Billion Technology Crystal System

Chapter 568: Leslie who is hard to choose! new year three

"How long will it take for the aerosol vaccine to be developed?"

Ye Fan asked.

[It is expected that around today, the atomized serum will be perfected! 】

X Zhinao responded, hearing this, Ye Fan's eyes lit up slightly.

It can be perfected today, that is to say, can the aerosol vaccine be released globally early tomorrow morning and directly kill all the WL viruses?

Ye Fan is in a good mood, and the perfect plan that they have worked so hard to come up with will be destroyed again by themselves.

I don't know what will they look like?

At ten o'clock in the afternoon.

Weibo once again broke the explosive news.

[According to authoritative information, the Shaofur Group will provide nearly 100,000 tons of JM raw materials to the international medical organization, and the international medical organization promises to refine all the 100,000 tons of JM raw materials into vaccines as soon as possible! 】


This news instantly detonated the entire Weibo hot search.

sparked a wave of comments.

"100,000 tons? My God, how much does this cost? The Chauffeur Group has the courage, the wealth and the wealth, and cow leather!"

"Damn it, how much was 100,000 tons of JM's raw materials in the past? You can buy them for millions. Now they set any price. If they give you a drop, you are so grateful and metabolized. It's really a service. I've taken it, isn't the serum developed by the Future Technology Crystallization Company bad? Isn't it fragrant?"

"Upstairs, why is it so unpleasant to speak? What do you mean by saying this quietly, we are grateful and metabolized? If the future technology crystal company has not developed a vaccine, only a vaccine such as JM raw materials, you don't need it? What a shit, and , Ye Fan and the others have developed a new type of vaccine, and now people are panicking. There is no authority that can prove that the vaccine they have developed has anti-virus function, and they have not come forward to clarify. Who dares to use it? Who can use it with confidence? Now there is no One case is a success, what do you want us to do? One hundred thousand tons of JM raw materials can at least extract millions of bottles of medicine, which is more than enough, and the Xiaofuer Group did not deliberately make money, right?"

"Making money? How much money has been made by the Shawful Group now, are you blind or deliberately not able to see it? Isn't the Shawful Group doing this because they are afraid that no one will buy their JM raw materials? What about making wool?"


A war of comments was sparked on Weibo.

All kinds of keyboard warriors came into battle.

And this has suffered the patients in the whole Nanshan City, and they are indeed a little panic in their hearts now.

Do new vaccines really work?

Although they are getting better day by day, the first batch of vaccinated patients can now eat, and although they vomit, they are not as bad as they were a few days ago.

The obvious vaccine works.

But the problem is,

Now there is no official statement that the vaccine researched by Ye Fan can really kill the WL virus.

After the message is raised.

The number of vaccine injections by Dabai Robot has become less and less, and many light patients are reluctant to accept Dabai Robot's vaccine injection.

Instead, it is waiting for the International Medical Organization Center to study all the vaccines.

They still believe in the vaccine developed by the International Medical Organization Center.

It's not that they don't believe Ye Fan's vaccine, but that Ye Fan's vaccine has no authoritative certification, and they dare not use it.

Especially now is a very special time.


At the International Medical Organization Center, after they were supplied with 100,000 tons of JM raw materials from the Chauveur Group, Professor Leslie was so happy that he almost jumped up.

All the medical experts were all smiles.

"Okay, with these 100,000 tons of JM raw materials, we can produce millions of vials of vaccine and resolve this huge crisis!"

"In this way, we can get all the lost face and lost prestige back!"

Leslie said excitedly, without the 100,000 tons of raw materials provided by JM this time, the position under his butt would have to be handed over to someone else, but he was very reluctant or even unwilling.

Now that he has these 100,000 tons of JM raw materials, can he be unhappy and excited?

But as a price.

They will give the vaccine technology provided by the Future Technology Crystallization Company to the Chauveur Group.

This is also the only requirement.

For the 100,000 tons of raw materials, Professor Leslie agreed on the spot. Although this vaccine technology belongs to the Future Technology Crystallization Company, what we need to do now is to control the virus.

Since the Xiaoful Group wants it, give it to them. Otherwise, if the virus spreads a second time, will their millions of vials of vaccine really be enough?

Of course it's not enough, should we continue to buy from the Chauveur Group?

They can't afford the money anymore.

Therefore, it is better to hand over the vaccine technology to the Xiaofuer Group, so that they can produce the vaccine themselves. Since there is a vaccine, the public's attention will not be placed on them.

They only need to make all the 100,000 tons of JM raw materials into potions, and then distribute them. After harvesting a lot of good person cards, they withdraw.

As for the next thing, leave it to Xiaofuer Group and Future Technology Crystallization Company.

That's what Professor Leslie has in mind.

"Professor, one of our patients seems to be well. We did a CT scan and found that he no longer has any WL virus in his body, and he was all killed!"


Just as Leslie was happy, the door was pushed open, a doctor wearing a mask said.

Hear this.

Everyone at the scene was immediately excited. After a week, finally there was a case that was successful?

"Is the patient using the JM raw material vaccine?" Professor Leslie asked immediately.

"No, professor, in our intensive care unit, one of the two patients has taken the JM raw material vaccine, and the other is a patient who has been injected with the second-generation vaccine. Both are mild patients. They were infected on the first day and are currently injected. The patients with the second-generation vaccine have recovered, and as for the first patient, although the toxins in the body are eliminated, the speed is extremely slow, and it takes about one to two days!"

The professors in the room began to murmur and discuss.

Whispering in a low voice.

"About two days? This speed is too slow. Compared with the second-generation vaccine developed by Ye Fan, it is like a younger brother."

"Weakened version? Ye Fan's is the enhanced version? Then what's the use of the 100,000 tons of raw materials? Wouldn't it be better and faster to use all the second-generation vaccines?"

"Ye Fan's vaccine has anti-virus effect, but why are those people on the Internet upside down? It seems there is a conspiracy!"

While everyone was whispering, Leslie was in trouble again.


Why does this painful multiple choice question always find itself?

I now announce that Ye Fan's second-generation vaccine is completely effective.

Then they definitely can't get 100,000 tons of JM raw materials. If they can't get it, they can't restore their prestige or save the lost face.

Then make your own place.

Think about it this way.

So painful, damn it!


Billion Technology Crystallization System

Billion Technology Crystallization System

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