved, Gotham will ask you during this time."

After all, start the engine and the Batmobile will carry Batman and disappear into the night, leaving Gordon standing there alone, silently filling himself with a cigarette, swallowing the clouds.

Greenland, underwater, in the clown's base camp, the alignment between Kewen and the clown continues.

"Now that my people are here, do you think you can win? With these young people?"

In the Great Britain League, Amojo and Death Knell each reached the area where the three targets are located, the clown also posted the screen as soon as he received the news and showed it to Ke Wen. He wanted to let Ke Wen see it with his own eyes. It looked like everything he had arranged was destroyed.

"If you can win, I won't count it, and you won't count it. It's up to them. The cosmic will can't interfere too much in this regard. Or, do you plan to add more material to this game? Just now? For me, I can’t stop what you are going to do.”

As he said, he shook his hand to let the clown see the chains entangled on his body, indicating that he had no capital to wrestle with the clown at all. Ke Wen's frank attitude made the clown suspicious. For a while, he didn't understand what Ke Wen was doing, and he didn't understand where Ke Wen had confidence. He felt that he could turn around and win this big event.

"That's what you said, so let's start. It's time for the game to skip the animation."

With that said, the clown waved his hand and an incredible change took place!

In the picture that the clown showed to Ke Wen, we can see that the day and night in the eastern and western hemispheres have changed at this moment. The vision that appeared in the universe from the beginning, the violent cosmic energy wrapped the earth, and with the clown's wave, darkness enveloped the earth. Unlike the previous night, when the sunlight was artificially blocked, the sunlight still shines on the earth, but the light cannot penetrate the atmosphere.

This kind of darkness doesn't turn from day to night, it's just a simple dimness. People can still see things in such an environment. In their opinion, it's good, why suddenly it becomes cloudy. People in the dark night time zone just think how bright this day is so late. It was Meng Mengliang just now, and it is still Meng Mengliang, without any change. And countries that have previously observed riots in cosmic energy have also prepared for this abnormal change.

The police and troops in each city are in a state of combat. They have experienced several major events that have affected the world. In this regard, they also have enough experience to deal with them. These are not the focus of the clown's attention. In his opinion, when everything he arranged explodes, these preparations are useless.

"So next, let's watch together?"

"of course."

The two stopped talking, and together they moved their perspective to the city of Nacino, Lisa Bell, named by Ke Wen and codenamed The Man in the Mirror.

In Nasino City, after Dick proposed to let the clown behind the scenes take the initiative to find trouble for himself and others, the Alpha Group in Nasino City has been in a state of high concentration. Especially they have already known through the steel frame warning. When several members of the Great Britain League entered the city, their nerves were in a state of tension. In such a tense atmosphere, Lisa Bell, the person in the mirror who was released by Ke Wen, was in a state of tension. A little friend had a great time.

"It's not right, it's half past eight now, how come the sky is still so bright, is there something big going to happen?" In the city of Nacino, with her new editor Lisa Bell and her friend Lien Qiushan Kay Taylor, who was chatting, was also talking about the sky vision at this time.

"You should put aside your curiosity about this kind of thing, Kay, experience tells us that this is a problem that can only be solved by those big people flying around. You can't figure out why you just get to the bottom."

The Asian-American company is also complaining about the curiosity of his friends. He doesn't have this kind of dying thoughts. With this time, it is better to find better news to report. Thinking of this, he was also debugging his equipment there, but Lisa Bell, who was the life in the mirror, stared at the sky blankly. She knew exactly what would happen to the sudden vision.

"Yes, those big people flying around can solve this big problem. Little people like me, let's help solve the problems that these little people encounter. Lisa, what's wrong?"

Kai didn't feel wrong to the friend's ridicule, but only after noticing that Lisa's expression was wrong when looking at the sky, and then he cared.

"Huh? No, I just don't think it should be like this. Darkness is not dark, it's always gloomy, and people tend to be depressed after a long time."

Lisa didn't say much to these two friends who had known each other for a short time, but cared about her very good friends. She was gradually adapting to her life in the real world. She said perfunctorily, she packed up the equipment and greeted them.

