Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 37 Sakura Crossing, Death Cross!

In the evening, Mubetsucho.

The place where the cordon was blocked, the people of the third division of the investigation team have taken over here, and they are closely investigating everything at the crime scene.

On the street separated by two streets from the cordon, a young man with slippers walked in front. His face in his thirties was full of signs of alcoholism and staying up late, his clothes were sloppy, and his face was full of impatience.

Behind him was an old woman in her fifties, wearing a tattered single coat in the cold wind of late autumn, and rambled about something.

"It's so annoying! Shut up for me!!!"

Suddenly, the sloppy young man turned around abruptly, and roared angrily like a beast: "How many times have I said, take out your pension and help me pay it back first? Don't let those debt collectors You're happy to make your only son look like you can't see a mouse? Is there a mother like you in the world?"

The old woman was yelled at for a while, and said cautiously, "That pension is the money for your father's hospitalization, Mrs. Long, my mother must make money as soon as possible to help you pay off your gambling debts."

Saying that, she lowered her head and took out an old wallet from her pocket, took out more than two thousand yen in scattered pieces, and showed guilt and apology on her face.

"Mom is old and has no education. This is the money Mom earned from working in an izakaya this week. You can use it first. When it's cold, eat something hot at night. If you have a bad stomach, you can't always eat cold. Don't go there again. Casino."

The young man grabbed the money, counted it in his hands, clapped his hands and put it into his pocket, sneered, "If you don't go for a fight, what will I get to pay you back? It's up to you to wash in the izakaya Dishes? It takes eight lifetimes to repay the money! Haven't you seen how fierce those debt collectors are?"

"I see that you are hoping that I won't be beaten to death on the street, so that you can be freed as soon as possible!" At the end, his tone was full of incompetent and furious resentment!

Bad luck!

It's just a matter of luck!

The family can't help at all.

Life is so unlucky!

As he turned around and left, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he kicked over the trash can by the roadside with a bang.

Behind her, the old woman stood in a daze, her lonely face opened her mouth to explain something.

But in the face of the reality of no money,

It seems to be so pale.

But in the next second, there seemed to be exclamations from other pedestrians on the side of the road.

I saw that the young man walking in front was full of resentment, and his face suddenly became a little sluggish.

There was a dazzling red light on the sign in front of him, and he walked onto the road just like that. A moving truck was coming fast on the road behind the corner of the street ramen shop.

The moment she heard the exclamation, the old woman raised her head with difficulty, her turbid pupils suddenly lost focus.

"Long Tai!!!"


The next moment, the harsh braking sound and the sound of the front of the car hitting a heavy object sounded almost at the same time.


The young man who seemed to have broken free from the nightmare suddenly stumbled and slammed into the red light pole on the opposite side of the road. Before he came back to his senses, a nameless fire suddenly erupted in his heart!

"Which bastard dares"

He was about to yell at something, but the moment he turned his head, it stopped abruptly.

The whole person froze in place as if struck by lightning, opened his mouth involuntarily, swallowed two or three mouthfuls, as if his throat was dry, the exclamations of the passers-by around him and the words that the moving truck driver said to him after he hurried down all disappeared. in the ear.

In the pool of blood on the roadside under the setting sun, a squat old woman was lying on the ground, her eyes were closed, and the red blood on the back of her neck dyed her gray hair red in an instant.

In a flash of lightning, he realized what had just happened—the moment of his life and death when he was hit by the speeding moving truck,

one person,

Pushed himself from behind.


He opened his mouth like a fish dying of thirst, but found that he was unable to shout even the simplest syllable, and his eyes instantly turned red.

Across the road, in the crowd of onlookers.


Snake Guigo, wearing a gray mask, watched all this silently, and sighed inwardly.

"The Holy Master should prefer young souls and blood, but at this time, it is impossible to pursue perfection, and it is good to meet the needs of breeding."

Thinking of this, Snake Guigo stared back at the beach on the roadside, which was plated with dark golden blood by the setting sun.

The old and frail woman just now was obviously just an ordinary person, but she was able to burst out with a thrilling speed and strength at that moment.

Such blood.

The Holy Master should also be satisfied, right?

He thought so.

three minutes later

The blocked Kubetsu-cho intersection.

