Career Challenge: What does it mean when you wear a hood?

Chapter 51 Request for additional manpower!

Temporary command room.

Several members of the technical department quickly tapped the keyboard to determine Zhao Ming's escape trajectory through the surveillance video.

At this time, the captain had returned to the table.

A map of the city was spread out on the table. As the technical department reported the robber's movement trajectory, the captain also marked it on the map with a red marker.

The photographer was carrying a camera and was broadcasting the situation in the command room live.

Shu Ruochu stood aside and waited quietly.

"At 18:10, the taxi the robbers took parked outside the Friendship Mall. After getting out of the car, the robbers entered the mall!"

The technical force members over there spoke again.

Hear the words.

The captain quickly circled the Friendship Mall on the map.

The crackling sound of the keyboard over there still didn't stop.

Several members of the technical department were accessing the surveillance video on the road next to the mall to determine whether Zhao Ming left the mall later.

After the captain marked it on the map, he raised his wrist and looked at the time.

It is 18:23 at this time.

That is to say.

Zhao Ming entered the mall 13 minutes ago.

Although he didn't know what Zhao Ming wanted to do when he ran into the mall, nearly half an hour had passed.

It is unlikely that he will still be in the mall.

"Can I get the surveillance video from the mall?"

The captain held a marker, looked back at the direction of several members of the technical department and asked.

Hear the words.

One of the technical team members turned around.

Frowning, he watched the captain respond.

"Can't get it!"

"The mall's surveillance is not connected to our Guard system."

"Their surveillance videos are all stored locally and there is no way to retrieve them remotely."

Hearing the response from the technical department, the captain frowned.

Without access to the surveillance video in the mall, there is no way to know what Zhao Ming did when he entered the mall.

After he entered the mall wearing the combat uniform of the special operations team, he changed his clothes and disguised himself casually.

Even if it reappears under the surveillance camera, it will be difficult to detect.


Even if Zhao Ming is still in the mall, it is unlikely.

But at the moment, people can only make a trip to the Friendship Mall.

Call the surveillance camera to see what Zhao Ming did after entering the mall.

"Take the first group and go to the Friendship Mall to find out what Zhao Ming did after entering the mall."

"After he enters the mall, he will most likely change out of his combat uniform, redisguise himself and leave."

"So we have to use mall surveillance to find out his disguise."

The captain looked back at the criminal investigation detachment captain who had withdrawn from the bank.

He gave an order with a serious expression.


After hearing this, the captain of the criminal investigation detachment responded and quickly turned around and left the temporary command room.

And at this time.

The captain's eyes have returned to the map on the table.

If Zhao Ming wants to win the exercise, he must persist for forty-eight hours.

If you keep running away for such a long time, the risk of exposure will be great and it is not a wise choice.

Therefore, he should choose a safer place to hide.

This place must be extremely difficult for the escort team to investigate and visit.

The best choice that meets this point is naturally the urban village.

Because the population in urban villages is extremely dense, and most of the people living there at the same time are migrant workers, the floating population is extremely large and mixed.

An unfamiliar face appearing in such a place would not easily arouse suspicion from others.

The captain took a marker and drew a circle with the Friendship Mall as the center.

The red circle covers a distance of nearly five kilometers on the map.

"Chuangfang Village, Xinyuan Village, Zhenxing Village!"

His eyes swept across the newly drawn circle, the captain tapped his fingers on the several urban villages above, and spoke in a low voice.

at this time.

The team captains gathered around the table also looked at the place where the captain had pointed.

I couldn't help but frown at that moment.

"General team, these three urban villages are not small."

"Take the smallest Zhenxing Village as an example. It covers an area of ​​at least 300 acres, has more than 2,000 households, and has at least 20,000 tenants."

"If we want to find people in these places in a short time, we only have so many manpower, and it's really not enough!"

One of the team captains took a slight breath before frowning and giving a serious reminder.

As soon as these words came out.

The other team captains also looked at the chief captain.

Lack of manpower is indeed the biggest problem they are facing now.

If they don't solve this problem, they must find a way to narrow the search scope as much as possible.

after all.

With the combined manpower of the three teams that can now deploy operations, it would be difficult to completely blockade an urban village.

Not to mention there are three urban villages.

You must know that in places like urban villages, the traffic is extremely chaotic and the number of entrances and exits is simply outrageous.

If Zhao Ming really entered the village in the city, it would be a huge project to find him.

"If we don't have enough manpower, please ask for more manpower!"

“Isn’t the director’s original intention in creating this exercise to be based on actual combat?”

"Since the exercise is to be treated as actual combat, the current situation does require the dispatch of additional manpower!"

The captain put down the marker in his hand, stood up straight, and then spoke in an extremely serious tone.

Hear this.

Several team captains nodded, but there were also some worried looks on their faces.

If it is really in actual combat, it is indeed common to ask for additional manpower when encountering situations.

But this is just an exercise after all.

If you ask for more manpower, the director may not agree.

Under the watchful eyes of several team captains, the chief captain had already picked up his cell phone and dialed the director's number.

After two rings, the phone was connected.

"Director, the robbers are very likely to flee to several urban villages around Youyi Shopping Mall."

"Because the people in urban villages are complex, hunting down robbers requires a lot of manpower."

"So I'm asking for some additional manpower."

The captain did not waste any nonsense and simply stated his request concisely.

After the captain finished speaking, there was a brief silence on the other end of the phone.

After a few seconds, the director's voice rang out.

"I'll give you an answer within five minutes!"

The director responded calmly.

Then he hung up the phone.

Faced with this situation, the captain raised his eyebrows and was not idle at the moment.

Instead, he pointed his finger at the boathouse village farthest from the bank within the circle.

"If I were a robber and wanted to choose a hiding spot in these three urban villages."

“Then I will definitely choose Boathouse Village!”

“Because this urban village not only has the largest area among the three urban villages, but also has the highest population density and floating population.”

"The most important thing is that he is also the furthest away from our temporary headquarters of the escort team."

"As a result, it will take more time for the escort team to dispatch personnel from the headquarters to go here, and the robbers will have enough time to hide!"

While waiting for the director's reply.

The captain looked up at the team captains, frowned and spoke his thoughts seriously.

Hear this.

Several team captains nodded, obviously agreeing with this statement.

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