"Let's go, there is a news in hand, you two will go with me."

"no problem!"

As soon as they responded, the three-person team also left the company building, and on the roof opposite the building, rushed here, and the corrupted Elite League team also saw its goal. The members of the Great Britain League at this time were: Exquisite, Beast Girl, Hatmaker, and a man named Manchester Black.

The four of them are new generations who have powerful abilities, but are disgusted by the current so-called superhero spirit. For them, since they are born with this ability, doesn't it mean that I am superior? Mixing with you ordinary people who can only live a mediocre life will lose our identity. We help you solve those so-called super criminals. You should be grateful to me, not just because I caused some damage during the arrest. Come attack me.

Are you worthy? Even if it is because some unnecessary personnel were created in the process of arresting criminals, which also involved your relatives and friends, so what. It’s just a natural disaster. They may not be able to escape the super criminals anyway. Sooner or later they will die. In order to catch the super criminals and contribute your own strength, you should be happy, at least we Wouldn’t it be great to send the super criminals to **** to pay you for their crimes?

This typical theory of racial discrimination is fully demonstrated in their capable new generations. In this regard, there is actually not much difference between the DC universe and the Marvel universe. There are also mutants in the Marvel Universe. The contradiction between strangers and ordinary people, coupled with the social environment, makes this seem acute. In the DC Universe, because there is a group of Zhenglian tycoons on their heads, governments of various countries dare not think too much, and the classification here is simple and rude, unlike Marvel.

Marvel is divided into ordinary people, superpowers, mutants, and foreigners. In this way, mutants and foreigners will have conflicts and fights. On the DC side, there are only ordinary people, super powers, even the submarine civilizations of Atlantis and Paradise Island, are also included in the scope of super powers, under this simple and crude division, even if there are some super powers Those who are able have ideas, and because of the social environment, they have to put away their ideas.

It's just that this time it's different. As the Zhenglian generation turned behind the scenes, there were no Superman crowds on top of their heads, so careful thinking began to increase, and the Great Britain League was a representative. Putting yourself in a high position, being absorbed by the death knell, and then accepting the corrosion of the other side of the clown knight's power, becoming stronger, and at the same time creating a kingdom belonging to their superiors according to their own ideas.

This is also true this time. After determining the goal, the four members of the Great Britain League are also discussing the next division of labor.

"Just such a goal? I remember that she seemed to be the life that was released from the mirror world by that adult before, but I didn't expect that she would dare to betray that adult."

Looking at Lisa Bell, who was like an ordinary person below, the Beast Girl of the Great Britain League also said with a look of tone.

"She betrayed that adult, so she has no value for existence. She can solve it easily, but don't forget our mission and the young Titans in this city. They are now on guard around the target, but They don’t know that we will challenge the goal. Therefore, we need to divide the work. Someone has to draw their attention, somebody to guide, and somebody to kill the target. We all talk about how to choose the four of us."

"I'll draw their attention. For me, they should be familiar with it," the leader Manchester had just finished speaking. He had conflicts with Ke Wen and others before, and the outstanding man who was transformed into a spider monster also took this task. Down.

"Then I will be with you. My ability is telepathy. I remember that they also have a telepathic Martian. I want to try her level." Manchester Frank also directly expressed his actions with the outstanding. The members of the eccentric League of Great Britain do not think they will be weaker than the members of the young Titans.

"You two are very considerate of your teammates. You take the heaviest job away. Then I will get a little tired, run errands, and drive those dependents over here. Beast Girl, the task of obliterating the target, just Leave it to you, it should be easy to handle."

The hatter stalled on the side and automatically took over the second task, which was to guide the weird people who were already prepared to explode in the city of Nacino. The beast girl who was the last member also nodded, and had no objection to this division of labor.

"Then it's settled, a quick fight, and victory belongs to our Extreme British League!" Frank, as the leader, did not object to this division of labor. In his opinion, can such a simple task be completed? Just kidding!