Nishirin Chitetsu, the captain of the third division, received the notification, and his face suddenly darkened.

When he was investigating the scene at the tram intersection, he never thought that the tram had been stopped, and such an accident happened again under their noses two streets away.

"Damn! These bastards are so arrogant!"

"Are you provoking us?"


The faces of everyone in the third squad were also not good-looking.

Although from the news that came back, it seems that a pair of mother and son had an argument on the road and the son walked away in anger. After being hit by a car and pushed away by the mother, the mother died.

It sounds like it's just a tragedy brewed by a traffic accident, but everyone present is a power user, and it is natural to know that this series of coincidences is definitely not that simple.

At this time, the silent Nishirin Chitetsu was thinking about the same question as Higashinohara.

Planning a fake suicide case.

From two or three in the previous year, there have been three cases in three days now. These guys seem to be getting more and more eager, as if they are approaching some kind of goal.

their purpose

What exactly is it?

Nishirin Qiantie, who couldn't figure it out, felt a little bored in her heart, always feeling that something was about to happen, and it was probably happening right under his nose.

But can't get a clue at all.

At this time, a cumulonimbus cloud like a mountain topped up at some point in the head, and occasionally pale electric pythons passed through the dark clouds, and there was a faint thunder in the distant sky.

"What do we do next?" Vice-captain Yu Ogami couldn't help but asked.

After pondering for a moment, Nishirin Chitetsu looked at the cherry blossoms in full bloom around the Mubetsu-cho tram intersection. After this autumn rain, it may be about to wither. He frowned and said:

"The murderers who planned and faked these suicide cases have placed the location at this intersection for so long, and even when the intersection was blocked by us and committed the crime again, they also chose the location not far away.

Do you really think this is provocation? "

Vice-captain Yuu Ogami was stunned for a moment, then pondered, "If it's not provocative, it means that this intersection has a special significance to the murderer behind the scenes, but what is it?"

"I am not sure."

Xilin Qiantie shook his head and said with narrowed eyes:

"But judging from the urgency of the murderer, it may not be long before we know the truth. Today, the third division is working overtime to guard this crossroads."

Speaking of this, he paused, looked at the media reporters who were watching the long guns and short cannons galloping not far away, frowned and said, "Notify the colleagues in Search Section 1 to block the surrounding area tonight and do not allow any pedestrians to approach, especially It's those reporters who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos."

"It's the captain!"

Yuuki said in response.

Just when the third division decided to wait for the rabbit tonight, the reporters who were originally at the intersection of the tram had already arrived at the scene of the latest "traffic accident" two streets away, and they all started to report.

"The scythe of the god of death falls again! Thriller car accident outside the death cross!"

"The young man attempted suicide and his mother died, and Sakura in Kubetsucho falls down and reappears!"

"Exclusive reveal! The hidden truth behind continuous traffic accidents."


When Higashinohara saw the news, he immediately realized that Satoru Aragaki's inference had fallen into a mindset.

Because over the past few years, the accidents in Mubetsu Town have all happened at that tram intersection by jumping off the tracks and committing suicide. After the train stopped running today, they subconsciously thought that at least nothing would happen again today.

But they overlooked one point.

traffic suicide accident,

Trams are not necessarily required.

Thinking of this, Higashinohara hurried back to the apartment with the two small swords he just bought, and wanted to call Satoru Aragaki and Charlie who were with him today.

But when he came to the Aragaki Detective Office on the third floor, he found that the door was closed and the van downstairs was gone.

After thinking about it, Higashinohara reacted. Most of the two hurried to the scene after seeing the news and saw that he was not there. If he wanted to go to the scene again, he might have to take a few tram stops.

These two are unreliable!

Would you like to take a look yourself?

Higashinohara vaguely felt that something was going to happen tonight, even if it wasn't a request from Ryoka Shikame, he was still in the mood after the last experience of converting sin value into free attribute points.

Must go tonight!

Once Higashinohara made a decision, he no longer hesitated.

When he was about to go downstairs, he didn't forget to go back and change into a set of clothes. He also put on the dark golden dragonfly mask he brought back from the dinner party at the Odaiba villa in the rain that night.

This is a very necessary barrier and protection for him, whose real strength is not enough to deal with the hostility from the secret, and so far only the deceased Nishimaru Miri seems to know his true identity.

