Although after Yakumo Cang's training and recovery of his body's overdraft strength, the strength of the black pupil has been improved, and he still has the strength to fight by manipulating the eight corpses.

But no one will expose all the hole cards, others don't know the hole cards, with the opportunity to fight back, if it is detected clearly, it is dangerous.

"It's really morbid fun, it's still early anyway, na, do you want to be instructed again. "

Putting his finger to the black pupil's lips and pinching her chin, a wave of anger welled up in Yakumo's abdomen.

Why didn't I find out before, Lori is amazing!

There is no doubt that he was obsessed with rubbing the soles of his feet wrapped in black stockings to his thighs, and then "Six-Six-Zero" disappeared into the gap with her in his arms.

During the process, the black pupil didn't say a word, but the teeth gently bit the lip flap to show that the bottom of the heart was not calm.

At the same time, there was a place in the imperial capital somewhere.

"Whew, it's so refreshing to go to the toilet, can you let me be refreshed again? "

A bald middle-aged man with a fat head, big ears and an ugly face was a strange species, holding a woman's dress that had obviously just been taken off and still showing residual warmth, and laughed lewdly.

He is Jamal, an oil merchant who cooperated with Okka, who used the means of framing to attack many opponents of his peers, during which he illegally made huge profits and lived a very comfortable life.

However, the good days are coming to an end today.

Suddenly, a pair of beastly claws stretched out from the darkness and strangled Jamal by the neck.

"I'll send you on your way, Jamal. "

It was Leonai who used the Emperor, the Beast King, and the Lion King.

While Jamal couldn't move, a demon knife that flickered with cold light suddenly stabbed into his heart.


The long, straight black girl appeared, staring at her target with a cold gaze.

"Two beauties to send you on your way. You bastard is so happy. "

Letting go of his hand and letting Jamal's body fall to the ground, Leonay asked, looking around.

"How's it going, did you find an ambush?"

The red pupil shook his head, unable to hide the worry in his eyes.

"Main detected a few minions stalking, but didn't find an ambush, so I didn't alarm them. "

"So, that is, ......"

The two women looked at each other, and if something went wrong, it was probably on Tazmi's side.

After all, Jamal is not important, his identity is not, he is just an oil merchant, and the most important thing in the imperial capital is businessmen, especially black-hearted businessmen, just find a support.

But there's Brand and Hill over there, so it shouldn't be a problem...... Big.

On the other side –

"Ah, it's delicious to be interrogated to your heart's content. "

The captain of the garrison, the one-eyed dragon Okka, dragged the bottle and shook it down the street, completely unaware that anyone was staring at him.

Tazmi had been following her for a long time, and when she made sure there were no accidents, she finally planned to act.

"Well, Lord Oka, I have something I want you to hear. "

Dressed in a hooded garment, Tazmi lowered his head and pretended to be respectful.

"Well, what's the matter, let's hear about it. "

"It's a bit ...... in public"

There were many pedestrians on the streets, and Tazmi looked embarrassed and stopped talking.

Oka was drunk, so he didn't think much of it and followed Tazmi to a remote alley.

Brand and Hill, who were secretly observing, also quietly followed.

"Hey, boy, that's all there is to it. "

"Well, yes. "

Turning suddenly, Tazmi fell to his knees and said very sincerely.

"Please, please let me join the Imperial Capital Garrison, I have to earn money to send back to my hometown.........."

"Well, I knew it was going to be this kind of thing, go and do it after the formalities, stupid. "

Before Tazmi could finish speaking, Oka turned and left.

"However, now that the recession is so bad, the competition is too fierce. "

Standing up slowly, Tazmi gripped the hilt of the knife hidden under his coat and stared closely at Okka's back.

"If you can't do it, it means that you are not capable enough. "

Suddenly stopped, Oka sensed the murderous aura even if he was drunk, and instinctively clenched his long knife and intended to slash backwards.

Tazmi was faster, and the split second he turned, a knife slashed through Okka's throat.

"How could it be ......?"

The pupils were still stunned, and Oka fell to the ground with a thud, and his pupils gradually dilated with a large loss of blood.

Unwillingly, if it weren't for the drunkenness that affected his judgment and reaction speed, how could he be killed so easily!

"It worked!"

Tazmi, who had been nervous all the time, almost jumped up with cheers, it turned out that the task was not difficult.

Hmph, you have to show off in front of Ma Yin and Red Hitomi when you go back.

Brand 0.3 and Hill, who were hidden in the corner, breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and it seems that the boss guessed wrong, and there was no accident.

The two smiled and looked at each other, and were just about to go out to congratulate Tazmi when an accident appeared.

"Bang, bang, bang......"

Suddenly there was applause from the depths of the alley.

"Wonderful! "


Tazmi's face changed, and he stared intently into the darkness.


The footsteps gradually approached, and the first to appear was Thorn, who licked his lips as if he were staring at his prey, naked.

"Finally, wait for you little mouse. "_

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