With such a declaration of victory, the four also showed their own weird forms on the roof. Needless to say, the outstanding person is the classic cadre villain of the knight-the spider weirdo, but the excellent spider is so powerful that it can be put to normal. In the Knight Universe, they can all be regarded as the ranks of ceiling bosses. Manchester Frank, the leader of the League of Great Britain, his eccentric form also matches his telepathic ability.

The huge brain and the dense brain circuits on it also symbolize how terrifying his telepathy ability is in the form of a weird man. Hatter, he still wears a top hat in the form of a weirdo, holding a walking stick, but the hat on his head is attached to him. In the form of the beast girl, we can still see the female characteristics, only on her body, There are more heads and signs of various beasts.

The Ultra Heroic League, which showed the form of a weird man, disappeared from the roof. When they dispersed, a seabird flew over their heads, and there was no weird behavior that attracted their attention. And this seabird moved through the city for a while with instinct, and then stopped somewhere. The shadow suddenly extended and enveloped the seabird. The seabird did not scream and escape because of this sudden change.

And in the shadows, the young Titan Alpha group members who were already ready in Nacino City were also waiting here, all looking at the seabird, and the Martian girl as the deputy captain also asked: "Gaffey , What happened?"

Seabird: "Ababa."

Everyone was stunned, and the Martian girl also reacted, knowing what went wrong.

"I almost forgot. In order to ensure safety, I blocked Garfield's thinking and implanted him with seabird instincts. After I gave him the command to observe, I was gone. Wait a minute, I will brainwash him first."

With a bit of embarrassment, the Martian girl also used her psychic abilities to reorganize the seabird thinking of the beast boy Garfield. The original sluggish gaze gained spirituality. After regaining her thinking, she immediately changed back to a human form. He retched on the floor.

"I'm so disgusting, I must have eaten a lot of things that are not human eaten just now, vomit!" After a retching, Garfield finally recovered and extracted the memories he saw when he was a seabird and what he heard. Directly retelling the plan of the Great Britain League to everyone.

After understanding the plan of the members of the Great Britain League, everyone frowned. Although the initial goal was achieved, the other party did not know that the Titans already knew what they were going to do. If they had mental arithmetic and unintentional, it did not mean that the Titans had a winning rate. Because one of the biggest problems facing them now is the hatter's task, he wants to start a freak riot in Nacino.

"Trouble, I must take over the name Frank, but according to what Garfield told us, we can't ignore the hatter. The first thing is if we stop him in advance, can we guarantee that the riot will not happen? The weird riots that happened in other cities before did not have the main messenger, they just broke out. This is uncertain and it is not easy to handle. If we evacuate in advance, they will also notice that something is wrong."

"So the problem now is that we have to let the hatters start the riot, but we must also ensure that when the riot begins, the evacuation of citizens here can be done in the fastest possible time. To avoid the most casualties, right?"

Billy, who was also in the Alpha group, also summarized the problem, and the Martian girl nodded. At this time, everyone in the Titans also missed Damian, who left the team midway. After all, he was Batman's own son. Although he was a bit bearish, they had to obey them in terms of brainstorming and backup plans. After struggling for a while, another member of the group, Terra and Rock Girl, also volunteered to stand up.

"We can't guarantee that when the hatter triggers a riot, the evacuation of the citizens will be in place in time, but another way, we can first control the weird people caused by the hatter within a range. In that case, the citizens will not be able to solve it. Up?"

"Can you do it? Tyra?"

Terra and the rock girl, who is the prince daughter of the virtual country Marcovia, was abducted in the super-powerful youth trafficking incident created by the Illuminati. She was later rescued by the death knell and brought her with her as a daughter and a student. education. From the beginning, it was the death knell used to stab the Illuminati's two-fifth boy reserve. As the situation changed later, the Earth and Rock Girl also became a member of the Titan, and has been teaming up with the Beast Boy and Martian Girl.

Basically, they are marginal people. After all, before Zhenglian went underground, the Titans on Ke Wen's side rarely needed help. They were all busy with their own affairs in their own city. This is understandable, but now, They also consciously stepped up to take the burden of Zhenglian and did something they should do.

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