
Grand Tallula

is ideally located in the

middle of Usas.

In the north, you can directly cross the Sunset Canyon into the northern frontier, in the east you can see the capital of Usas, St. Petersburg, over the Ural Mountains, and in the south you can see the fortress of Usas, and in the south it borders three old aristocratic forces.

In the fief of the Duke of Corsice, after the Duke of Corsice "committed suicide", because his domain had no guarding army, the territory was greatly encroached upon by the surrounding nobles.

The current emperor, Fyodor, also tried to overcome the opposition of other dukes and announced that Kosiche's daughter Tallulah would inherit his domain and restore his dukedom.

Only then did the surrounding nobles stop their small movements.

"The current emperor has restored your noble status, which is equivalent to saying that we are now using the name of Duke Tallulah to gain a certain amount of time in your fief to develop."

Tallula thought with her brows furrowed.

It took her years to break free from that place, and now she is back to develop.

It's ironic to say....

"I often wonder, what caused the tragedy in Terra's world? I think a large part of the reason is because of the social system and class..."

"But you yourself are an aristocrat." Otto's words were light, but like a short knife had been inserted into Tallula's wound.

"Is there a possibility to eliminate class barriers? If Terra didn't have nobles, wouldn't the environment be better? Maybe I'm naïve, but I'm thinking about it very seriously, I think it's very unfair, some people are born with a family, and some people are born nobles, but I think about it, maybe it's fair..." Otto

got down from his seat and put a hand on Tallula's shoulder.

"There is nothing wrong with what you think, your point of view is very reasonable, class may be the beginning of all misery, if not it, at least it accounts for a very high proportion."

Although Otto had no interest in class revolution in the world of Terra, he would not object to these things happening.

He can teach Tallulah some basic theories first, although he doesn't expect her to succeed, but what if something happens?

Even if the hope is slim, the probability of it happening will not be zero.

Otto plans to share a little knowledge of Capital with her in the future, and Otto is also curious about how far this girl can go.

Unfortunately, the current situation is not yet possible.

"Report Lord Bishop, we have entered the hinterland of the Great Talula." The voice of a guerrilla came from the terminal.

"The city of Yumir stopped moving and stood by in place."


Otto lowered his hand and looked at Tallula.

"If you want to go to the Duke's Palace, you can check it out."

After that, Otto left the church and came to the snow.

Most of the mobile cities in the Great Tallulah Territory have been transferred, leaving three mobile cities and a large number of immobile villages.

The three cities of Otto did not plan to receive them now, mainly there were not enough people to manage, and it was certainly not a good thing for other dukes to keep these three cities.

Otto ordered the guerrillas to spread news in the villages around the city of Umir.

Tomorrow, the arriving villagers will each receive food, as well as the infected.

This is in the name of destiny.

By the next day.

Looking down from above the city of Yumir, the infected and some villagers have surrounded the outside of the city, which is about the size of three football fields, and the infected account for most of them.

At first, people ran over with skeptical thoughts to try their luck, but they did not expect that there were many people here, and the smell of toasted bread was still in the air.

Now people basically believe it.

Otto and his adopted children began to set up stalls to distribute bread to the villagers and infected people, and the guerrillas temporarily dispatched some fighters to maintain order.

They were now in the hinterland of the Great Talula Territory, and there were more villages around the ducal palace, and people came from all directions, which made it easier to publicize.

"Thank you, Lord Bishop... Thank you..."

"This bread is delicious, it would be better with sour cucumbers."


Some of the people who received the bread found an open space and began to eat it, while others saved it and planned to save it for tomorrow.

There have also been some small things in the process of distributing bread.

For example, some people will rob or steal other people's bread, and infected people and civilians will fight...

Not surprisingly, guerrillas came forward to stop these acts and expelled the perpetrators and blacklisted.

Otto just looked at these actions coldly, and he didn't care about some gossip about these civilians and infected people.

His actions are not kind, but in the eyes of most people, his actions are outright fools, distributing a small amount of food to these people.

But Otto believes that when these infected and civilians return, they will only spread the mercy and goodness of destiny.

They don't know that free stuff is the most expensive.

All this was done only so that the Great Tallulah would receive people more easily to accept the Mandate of Heaven and rule in the future.

At the last moment of the bread handout, Otto would give an extra slice of bread to the women and children of the infected and let them take it back.

Once these people put food in their environment, they may know the truth of Huaibi's guilt.

As an infected person but able to obtain additional food, Otto believes that Usas is now in a bad orderly environment, stealing often occurs, and even civilian gangs will appear to rob the infected of food.

At that time, the conflict between them will intensify, until one day it suddenly erupts.

Otto's plan can be implemented in the chaos and division, and then completely control one side.

These are not deliberately arranged conspiracies, but predictable human nature.

Otto's expression is gentle and steady, and his shallow smile makes people feel more kind.

The children followed Otto as they continued to hand out bread for the name, and in the distance Froststar and the patriot stood above the city of Umir, looking down on the Froststar below, and

when she heard that Otto planned to give free bread to the surrounding villages, her reaction was as strongly opposed as the other guerrillas.

It is clear that they do not have enough food to eat, so why give it to those infected and civilians?

Frost Star felt that Otto was too kind-hearted, and did not help maintain order in a fit of anger.

"Dad, what do you say he wants to do?"

Froststar looked up at the Patriot and asked.

When the patriot saw that Otto had given a piece of bread to a flat person a moment before, and then another infected person with a piece of bread and a small slice of bread, the patriot almost had the answer in his heart.

"He's testing humanity."

PS: Sorry there is no update in these two days.

I began to think about how to develop in the territory of Tallula, there were many options, but I never knew which one to choose, I wrote it wrong, I was afraid of being sprayed or something....

Finally, I discussed some with my friends, I was also relieved, spray it, my writing is not very good, I don't want to read it, I can delete it at any time... (Although I would like you to stay) I

will take a holiday to make up for the two words owed, please comment more

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