In front of the door of the largest mobile module in the city of Yumir, the crowd was loud, and most of the guerrillas gathered outside the church, enclosing the wide street with water.

"Church? Is Dr. Otto religious?

"No, that church was taken in by Dr. Otto."

"Since it's a church, which god should be worshiped too, right?" Did Dr. Otto believe in Lateranism or Deep Sea Religion? "

People outside the church were curious to discuss.

In the church, Otto, Tallullah, and the patriots sat around the round table and talked, Alina wore a white friar robe with her hands folded on her chest, and the golden cross on the neckline was very eye-catching.

"Mr. Otto, are you really going to do this?"

Tallulah looked at Otto with concern on her face.

"Although I am in favor of you taking in those orphans, giving them food, giving them shelter, we don't have too many supplies... And your talents shouldn't be used here..."

"No, I think the lives of children and their future are more important than mine."

Otto's expression was serious.

Tallulah was a little helpless.

Since the battle in the camp, the entire guerrilla group has been respectful to Otto, and many fighters have looked at Otto with the eyes of the strong.

Coupled with the fact that Otto also brought a mobile city, Otto's reputation was pushed to the highest at this moment.

Tallulah also clearly understands that she no longer has the ability to lead the infected, so she can only let more powerful people lead the revolutionary path of the infected.

The Patriot led the entire guerrilla and snow monster squad to temporarily defect to Otto's forces.

"If there are orphans in the advance module when it is scouting ahead, send them here." Otto touched his chin and instructed the patriot.

"Yes, I see."

The patriot promised.

"It's time for you to go out too."


Otto smiled slightly, he was wearing the usual white suit, with a pure white cape on his shoulders, and walked in front of him in a gorgeous decoration, and Alina and Tallulah followed Otto on the left and right sides.

Push open the door, and then meet the curious and doubtful eyes of people.

Otto put his left hand on his chest and his right hand open, as if welcoming a new life, read that the Church of Heavenly Mandate was established here.

Destiny is human-oriented, bringing hope to those who are suffering deeply, helping all those shrouded in fear, and fighting for all that is human.

Gothic architectural style, huge arched windows, painted biblical stained windows, white church walls with incomparably delicate reliefs, all kinds of things together, under the cover of high-altitude clouds, cast a strong sense of religion on the entire floating church.

The flag of the Mandate of Heaven, the word "non", fluttered in the ice and snow.

Otto's words are loud and heart-pounding, and the sonorous posture of his speech cannot help but be convincing.

Destiny is established here.

Many infected and guerrilla members wanted to join the Mandate of Heaven.

But Otto refused.

Destiny is now unable to bear too many members, and the main members who join are Otto, Alina, Tallula, Patriot, and Frost Star.

In the coming week, Otto will improve the lives of orphans left over from the integration movement.

These children came to the integration movement for various reasons, more than two dozen girls, more than a dozen boys.

Otto absorbed all these children into Destiny.

They were provided with warm shelter, new clothes, delicious bread, and medicines to prevent disease.

At this moment

, these abandoned or parents died, eating bark and grass roots in the snow, picking up garbage left behind by other mobile cities, often beaten, discriminated against, life is degraded to the extreme, and children who may die at any time...

There was light in their eyes again.

Their bishop, Otto Apocalis, often looked at them tenderly and told them....

You are no longer wandering, you are no longer lonely, you will all have your own life, your own life.

They have a normal family life here, the boys want to grow up quickly and help the bishop as much as possible, and many girls look at their gentle and gentle bishop, and they have an impulse in their hearts....

Of course, what these children think, Otto has no way of knowing.

The city of Umir was originally a small mobile city, originally with twelve modules, but now only seven remain.

Otto organized the remaining infected to work in production, partly producing some of the new weapons and equipment provided by Otto in the factory, and partly growing food in a special agricultural area of the city module.

Otto has cultivated and transformed the local wheat plants himself, and has completely realized soilless cultivation and greatly shortened the growth cycle, but because the cultivation work steps are extremely cumbersome and the amount of knowledge required by himself is excellent, it cannot be cultivated on a large scale. (Q, it is the universal source stone technique or the Void Ten Thousand Treasures)

If it is cultivated in a large area, it requires a lot of money, so it is better to let the infected produce in the agricultural area.

These infected people are paid for their own labor, and they have no complaints about it.

The guerrillas were led by patriots and were fully responsible for the defense of the city of Yumir and daily patrols.

The guerrilla scouts drove a module to explore the way ahead of the city of Yumir.

Because the emperor's blade "said hello" to all the relevant passes and checkpoints above the advance route of Yumir City.

Therefore, these checkpoints will let them go when they see mobile cities with the "non" flag, for fear of provoking a group of killing gods.

"Mr. Bishop, where are we going?" Tallulah stands behind Otto in her usual military uniform.

Otto sat calmly in the hall where the Bishop of Destiny sat down, his white and well-defined hands folded together, and a wistful smile appeared on his face.

"Duke Tallula, do you want to guess?"

"The direction of our advance is southwest, but we did not pass through the territory of the Duke of Baikal, and bypassed it from the north..."

Tallulah carefully considered the route of Yumir City, she thought that Otto planned to choose the map of Eastern Siberia to develop, but Otto did not stop, and continued to advance according to this route....

"Grand Corsice collar, Duke Tallula." Otto lowered his eyebrows as he looked at the gradually flattening terrain outside.

"Oh no, it should be called the Great Talula collar now."

PS: This is a bit bald╯▂╰

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