Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1383 Invitation to top scientists

After Bulkesso learned a little about what happened before, he immediately chose to take action.

Although he is somewhat tired now, action is necessary!

The plans on the Burning Hell side are being slowly advanced by the Blood Brothers, so there shouldn't be any problems in a short time.

Even if the Blood Brothers gained some strength during this period, they would still be nothing more than rubbish when facing Bulcasso.

The disparity in strength made Bulcasso not worried about whether the Blood Brotherhood would engage in any conspiracy.

On the contrary, it was the situation on Gruchak's side that worried Burqaso even more, although the archangels and demons would give Nephalem face to a certain extent.

But this doesn’t mean that they will definitely give in!

Gruchak's strength was enough to protect himself in that situation, and even in Bulkesso's eyes, Gruchak's safety was not as good as that of Constantine.

After all, Constantine is indeed a very useful guy.

And Gruchak...

Both the Archangel and the Demon God know very well that it is almost impossible for Gruchak to be used and won over by them!

Unless they are willing to risk an all-out war with the Nephalem to forcefully influence Gruchak's soul!

If Gruchak wanted to do this without wavering, it would not be as easy as forcibly corrupting Yizuer in the Burning Hell!

And because the Nephalem have been in a weak position from the beginning, when facing the threats of demons and angels, the Nephalem will also unite as never before!

During the years in Sanctuary, because the Nephalem had never given birth to a truly super-powerful person, some people would always feel desperate.

But there are not many Nephalem now, and there are still Bulcaisuo and Li Min, which also gives the Nephalem a clear goal of victory!

For the Burning Hell and High-level Heaven, the Nephalem are now much more difficult to deal with than before. At least the Nephalem now will not seek medical treatment in a hurry!

Fooling them will require more sophisticated planning and more expensive bait!

Such a price also needs to be considered for high-level heaven and burning hell, which have also suffered heavy losses!

Bulcaisel didn't waste time, he opened the portal directly.

He now wants to see Wonder Woman first, and then go to Nazebo's side.

Wonder Woman was unaware of the so-called snoop, and Bulcasso felt that something was wrong!

Wonder Woman is the powerful fusion of the Nephalem Amazon Cassia and that Diana Prince.

Even if the snoop had the ability to circumvent the Nephalem's perception, how did that guy circumvent the perception of Paradise Island and divine power?

Bulcaisel thinks that Wonder Woman may have discovered something, but just chose to remain silent!

As for Nazbo and Li Min, they can go a little later.

If Li Min can gain something, it may have an effect on the current situation.

Even if there is only a slight chance to make the current situation better, it is valuable!

But if Li Min gets results that can completely turn the situation around, she won't wait until Bulcasso comes to her door before showing up with the results.

Although Li Min still has a bit of a girlish temperament, he has never been ambiguous about matters related to the future of the Nephalem.

After Bulkesso left, the atmosphere on the Holy Mountain became more relaxed.

Even though Bulcaisel is not a harsh person, his power and status have made it difficult for him to get along with others like a normal person.

Maybe it's an illusion, but at least Shazam always felt that there was a so-called "strong man's spirit" affecting him when facing Bulcaisel.

"I'm always stressed out when I see him."

Shazam said blankly on the side.

That is the instinct brought to him by his body. Shazam itself is indeed powerful enough, but that is based on the premise that Billy can bring out all the power of Shazam!

It's a pity that although Billy is already considered an excellent warrior now, he is still far from being able to unleash the full power of Shazam.

It's just that he himself is a little unsure whether his feeling is instinct or a conjecture.

Solomon's wisdom did not give him a definite answer at this time.

"Me too."

Wayne said without changing his expression.

There's nothing to hide, it's just the way it is.

As Wayne's own strength gradually grew stronger, his awe of Bulcasso's power also grew day by day!

He had been worried about the Nephalem losing control and causing damage to their world from the beginning, and he was worried about this now.

Wayne is a guy who even he doesn't want to believe, but he does have no selfish motives when doing these things.

This is well deserved and noble, but it is a pity that this can only be done well after truly replacing human nature with divinity.

Wayne can't do that yet.

"Who wouldn't be? Bulcaisuo's strength is really astonishing, but when I think about the suffering he has gone through, I have no idea about it."

Banal said quietly from the side.

The pressure brought by Bulkesso will not only appear on Wayne and the others.

Even ancestral spirits like Banal will feel that intense pressure.

If there is any difference between the two types of pressure, the barbarians have enough trust in Burqasso's strength in addition to pressure.

It's not that Wayne and the others don't trust Bulcaisel at all, it's just that the time they've known each other is too short, not enough to build a deeper friendship.

That's all the difference!

"Okay, Bulcaisel promised to help you find out the identity of the snooper. This matter is finally over."

Banal said and clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

“Bulkeso didn’t show any strange behavior before, so the snoop definitely didn’t come to Harrogas.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the target of that guy's spying was not Tony from the beginning, so he didn't show any signs of Tony's departure! "

Wayne said.

He didn't directly deny the possibility of that guy spying on Tony, he just put forward a new idea.

"I don't think there is anything more worthy of spying in that place than me. Although SHIELD has a Lantern team to make up for the lack of combat effectiveness.

But those lanterns didn't show any surprising fighting power. "

Tony frowned.

He followed Wayne's thoughts and thought about it, but for a while he didn't get any definite answer.

“Shouldn’t we pay attention to Bulkesso’s whereabouts now?

The powerful existence of Gruchak left Harrogas. "

Cyborg couldn't help but speak.

Although Bulkesso didn't go into detail about what happened there, he could still hear some relevant things from just a few words.

An event that involves almost all powerful beings, even if they don't have the strength to participate, they can't just pretend it didn't happen!

Cyborg Wayne's attitude was a little curious.

