After these new nobles heard Otto's speech, the little respect they had for the destiny of heaven disappeared.

Still that sentence.

This bishop on the surface is too young, even if the intelligence that leaks out that this man is really the bishop, they don't believe it very much now.

It is undeniable that this man has a bit of means, but not much....

Maybe someone behind the scenes gave advice to this Otto.

If Destiny really wants to promote their ideas, then Destiny is the number one enemy of all Usas nobles!

The remarks that have been preaching that the infected are inferior and the source of infection are all propagated by the nobles of Usas.

Otherwise, how to transfer the conflict of interests?

The true ruler of Destiny will probably not be so stupid.

It's all about making a look, just know not to say it.

The huge church was now silent, and the nuns in black nuns' clothes stood behind Otto, their silver eyes looking at the group of nobles in the audience, and there was too much flattery and hypocrisy between the actions of those nobles, which made her disgust in her heart.

On the contrary, their Lord Bishop, standing on a high place, the sunlight shining through the colorful round window on the white robe of the Lord Bishop, and the gentle smile that looked mysterious and dazzling under this light.

The new nobles discussed with Otto the general direction of cooperation with the Mandate of Heaven and turned and left the church.

No matter what Destiny wants to do, they should earn money and earn money, and they will not change because of the quality of the other party and changes in behavior.

"Is it really worth it for us to run so far to find the Mandate of Heaven?"

"The little white face that was pushed out to stand on the high platform is just a test, and the Lord does not want to see us." A steady and old nobleman squinted and thought carefully.

These nobles had come to the elevator of the church module, from which they could overlook the entire city of Yumir, and the troops and civilians below walked back and forth like ants, which was quite a view of the mountains, as if the city of Yumir was under their control.

"But the cooperation between the Mandate of Heaven and our side is already very favorable, and we don't have the whole treatment in the imperial capital." A nobleman of the Phaedian race wore a white suit and frowned at his "friends

": "Yes, we are here to make money, and we are not here to find out the true identity of the bishop of the Mandate of Heaven, what do you care so much?" A voice echoed.

"I can't get used to your shrunken head, we should just let Allah teach it."

"How do you know if someone isn't real?"

"I feel that the destiny of heaven is not too long

, let's leave..." Everyone turned to look at the Ruper nobleman who spoke, who was a little overwhelmed by the sudden gaze, and the wildness of the Ruper did not have a shadow on him.

Everyone looked at him with an expression of "you are teasing me", and he said for a long time.

"The prime minister of the imperial capital issued an expulsion order to let hundreds of thousands of infected people nearby cross the Ural Mountains, I am afraid that he is trying to find a way to strengthen the power of the Mandate of Heaven, the Mandate of Heaven now has an army in his hands, and soon the Great Talula Territory will not be able to carry a large number of people, and then the Mandate of Heaven will definitely find a way to expand."

"The Mandate of Heaven will definitely not go west of the Ural Mountains, but can only expand to the south and east..."

Everyone can also know what to say next when they hear this.

If the Mandate of Heaven really had the strength, he would not attack the imperial capital, in this way, those old nobles who had troops and self-respect could be diligent in the king, and then try their best to make a large amount of money in the imperial capital.

If nothing else, if they really want to fish, these new nobles are the best fish.

Thinking of this, everyone's faces gradually became solemn, and they did not panic too much.

Because it is impossible for Destiny to take this move.

When pigs fly.

On the contrary, if the Mandate of Heaven wants to expand to the south or east to the old nobles, the official Usas can directly turn over the black history of those dukes and define them as traitors, and the Mandate of Heaven will have a great righteous bonus, and then it can be released to attack those old nobles.

However, these old nobles will definitely huddle together to fight against the Mandate of Heaven, which is also something that Usas officials are happy to see.

These new nobles can make a fortune in war.

As for if the Mandate of Heaven really destroyed the old nobility, in that case... That's not what they should discuss.

"Zeel, what do you think?"

Zeel, who was suddenly called, pretended to be a little puzzled, lifted the monocle on his left eye, coughed twice and straightened up.

"There is an idiom in the country of Yan, if it comes, it is safe. We came to make money, not to discuss national affairs, if we can make money, let's stay in the Mandate of Heaven.

"After all, who can't get by with money?" Saying that, a hint of shrewdness flashed in the brown pupils under the glasses.

At the top of the church module, Otto stood behind the armrest and quietly watched these partners get on their vehicles and leave Yumir City one after another, the corners of his mouth gently hooked to reveal a sneer.

"Lord Bishop, they are so rude! Just let them go? The Ruper girl, dressed in a black nun's dress, looked indignantly at the new nobles leaving in the distance, her hands clenched into fists.

"They are all emerging nobles of Usas, and it is normal to have a little sense of superiority, after all, they are all smart people." Otto crouched on the fence with one hand and looked at the ducal palace in the distance, where the war avant-garde regiment was stationed.

"Peony, you have to learn to hide your emotions, you still have a lot to learn, absolute power can solve the problem, but simple power will not."

"I see, Lord Bishop."

Otto's tone was flat, and the cold wind blew his long golden hair, and Otto closed his eyes and pondered the future of destiny.

Although Otto's side already has the strength to rival the Duke, the consumption of resources in the war is an unpredictable variable, so he must be fully prepared to support the entire Mandate of Heaven.

"Lord Bishop, but a group of merchants who have become nobles have this attitude towards you! A minimum of respect is required, but they want to embarrass you! Hearing

Peony's words, Otto opened his eyes.

"Merchants seek profit, nobles seek power."

"Those who can be merchants, those who can be nobles, are smart people, but... Smart people are self-righteous and think that everything will be in their hands, as if the world cannot function without them. Hearing

this, Peony turned his head sideways and looked at Otto.

"Lord Bishop means they will be smart and mistaken by cleverness?"

"Huh." Otto laughed softly.

"I also often look self-righteous."

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