Just when Higashinohara rushed to the scene of the crime, there was also a woman riding a motorcycle wearing a black leather jacket and a helmet, speeding through the crowded streets of Shinjuku District.

I don't know when, the rain cracked down, and the woman's charming eyebrows felt a little coolness. She raised her hand and put down the mask in front of the helmet, but she kept her eyes fixed on the front.

Some errors.

One offense is enough.

Snake Shaori thought.

The sky is getting darker.

Roadside lights come on.

Near the Hibetsu-cho tram intersection, the honking of cars and the clamor of pedestrians all disappeared.

In fact, with the lessons learned in the afternoon, with the cooperation of the people from the traffic section, the streets around the Mubetsu-cho tram intersection have all been blocked tonight.

Although the reporters onlookers smelled a special smell from the actions of the Metropolitan Police Department, but Xilin Qiantie forcefully ordered them to disperse them all, leaving only some small newspapers wandering bravely standing on the road in the late autumn night rain. Under the eaves of the side shop, rubbing hands and breathing in the heat.

I miss the bed at home

But I really want to make a big news for a promotion and a salary increase.

damn it!

Aren't these cops trying to make a fool of themselves?

Under the cherry trees at the crossroads.

Xi Rin Qiantie stood upright in the drizzle with her umbrella held up, her two heavy eyebrows drooping slightly, and the old monk seemed to be in a state of concentration and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Captain Xilin! Have a hot cup."

At this time, the deputy captain Oda Yu came over with a large bag of milk tea and brought a cup to each colleague who was on duty by the roadside in the night rain, and then trotted to Xirin Qiantetsu and handed a cup.

Oda Yuzha put on a straw and said with a smile, "Tsk tsk, now the economy is in a downturn, Yakuza has gone to change careers, and when I just bought milk tea, I found out that the owner of the milk tea shop was actually taught by me before. guy."

"Many times, it's not that people can't walk the right path, they just need to experience enough lessons."

Xi Rin Qiantie was silent for a while and then said this, but what came to mind was the sloppy young man who was crying on the side of the road in the afternoon.

The pattering rain is getting heavier and heavier. The black ripples on the road surface reflect the yellow street lights overhead. The late autumn night wind blows through the cherry trees and the cherry blossoms fall colorfully. This rare and quiet intersection in the busy city has become quieter and deeper. .

"Captain, do you think there will be a situation here tonight?" Oda Yu suddenly asked anxiously.

Xilin Qiantie said calmly, "If there is, I hope not; if not, I hope there is, otherwise we may have to stay here tomorrow night."

Oda Yu was stunned when he heard it, and said with some anger, "It seems to be the truth. It seems that it is not a good thing to have it, eh? Why is that girl over there still there?"

Xi Lin Qiantie heard the words and looked at it, and she couldn't help frowning.

He remembered that the petite girl who was wearing a black high school uniform and was about the same size as a primary school student was the family member of the victim who he saw in the next alley when he came by car in the afternoon to pay homage to the portrait.

Haven't left yet?

This is not a good place.

Xilin Qiantie sighed and waved at the girl.

In the night rain, Lumu Ryoka, who was covering herself with a big black umbrella, noticed Xirin Qiantie's gesture. She was timid by nature and couldn't help but froze. She nervously held the long knife on the waist under the big umbrella. walked over step by step.

However, just as Lumu Ryoka stepped on the zebra crossing and walked to the middle of the road.

Without warning!

A gust of night wind blew across the street.

A few October cherry blossoms full of trees and flowers at the intersection shook violently, and the large swirling cherry blossoms rushed towards Ryoma Kagome, who was wearing a big black umbrella at the intersection, like a surging pink wave.

Lumu Liangxiang hurriedly squatted, her delicate little arms tightly hugging the big black umbrella in her arms, and stood up again after the night wind passed.

But when she looked back at Xilin Qiantie on the other side of the road, she found that the latter's eyes and attention were no longer on her.

At this moment,

Everyone around looked away from her.

The crossroads of cherry blossoms in the rain at night.

Suddenly, a group of strangers wearing white long-eared rabbit masks emerged from the darkness in groups like the ghosts of the night.

walk in the front,

It was a middle-aged man wearing a gray mask.

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