He didn't believe that Wayne didn't have any plans for this matter. The only reason that could explain why Wayne didn't say anything about it was that Wayne had already planned it!

Cyborg doesn't intend to completely follow Wayne's ideas. He should also have the right to know what is happening!

"Maybe we just overlooked something. Maybe SHIELD really has some trump cards in its hands that we don't know about?"

Tony's tone was not very firm, he still didn't dare to say that he knew Nick Fury!

Although SHIELD's database is useless, Tony believes that Nick Fury cannot just let him come and go in the database like this!

If Nick Fury turns a blind eye to this, the most likely reason is that the information is not a core secret at all!

Wayne also thought of this, but they are now at their wits end!

It is impossible for Wayne not to pay attention to the storm stirred by Constantine. Even if he is not strong enough to intervene in the center of the storm, he can still do it just by watching!

It's just that this way he doesn't have time to delve into the secrets of SHIELD.

"If there's anyone that Nick Fury can trust, it's Black Bolt and the Punisher!"

Wayne said these two names slowly.

This was one of the conclusions he reached after his investigation. Nick Fury seemed to have other trump cards, but those things were difficult for Wayne to discover before the clues were exposed.

However, he can be sure that the Punisher and Black Bolt are indeed of great significance to Nick Fury.

"I might be able to speak to Frank. After all, he and the sharpshooters also need money to support their families."

Tony said that Frank did have some contact with him.

"I will contact Rumlow. Our status as barbarians may make Frank less hostile.

After all, he really owed Burquesso a favor that he couldn't repay. "

Wayne said.

"As for Black Bolt, I will go find him personally.

I think my current strength should be enough to bear communicating with him. "

Wayne continued, and his words directly made Tony, who had planned to say something, choose to shut up.

Tony knew very well that he was not as good as Wayne in making plans, so even if he had some doubts in his heart, he would not talk nonsense just to save face.

"Then what are we going to do now? Bulcaisuo wants to help solve the snooping matter. We can't just stay here doing nothing during this time, right?"

Tony asked.

"I won't be idle, I will have to take over Vision's job later.

The information field is the only place where humans have not been invaded by demons on a large scale, which is of great significance to humans. "

Cyborg emphasized.

As long as a second Ultron is not born in this world, the existence of Cyborg and Vision will still have strong dominance on the Internet!

What they are doing now is to help mankind protect this possibly the last pure land!

It's just that Cyborg's words were somewhat disrespectful to Tony, but Tony didn't seem to have anything to say.

"The problem is that the identity of the peeper is still unknown and the problem has not been solved.

If Tony goes back, will he be put back into the same situation he was in at the beginning? "

Shazam asked.

"So Tony's best choice now is to stay on the sacred mountain of Harrogas and relax. After all, no matter how tight the time is, SHIELD will not let Tony like this resume his research."

Wayne said expressionlessly.

He even gave Tony a look that was a warning.

Tony is not suitable to return to research directly now, and everyone knows this!

Even Tony himself knew that his best choice now was to go and relax.

Tony was just told not to take care of anything, and he was a little restless!

"Perhaps I can build a laboratory on the holy mountain of Harrogas? If I just upgrade and adjust my suit, there will be no pressure."

Tony said.

"The Holy Mountain of Harrogas is still willing to accept top talents like you. After all, this place may become the last stronghold of mankind.

Perhaps in the worst time, humans will have to rely on the Holy Mountain of Harrogath to be self-sufficient.

It's about time you try incorporating the nephalem's favorite materials into your armor.

That guy in Rasuk will probably be happy to talk to you about this. "

Banal said enthusiastically on the side.

Tony's mechanical skills are also valuable to the Nephalem.

Although barbarians are not the ones with the greatest need for knowledge among the Nephalem, barbarians are not arrogant enough to deny the value of knowledge.

Guys who would have that kind of idea would only be fanatics who don't know much about the world. If such a young man appeared among the barbarians in Sanctuary, the elders would be happy to correct such a person's idea. of.

“It’s true that I haven’t seen Rasuk for a long time, and this time is also an opportunity for me to learn about forging equipment.

Then the next period of time will be annoying. "

Tony seemed polite when talking to Banal.

He has experienced the enthusiasm of the barbarians more than once, and being on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas can indeed bring him more security than other places.

“If you want, you can bring your family to Harrogas and give it a try.

Even if your family cannot climb the Holy Mountain, they can still settle at the foot of the Holy Mountain.

If any danger arises, Harrogas Holy Mountain will directly begin to accept refugees. "

Banal said with a gentle smile.

He is one of the ancestral spirits who attaches great importance to life, and these words are definitely not false.

He just didn't say that when it was the most dangerous time, the core and safest place of the Holy Mountain of Harrogas would not let outsiders in.

But even so, the Holy Mountain of Harrogas has been the safest place for a long time.

As long as Bulcaisuo is not confirmed dead, neither the Archangel nor the Demon God will be willing to face a completely furious Bulcaisuo in order to destroy a mountain like Harrogas.

Moreover, once the power contained in the Holy Mountain of Harrogas is detonated, even the archangels and demons will definitely not feel comfortable!

Not to mention that there are still a large number of barbarian ancestral spirits active on the holy mountain of Harrogas!

This is definitely the safest place in a long time!

"I'll think about it carefully."

Tony was a little uncomfortable with Banal's enthusiasm and said a little perfunctorily.

But he was also thinking about it in his heart.

Of course he understood that this was Banal trying to win over him on behalf of the barbarians, and Tony had no intention of directly rejecting him.

He just needs some time to think about it.

Especially when he couldn't guarantee that Pepo could climb the Holy Mountain of Halogas. If he settled in Halogas, he would have to be separated from his lover.

It would be better to maintain the status quo. (End of chapter)

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