Once people expect something, then time will become very slow, for example, students hope that the winter and summer vacations will come as soon as possible, but there will be a long time to wait.

The two days of the weekend became a little slower, but unfortunately I didn't feel like I had done anything and it was over.

Tazmi feels the same way, and it can be said that life is like a year.

Of course, this is an idealistic subjective consciousness, and time does not favor anyone.

During this time, he kept asking Brand what to do to prepare and what precautions should be taken, and other people, such as Mayne, would definitely not explain in detail.

However, Brand is very optimistic about Tazmi, believing that he is very talented and has great potential, and maybe one day he can surpass himself, so he often helps the other party train.

The night raid waited for time to pass, had breakfast, and as the sun moved westward, the blazing sun gradually dimmed, and the temperature began to drop.

Towards dusk, the orange-red light paints the clouds with a beautiful and magnificent hue.

"Are you ready~, Tazmi. "

Najehitan needs to send members to infiltrate the imperial capital first, as the saying goes, step on the spot, and make changes in time if the target deviates from the planned route.

After a long period of observation, although the trajectory of Oka has long been figured out, it is impossible to rule out accidents, after all, people have good and bad luck.

Maybe Oka suddenly remembered something today, and temporarily canceled his plan to go out, or some other reason.

Even if the odds weren't high, Najehitan was still mentally anticipatory.

"Look at me...... and the red pupil's!boss!"

"Well, it's good to have momentum, but life safety should come first, even if the mission fails, there is a chance to remedy, you should understand what I mean. "

Patting his chest, Tazmi smiled brightly.

"Don't worry, I don't want to die so early, the people in the village are still waiting for me to solve the trouble and go back to marry a wife and have children." "

"yes, that's great. "

After repeated instructions, Na Jiexitan and Red Pupil looked at each other for a moment, and the black long straight girl nodded, knowing in her heart that the risk guess of yesterday night had informed her, Red Hitomi didn't need to say much, she knew what to do.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that Tazmi and Red Hitomi immediately headed for the direction of the imperial capital, Najehitan's mood was slightly low, and according to intelligence, at the northern border, under the pressure of Estes's terror, Numa Seka was losing and retreating.

It is estimated that in less than a year, the invasion will be quelled and the triumphant return will be achieved.

The Revolutionary Army did not want to see such a situation, and secretly allied with the alien races in the north to finance their fight against Estes.

Unfortunately, despite this, she could only survive for a while, and Estes's military strategy and command skills were too strong, and the soldiers were not afraid of death under her leadership, like religious fanatics.

The alien races in the north have repeatedly shrunk their defensive lines, and they will soon form a trapped city, and the southeast, south, and west sides will be surrounded, if they don't have to think about supplies, I'm afraid they won't last for a month.

The situation deteriorated extremely rapidly, and it was not a way to stay trapped, and the discerning people could see that the defeat of the alien races in the north was only a matter of time, and at the latest, it would take more than half a year for them to surrender to the city.

The logistics supply is blocked, and the consumption is exhausted.

To put it bluntly, it is not difficult to support the city fortress for a while, but after that

You can't sit back and eat nothing, and imagine that supplies will fall from the sky.

With so many people, can they gnaw on the bark of a tree? Besides, in the cold and snow, there is no bark for them to gnaw.

Estes is now sitting firmly on the Diaoyu Tai, not in a hurry, pressing forward step by step, and the northern alien race is just sticking to the fish on the board, allowing others to slaughter.

When she solves the alien races in the north and frees her hands, it will be even more difficult to make a difference in the night attack.

I have to say that as a former colleague, Najehitan knows Estes quite well, and if she wants to overthrow the corrupt empire, the biggest enemy of the revolutionary army is her, and she must be defeated.

But it's not easy to say, if you want to defeat her, you need at least more than 50,000 elite soldiers, and more than ten powerful imperial envoys, including Red Pupil, to attack at the same time, so that you can be sure.

Thinking too far ahead, Najehitan shook her head to interrupt her thoughts and looked at the rest of the group.

"I've said what I have to say, Lubbock, Mayne, Leonay, Brand, Hill, ......"

Looking over one by one, Na Jiexitan said with a deep look in her eyes.

"My guess may not come true, but I hope that you will remain vigilant, run for nothing if there is no accident, and once the rest of the situation happens, immediately cooperate with the red pupil and Tazmi to retreat, above!"

········· Ask for flowers············


No matter how many times you look at it, the imperial capital at night looks quite hideous.

Standing at the highest point in the center, the palace is brightly lit but does not illuminate the vague outline buried in the dark night.

There were fewer pedestrians on the streets, and perhaps with a premonition that something unusual would happen today, they hurried home, closed the doors and windows and shrunk into bed, shivering.

The main road was occasionally interspersed with one or two noble carriages, but they were blocked by patrolling soldiers, who seemed to explain some reason to the carriage steward, and the charioteers, who were about to get angry, immediately turned back to their homes.

Minister Earnest has an order, how dare those nobles cause chaos.


"Isn't it time yet?"

In mid-air, let the black pupil sit on his lap Yakumo Cang half leaning against the gap, enjoying the cold night breeze, and looking down on the prosperous imperial capital, he didn't notice anything unusual for the time being.

The silent Lori shrunk and clung to his chest.


The black pupil shook his head, and the hand holding the Emperor's Body, the March of the Dead, and the Eight Chambers tightened again, trembling slightly.

"It's excitement, and I can't control my body at the thought of killing my sister and being with me forever in the future. "


Another problem girl, surrounded by the opposite sex, is always a headache.

Yakumo Cang stroked her slightly sickly flushed pretty face, enjoying the excellent touch from Lori's soft body.

"What if your sister doesn't show up?"

"It's okay, it's nice to think of her companion as a doll, and it seems like a lot of fun to have my sister fight those rebel puppets who attack at night. "

Lori quickly reacted and responded.

Speaking of which, the black pupil's emperor is very strong, and it is also a demon knife, and the sisters are really similar, but unlike the demon knife village rain of the red pupil, the eight rooms can manipulate the people or dangerous species killed by this knife through curses.

You can manipulate up to eight corpses, but the more you manipulate, the greater the impact on the manipulator's own ability, so Black Hitomi will generally arrange a puppet to protect herself when manipulating, and of course she herself can also sneak attack the enemy who fights with the corpse. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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