Count of Wizards

Chapter 39 The Guachettino Incident (Part 2) (please collect, recommend tickets!!!)

"Parasite!" Mentioning these clergymen, rich businessmen and nobles would grit their teeth and spit out such a word!

Thirty-six members of the upper and lower houses of parliament already accounted for more than 90% of the members of the upper and lower houses of Ruen City. On the surface, their secret joint letter to the headquarters of the Storm Church seemed to be because of the "Guachettino incident!" But In fact, the "Guachettino Incident" was just a trigger.

What these nobles and wealthy businessmen really want to resist is the increasingly expensive donations from the Church of Storms to their traditional sphere of influence! A rich businessman in Loen once hired an accountant to calculate that in a factory in Loen with an annual sales of 50,000 gold pounds, after deducting workers' salaries, raw material costs, imperial tax burden and other costs, it can fall into the pockets of capitalists every year. The gold pound is about 15,000, and in the last 15,000, the Church of Storms will ask them to donate 5,000 gold coins!

If you don't do anything, you have to take one-third of the net profit from your own pocket. There is no doubt that the rich businessmen and nobles of Loen hate the Church of Storms, and they can't wait to eat the bishop of the Church of Storms in Loen. Constantine's flesh, and Constantine's blood!

This time Constantine did something so extraordinary to Guachettino, breaking the balance between the church and the ruling class. How could the nobles and wealthy businessmen let go of such an opportunity? Connor even felt that he had reason to believe that the so-called "Guachettino incident" might be a bureau, a bureau to get rid of Constantine!

"Although in order to avoid uncontrollable things, the members of the upper and lower houses did not publicly submit the letter, but chose to submit the letter secretly, but the upper echelon of the Church of Storms still attaches great importance to this matter. They sent a woman named Irina The cardinal came to Loen to investigate this matter, and Miss Margaret is the assistant pastor of Cardinal Irina!"

"As you know, Connor, my father has supported several members of the House of Commons for a long time, so Cardinal Elena visited my father in person last month, and at that time, I met Miss Margaret !" George told Connor everything he knew.

Connor nodded slowly, but he began to think secretly in his heart. He clearly knew that the reason why George could know such details was because he was the first heir to his father, Mr. Harvey, and his father, Mr. Harvey, Sir, it is very likely that he is the main behind-the-scenes force behind the collective letter signed by members of the two houses.

To become a member of the House of Lords, the prerequisite is to become an aristocrat, and to become a member of the House of Commons, you need "two votes" - banknotes! vote! These two votes are indispensable. George said that his father is a supporter of several members of the House of Commons. This is very euphemistic. In fact, Mr. Harvey is the sponsor of the members he supports! And those congressmen are actually the tools used by Mr. Harvey to achieve his goals!

The cardinal is the existence second only to the Pope in the Church of Storms, and he is the absolute high-ranking member of the Church of Storms. Obviously, the cardinal of the Church of Storms named Irina skipped those "tools" and went directly to the main messenger behind him to negotiate. up!

Thinking of this, Connor was relieved a lot. When he heard that Margaret was the pastor of the Church of the Storm, his heart immediately sank to the bottom. He remembered that his mentor, Professor Reyes, once told himself that the storm The church believes that all wizards except itself, the Church of the Earth, and the official wizards of the empire are all black wizards, and all black wizards must be eliminated!

So Connor worried that the reason why Margaret rushed to him was because he found out that he was a wizard, and now it seems that Margaret and her cardinal Elena should focus on "Guacchetti In the Nuo Incident", you shouldn't be distracted by a little shrimp like yourself at such an important moment!



"Pastor Margaret, did you go to see Connor Ferguson at Harvey Sanchez's birthday party?" In the center of Ruen, in a room of the magnificent Church of the Storm, a thin and gloomy senior man , was sternly shouting at the peerless beauty in front of her.

If Connor was also standing in this room at this time, he would definitely be surprised by the gloom on the face of this middle-aged man who has been showing his kind smile in front of the people of Loen City all the year round, as if he could drip water. This thin, middle-aged man is none other than one of the protagonists of the "Guachettino Incident", the Bishop of the Church of Storms in Ruen City, Constantine!

"I went to see him, what's the matter?" Miss Margaret responded noncommittally after brushing her hair scattered on her forehead:

"Pastor Margaret, please remember your purpose of coming to Loen. You must focus on resolving the immediate matter. The relationship between our Church of Storms and the nobles and wealthy merchants is already very tense. Let's not say that we don't have Connor. Ferguson is the conclusive evidence that the black wizard is related to the death of Vidal of the Spiritualist Church, even if we have it! The matter in front of us is far more important than Connor Ferguson! Do you understand? Pastor Margaret ?” Constantine snarled at Margaret like a hair dryer.

A disdainful smile appeared on the exquisite face, and Pastor Margaret said slowly: "So Bishop Constantine also knows that the relationship between the church and the nobles and wealthy businessmen is already very tense?"

"Margaret! You... are presumptuous!" Constantine shouted angrily, "Margaret, you are just a pastor! And I am the bishop of the church, bishop!"

The disdainful smile on Margaret's face was even better, but just as she was about to open her cherry lips and retort, a young woman's faint cry suddenly came from the room. Although the voice was not loud, it resounded clearly through Margaret. In the ears of Ritter and Constantine:

"Shut up! It's an eventful time for the church right now. Both of you are church elites, and you should unite with sincerity!"

"Things have eased, Margaret, you have to focus on negotiating with the nobles and rich merchants, and you, Constantine, don't forget that you are wearing a sinful body, and the Church Tribunal will judge you at any time!"

Hearing this female voice, both Constantine and Margaret had a look of awe in their eyes. They looked at each other, and immediately said in unison: "Follow your will, Lady Elena!"

"Bishop Constantine, as you wish, I will temporarily put aside collecting evidence that Connor Ferguson is a dark wizard, and focus on negotiating with Harvey Sanchez and several other masterminds behind this incident. Give me the information about those who are behind the scenes!" Margaret said calmly:

It seemed that he was aware of Margaret's abilities and got her promise, and finally a gleam of relief appeared on Constantine's gloomy face.

"Connor Ferguson, let me let you go for now, and enjoy your last time as a dark wizard!" When Constantine left and was alone in the room, Margaret clenched her fists and murmured road:

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