These new nobles were ushered by the soldiers of the Knights Hospitaller to the church module to meet the snow monster squad.

These new nobles also stood on the elevator under the guidance of the snow monster team, and when the elevator came to the platform of the church, the surrounding vision opened up one by one.

A straight road leads straight forward, and at the end of the road you can see a statue of a nun, very different from the solemn angel of the Lateran sect, the nun clasped her hands on her chest, as if praying, closed eyes waiting for the response of the gods, which could not help but make people feel a trace of pity and sadness in their hearts.

The statue was carved in marble by the bishop himself after the riots.

Many people do not yet know her name and have not heard the story of this nun.

The new nobles glanced at the statue with concern, and then bypassed to the gate of the church.

The overall appearance of the church is similar to the Uzas Orthodox church, both are the appearance of Gothic architecture, but the gap is still obvious, the church of the Mandate of Heaven chooses the Baroque style in the decoration, making people feel the seriousness and restraint that the church should have, but makes people feel soft and peaceful.

A group of nuns in front of the church came over, and the nun at the head extended her hand and made a gesture of invitation.

"Everyone, please follow me."

The crowd followed the nun step by step up the steps and approached the church, the space inside was far larger than they thought, and there were not too many statues on both sides like Rutland to highlight the majesty of religion.

The interior of the church is extremely simple, austere and solemn, with almost no decoration. Entering the interior of the church, countless vertical lines attract people to look up, and the vaults tens of meters high faintly and shimmer in the dim light, coupled with religious reverie, it seems that heaven is above.

The wings of the main hall have large rosette-shaped round windows at both ends, through which the light shines in, and the light on both sides shines intensively on the throne on the steps, and a dozen columns on either side lead to the throne side by side, and the columns are carved with different stories.

Walking on such a path is like a pilgrimage.

"It seems that this one of Heaven's Destiny has some ideas." One nobleman whispered in the ear of another.

"If you don't see it, we still have to earn money." Let those big people discuss this..." "

The size of this church alone is probably larger than the main hall of the Krim Palace in St. Petersburg, not counting the others, if the ducal palace is built like this, there may be a few fierce men of the army group coming to discuss philosophy the next day, and the inner guard will enthusiastically help you count the household registration in the evening.

In other words, why would the official Usas tolerate the existence of such an organization? If they climb over the western mountain, they can see the Holy Jun Castle! Fort St. Horse is not yet a mobile city! There are not many defenders around Fort St. Petersburg!

A bunch of new nobles began to whisper.

"You are welcome to take time out of your busy schedules to come to Destiny."

A crisp and loud voice echoed in the church, and at some point under the round mirror stood a blond man, the man's right hand was fisted behind his back, his left hand spread out at the waist slightly bent, and there was a natural smile on his delicate face.

The nobles below looked at Otto with some disbelief, as if they were confirming each other.

"You are the bishop of Destiny?"

A huge Usas scratched his little ears and looked at Otto in disbelief, in their impression, shouldn't the bishops or popes in those religions be the kind of old people with gray hair and kind faces? The young man in front of him couldn't believe it.

Otto laughed softly when he heard this.

"Oh, I, Otto Apocalis, the bishop of the Right and Mandate of Heaven, what's wrong? Any questions? Otto

was still smiling and looking at the nobles below, as the owner here, Otto's attitude was also very polite, but those new nobles would not be so polite.

"I can't imagine that the bishop of the Mandate of Heaven is so young, and can directly command such a force as three army groups, and the ten dukes of Usas with this ability are far inferior to the bishop."

A Usas nobleman with a monocle, a mustache, and a suit and leather shoes on his body raised his eyebrows and looked at Otto.

"I remember that it seems that Duke Tallulah is also part of the Mandate of Heaven, so the Destiny is Usas's? Or is it yours? Someone

raised this question, and the other nobles also set their eyes on Otto's body, and Otto's expression did not change at all, just swept over the nobles below.

Although the Usas are a little reckless, there is no need to speak so bluntly.

This sentence is nothing more than trying to put Otto on the fire to bake.

Although the Emperor's Blade secretly passed some information to Otto, it was only what the official Usas wanted him to know, and there were some things he had to know through his own channels.

Just like these new aristocrats in front of you.

The old nobles did not want to be leeks, so they could only find some new merchants, and when these merchants had a little status, they forgot what they were originally like.


Otto smiled softly, with an imperceptible indifference in his gentle smile.

"Everyone, you must have had a certain understanding and cognition of the Mandate of Heaven on the way here, the purpose of the Mandate of Heaven is people-oriented, you are a social elite from all walks of life in Usas, you can come here, I think you will also come to change the infected people, poverty and other problems in Usas..."

Otto suddenly stopped, and then his voice suddenly raised.

"The great Usas is thriving under the light of the emperor, but it cannot be exhaustive, so Duke Tallulah and I believe that the Mandate of Heaven should be changed from these aspects."

Hearing this, these new nobles fell silent, and the church was as silent as death.

The nobles made eye contact with each other, and they knew their opinions from each other's eyes.

Too young....

The entire bishop of Destiny was too young, and his appearance was younger than most of those present.


According to the intelligence they gathered, the Mandate of Heaven was indeed established by a very young man, and was notoriously benevolent, and a riot broke out because of this, and in this "last resort" situation, three armies were formed by gathering infected and civilians.

Hehe, I'm afraid this was planned in advance by the people behind the scenes, right?

Can such a young man really lead the Mandate of Heaven?

The shrewdness revealed in Zeer's eyes carefully calculated, he now has a seventy percent certainty that this one in front of him is just a stand-in, and the one who can really command the destiny of heaven is probably the duke of this land.

PS: Something happened before, not written.

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