Back to the 80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend

Chapter 1315 The bear child of that year has grown up

Youcheng, Panshan Road.

This is a remote road leaning against a mountain, with a very dangerous location. There have been many accidents, big and small. It is rumored that there are many horror and supernatural incidents here.

Generally few people come here, even in the daytime, under the sunlight, it feels gloomy.

However, at night, this road is still very attractive to the second generation ancestor of the Youcheng Racing Party and others.

In the middle of the night, the winding mountain road and the spacious road are very lively.

More than a dozen luxury cars were parked on the road halfway up the mountain, laughter, beatings and scolding, passionate singing and chaotic sounds intermingled.

Men and women gathered together, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, and intensely discussing tonight's game.

Tonight's car race is of extraordinary significance.

When they were discussing, their eyes swept to the left from time to time, as if they saw something astonishing. Their eyes glowed with astonishing light, a look of love and unreachable gaze.

As far as their eyes can see, three sports cars are parked, a blue Ferrari, a silver Porsche, and a red Lamborghini, all of which are new luxury cars this year. Not to mention driving a lot, none of these three cars can be bought with money. Yes, all are limited editions worldwide.

There are all racing enthusiasts present, and they have a soft spot for sports cars.

The moment these three luxury cars appeared, everyone's eyes could not wait to stick to them.

If they didn't estimate the identity of the car owner, they really wanted to touch it. The beautiful curves and the enchanting colors are like a peerless Sleeping Beauty, which makes people passionate.

In front of the sports car under the gaze of several people, three men with outstanding looks, each with their own characteristics, or sunny, handsome, handsome and calm, were smoking a cigarette, and they were whispering something in a relaxed manner.

Compared with other unruly young men and women around, these three youths have a little more nobleness. It is only the heritage of a great family that can cultivate the bearing that the heirs should have.

There are four major families on the bright side of Youcheng, the Mu family, the Wancheng family, the Han family, and the Yin family.

In fact, there are eight major families, and the other four families have almost no sense of existence in a low-key manner.

However, in the past few years, they have gradually become active in the public eye.

The four remaining families are the Xuanyuan family, the Tang family, the Qin family, and the Lan family.

Among the three young people who stood out tonight, there was Xuanyuan Clan's grandson, Xuanyuan Ying.

His face was cold and serious, and his body was full of alienation, which made people stop.

Standing beside him, dressed in black, the handsome and calm man was the third young master of the Tang family.

The man at the farthest, a handsome young man with a cigarette in his mouth, if Gu Jin was here, he would definitely recognize this arrogant child.

Bai Lian, a relative of the Mu family.

Back then, this kid offended Gu Jiajie's secretary Wei Yan, and his cousin got into a fight with Bai Lian's gang.

Bai Lian's attitude was very arrogant when he beat someone. Gu Jin took action and taught him a lesson. Finally, it was Mu Zifan, the eldest son of the Mu family, who negotiated and took the person away successfully.

Five years have passed, and even though the bear child of that year was full of stubbornness and stubbornness, the wildness in his bones still exists.

However, in the past few years, Bai Lian no longer lingered in the land of wind and moon, and no longer fought and fought. After the elder cousin took him away back then, he slapped him hard, and he became more honest after the fight.

Many bad habits have also changed, except for racing.

He likes the pleasure brought by racing too much, the floating feeling that is so intense that his soul trembles, which makes him addicted and can't stop.

"Master Bai, everyone is here, when will we start?"

A fat, smiling man came over, with a bit of respect in his flattering tone.

Although Bai Lian was a relative of the Mu family and not a direct line of any of the eight major families in Youcheng, his status was very influential in this circle.

Even Tang Xuan, the third young master of the Tang family, and Xuanyuan Ying, the grandson of Xuanyuan's chief son, would call him Liange.

How dare they disrespect him, these little bastards.

Hearing this, Bai Lian chuckled softly, "Get ready, I'll be here."


The fat and white man turned around and trotted away.

Staring at the figure running up and running like a penguin, Bai Lian raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled, looking very happy.

He took a deep breath of the cigarette in his hand, and the smoke lingered in the dark night, and slowly exhaled from the corner of his cold lips.

The slender fingers holding the cigarette flicked lightly, and the remaining half of the cigarette in his hand was thrown on the ground several meters away.

Bai Lian stretched out his hand and patted it, standing on Tang Xuan's shoulder beside him: "Tonight is my last game, I won't come in the future, our brother will play the last game, even as a souvenir."

Tang Xuan's face was calm, his dark eyes were fixed on Bai Lian, a little smile flashed in his eyes, and his tone was teasing: "After so many years, you are still so cowardly."

They were of the same age and played well. No one in the circle knew that Mu Zifan, the eldest son of the Mu family, was Bai Lian's nemesis, just like that mouse meets the cat.

As for who is the mouse and who is the cat, it is clear at a glance.

Being laughed at, Bai Lian didn't get angry, he stood up straight from the car and shrugged helplessly.

"No way, the horror of my eldest cousin, you can't imagine it at all."

A few months ago, Bai Lian had a minor car accident, not too serious.

Even so, he spent a hundred years in bed before being released from the house.

After Cong Bailian got into a car accident, Mu Zifan gave a direct order to kill him, not allowing him to race again.

If it was Bai Lian from five years ago, he wouldn't care about this. My lord, if I like racing, I'll just go racing, and don't worry about me when I come here.

Unfortunately, this was not when he was arrogant five years ago.

Since enjoying the inhuman abuse and spiritual training from his eldest cousin, Bai Lian is too aware of the cruelty of his cousin.

If he is disobedient once, the elder cousin may give him a severe warning.

The second time he was disobedient, he slapped the belt directly, and then slapped him when he got started, just like he slapped him in death.

Disobedient three times...

Bai Lian raised his head and looked up at the starry sky at night, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

His fingertips trembled slightly, his expression desperate, and he didn't want to recall the consequences of disobedience for the third time.

Under the gazes of Tang Xuan and Xuanyuan Ying, Bai Lian sneaked back with one hand and touched his buttocks with some fear.

It was so painful, and when I think about it, it still feels like purgatory on earth.

Bloody, painful, blooming... Countless fireworks surged up.

It was even crazier than drag racing, and the helplessness of both body and mind floating in the sea.

He had to be cowardly.

For a whole month, under the brutal education of his elder cousin, he was physically and mentally exhausted.

If you are not honest, you have to do it all over again.

Five years ago, the disaster he caused in Ye Tiantian, if not for his big cousin, he would not be able to get out of Ye Tiantian's gate at all.

For Bai Lian, Mu Zifan is his nightmare and the guiding light of his life.

It was a part of his life that he could never let go of.

If it wasn't for Mu Zifan, Bai Lian would probably have been eating, drinking, and having fun all his life, and he would have been in a mess.

In the end, it's just a waste.

He is doing things with his eldest cousin now, and he is a person anyway, and he will be called Bai Shao wherever he goes.

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